Tulsa World from Tulsa, Oklahoma (2024)

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Tulsa Worldi

Tulsa, Oklahoma

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TULSA DAILY WORLD RIDAY MAY 14 1954 LATE REACTION! BOND PRICES NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE fiver LOWERS MART 10 1 4a ine 43 1 02 0 ifi 9 io: 48 each bond: 2 8 9 4 9 4 2 June 84 70 2 )0 igh wi ien ine 72 4 2 a r8 dr 3 4 ri au de noi a es 91 mi nme Business Sep 98 Briefs av IIS today is $1361 according to a Questionnaires on tuition fees nn r'fv Grninc ram and board answered by 280 anSQS 32 El 36 AMERICAN STOCK PRICES 0 inr 2H CATTLE: On meager Thursday 4 Close 2 vira Rv 2flv4 VA I lun wii uithu auukiuuj sVtfRy'pf 2fiiu 'supply prices generally steady 2 Si 29 32 NM 00i an 8 4 11 A 15 2 in I Hi 35 91 CORi 0 12 Mf 2 78 6 Ai mu 8 IG 12 37 2 3 25 9 4 2 in 2 34 mu What's lOi (pod ot Wrong lit 22 NY Cotton utures 11 6 els 1 Here? i a 13 2 almost three pounds of fob farm Mus pnnkjnc hern a 1 un 21 De vOOKK Iltll 3l Man 3514 Oct INVESTMENT TRUST BANK INSURANCE range 8 70 995 mostly SB50 18 W14 3 iiVri mvvau uiuauy 1 area: Market ateady demand fair broilers and fryers 21Vjfe22 I Mt SO BOUlMR PWON( 2 151 nt nt 91 8 7 Kan Kan Kan 82 67 101 61 2 61 59 5 2 2 58 a 11? 571 450 1449 2 VVestABrk 84 West? El 87 33 148 46 A A 6 3 2 3 0 Ri lb 3 8: 5 14 67 2 68 63 69 64 192R 8 1920 hut 24 2 222 news wei 35 33 July Oct 28 2 SI 2S Ifl 13 2 34 2 1R 2 4 224 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 9 4: Dee June De 9 54 21 24 14 94 13 14 611 2 4 21 anAi TTll 5 16 34 14 45 1389 228 128399 1820 1732 145 744 1470 3381 13 3 2 12 10: 38 56' 2 6 4 2 48 23 30 2 1RM 19 9 Hl a U3 196 201 15 47Vi 64 Close 1 98 a 3 I Ofi 201 Id 8 Ltd I Pf Cp Stl Ind Ch Strfl 186 67 J1W4 19 43 106 107 67 28 15 Kingsi 9 Kingsi 1014 I Sep (ct Nov 35 Vn El Pw10 Vo EP pf 10 4 11 1 16 50 59 2) Pac Pae Pac 2 0 5 0 6 Ka igSa ON oy mm Pf Pf th CAS! Acme Airlin Auto a vial ash klk( 1 Corn Ma sold sold 42 13 14 2IM Low 1 IS 19 ir 5 ShdiW 1 Sceman50 SclbvSI: Sc a 2 SnawW 9 oCp 25 Slk 7W 301 4 32' 5 100 i 66 15Mi R4V 11M 34' 7H 1 UM B8W 63 26W 1994 12 18 25V4 16V4 103W 104V 234 69'4 104H follow through as had char advancing ses 8 7 50 40 16 40 39 17 474 4 '4 6W 21 4 124 U1 284 94 22 27 679 258 255 1192 105 9 154 17 9 17 2514 38 10 64 9 65 16 44 33'4 33'4 85 It 55 16nrf lOnrf nShn! rltn Caz 64az 64 am 3 67'4 48 20 14 20 93 91 19 51 8 89 13'4 19 13 9 68 87'4 5 21 13'4 25'4 21 5i a Inly sen 1 5 ran 5 a 10 Indurt 5'4 69 5 80 63 3 72 3 72 2 12 30 Pl 2 2 1 W) 1 5 I 1 rk rn khgAi 6294 104' 03 101' 6 4 93 STOCK AVEKACES Bj The AHoclated Tress dy Pet Gas 51 56 6 eva El 6 26 57 27 7 18 100 29 111(11 10129 I 1021(1 10 2 0 i 10241021210616 10 1100221002210816 IM 210221014 2 28 9926 2 24 9922 22 22 7 44 11 III null St 111 bulloclt und Canada Gen Canadian I'd Century Shr Tr Chemical und comwith invest Concord Cong Integt Tr 31 24'4 89 10 105 33 66 97 9V 1 2 58 62 59 62 9 65 60 7l 8 I i 26 tn 36 1 ho 69 23 31 17 Ad 26' i Cin 57 Pr Eq 37 Pub Sv 3 Pub Vt 30 6 93T 5 75R 5 95G 5 96M 4 2010 4 75 WV 4 80 SW 5 80 10V on ior 9I 94' 88 65 6 'i 84 81 5 40 63101 44108 10 24 87 18 74 52 7 31 20 32 47 G4E G1E 54 55 51 5 5 60 55 5 8 5 56 59 5 5R BONDS Close Un 'IV 0 years ago 12826 Jan 1 to dale $348742 1953 to date $320958 1952 tn date $266735 OU pf 1 Oats pf St Oil Piet Thea ire As A Mf ire Vnmn Am Cas Hamp din 2'4 8 1 Vn Gas Cp 494 72 105 1117 96 81 83 a Co I cro Stri raw El Hinrvre Ke AB Travelers id At 8 ira Weatch'ler INVESTING 145'4 4 1 32 3 14 59: 1114 74'4 56 Pen5 Pen 5 Phil 5 Phil 1 Phil 1 Phil 28 Phillips 1 10 Puh SEC 3 63 2 Pub SEG 3 72 Rrarlg 3'4 81 iwcr a a lav (a I Alpf A' Am en Keystone: Cust 1 cuat diet Cust Cult Cust Me 5 55 Me 5 67 Me 4'4 70 53 Me 4 60 74 Delaware und 1765 Divers Growth Std 855 Divers invest Diversified Tr Dividend Shr Dreyfus Eat It How Hal Enl A How Stk 8: Snhilnmc 1 Penin 10 Pen Pf 2820 Penin pf 24'4 COWS $850 to 1150 commercial bulls sold to 1450 Good to choice sThugh sold from $18 to 21 9814 35'4 2184 1'8 81 Close 41 10 6 71 19 i 8'4 24 50 CnlotSo 2pf 50'4 ai i oi era a 17 Cp! Brd 99 Col Gas 28 Col Pict20 ColPict pf39Col Carh nCnt nCnl Cyl Dairv Str nistiif Dist pf 91 Gyps 29 17 Eox I IK Gatin 3 Gellm 21 Gen 2 Gen 21 Gen 8 2 14 1062 745 810 5 49 381 106105 77 106 91 97 106130 103 Jrdpf Coil Pd G1E on Oil on on Ry TULSA DAILY LIVESTOCK May 24'4 11'4 19 58 1(H 61 104 18 I 84 a 1 19 9 39 64 160'4 41 40 21 22 32 15 36 26 112 25 143 hlahnr irmness In old crop soybeans was not 1 SOjbascd on any particular news item largely 19 41 9'4 34 81 56'4 10 34 19'4 25 42 21 96 104 161 104 113 77 35'4 33'4 87 11 12'4 63 80 88 41 9 15 22 27 16 20 8 14 46 18 33 433 18 5 23 8 39 18 52 86 14 61 81 18 7 34 30'4 41 34 25 35'4 163 47 128 13 167'4 62 34 108 39 37 106 25 I 714 34 91(4 65 1 12 40 29 18 50 14'4 163 5514 6 64'4 70 22'4 21 12 27 24 16 76 34'4 26 10(1 27 50 21 83 8 6141 16 42 14 18 56 22 15 3 2514 999 998 996 1001 959 1001 974 59 32 44 68 16 41 13 2154 46 99 49 82 85 64 73 58 56'4 105 98'4 75 95 34 Calvf'AC 44 46 CdnAtlOil 41 Cdn Willis 10 CrtnMarc 45 CansoNatGs 30 CansoOdPd 3 CapTrans 1 CareyBAK 133 Carman75 Carnation60 CarPAlpl 77 CarrC'Bisc 5 Castle AM 20 Catalin 17 CencoCp 34 CenExpler 6 CenturyEI 3 CessnaAir 1 ChambAm 10 CharterOtil 4 CherryBur 350 Chescbrou 4 ChicfC Mng 6 ClrcleW 2 ClarkCnn 4 clarnstMf 63 iaudeNe 1 ClayALam 168 CoastCOIls 3 ColonialAirl 9 Coioniald 1 ColtsMfg 1 Commodft 2 Comm PSV 15 ConEngin 19 ConGasllt 44 ConMng 8 CnnAvAEn 6 ContComl 50 CookPtAV 5 CornucGM 1 CorARey 14 CreolePet 14 CrownCPet 50 CrnCklnA 11 CubASug50 CurtlsMf I llaiteh CD 1 Davcnn 2 Day Mines I Den Mfg A 1 1 airrh 9 4 1 2 2' 10 1'nGasCp 3 71SVirg Ry 3 2 Wabash 4 91 1 Wabash 4 81 6Walwth 3 76 1 Shore 4 2361 2W Shore 4 2361 1 West Md 4 69 4 West Un 5 60 2 Wheel Stl 3 70 2 en 29 9 4 WIs Cen 4 2004 5 I Rl I I A 15 AUSI II A 60 6 22 101 9 15 19 26 34 33 29 28 85 18'4 1419 100 10 10214 26 10 120 8 16 10624 1038 10028 10028 10824 10328 1028 101 in 10018 1002 100 9930 12 7 7 86'4 111 9 Nat 23 Nat 19 Nat 76 Nat 7 Nat 52 Nat 20 Na Gyp pf 101 38 Nat Lead 4410 Na Ld pfA 179'4 a mat 6 Nat 24 Nat 39 Nat 110 Nat 40 166 64 43'i '4 17 18 2(1 12 65 50 65 39 21 12 32 28 12 17 20 103 32 15 WestonlIn 23 9 Wheel Stl 32'440 WheelStl pf 8414 7 White Mot 31 220 White pf 90 a mte sew 4 Wilcox Oil 29 WilsonACo 10 WinnAImv 422W1SEP rt 422 aa wisccit 19 Wise Sv 3 Wondwrri tr 60 Woolworth 9 Worthlngtn 1 Wrigley 33 Wyan Wor 8 YalcATow 43 YorkCorp 1 York pf 1 YoungSW 30 YngstShT 3 Yngst Dr 5 Zenith Rad 68Zonlte Pd 5 OhioOil 1 OklaGE 108 Olivcrt'p 140 Olivcrpf 10 Omnibus 3 OtlsElcy20 Outlet 6 Overland 8 OwcnsCnc 24 OwcnsIUGl 2'1 PahioTd 3 PacAmish20 PacCoast 21 Par 28 Pac 18 Pac 8 Pac 330 Pac 9 58 90 63 1011 30 9 56 44 46 42 53' 52 4 Vskng Cp 4 Vulcn 3 Wlilrf RRpf 25 Walgrn 6 Walk 10 Walwrth 25Wrd Bak50 WrdB pf 5 Wrddell 22 Win BPie 9 Wrn Hud warn 32 Warn 4 Wash 17 Wash 5 Way Knit 3 Wess OS50 Wes OSpf 12 West In 6 Ky Coal 8 Pen El80 PPrnPpfC 4 WVaCoal 100 Gen Plv 84 Ger S50 Ga Pw 22 Giant 300 Glad 11 Gin Aid 29 70 107 18 31 9 18 28 35 107 36 34 10 10 309 52 119 60 38 25 64 19 29 1 14 2 4 31 29 59 1" 4144 15 17 30 Pac Pac Pac Pag Pae 22 1318 44 27 2 4 100 43 99 43 97 97 25 10 63 11 26 81 Cal Ind NJ Oh Eq in GA El Leg Mills TAT 123 70 PaeTAT pf 10 Pac Tin 32 Pac Oil 73 Packard 2 Pan Am Pct 74 PanAW Air 21 Panh PL 80 PanEPIpl 102 44 Panh (hi 11 Param Pct 41 Parke Da shares 1 year ago 304 180 ires 4W 108 10RU 21Mi 944 6RM 100 156 8R RM 6R 17'4 2230' 22T K2M 74 18G3' 28 102 22'4 2 2WJ 6 laiiius anuu icw gnnn ano cnoice ha aa pound springers 2725 good and choice 97 11)3 pound shorn lambs mostly No 1 skins 2300 25s cull to good shorn slaughter ewes 450 550 14 1 17 2 Det Gray I 1 2 Det SU Pd 24 87 DevonL Oils 1 3 inverscy 4 Dobeckm 3 Dome Exnl 8 Domcst in 2 Dem Tar 7 Draper 12 DrlllAExpl 2 Duke Pw 17 Dumont LA 1 Duraloy 8 Hum Test 4 Duval Sul 17 Esl 175 East pf 26 East Sta Cn 50 Sta pfA 161 25 Sta pfB 146 1 Easy WshB 35 BondAS 4 alectroera 20 EmpDEIpf 102 rqtuiy i Hr Am In 24 A I pf 106 A Tian Bak 10 pf 110 21 12 71 34 19 Lin Mai Steel Simply Sup pf Tea 190 NstThea 1 NchiCp 4 Nelsncr 2 Newberry30 Newhcrpf 40 NcwEnpEl 13 Newmont 14 Newptlnd 9 NewptNSh 6 NYAirBrk 50 NYCentral 17 NYChASI 2 NYChASL 10 NVCOmnib20 NY Dock10 NYDockpf 2 NYNHAHar 3 NYNUAHpf 12 NYShipbd 11 NYStaEAG 64 NiaMPw 4 NopcoCh 30 NorflWest 4 Noi fWestpf 110 NoAmAv 31 NoAmCo 27 NorNGas10 NnNGaspf 158 NorPac 18 NorSfaPw20 NSPwpf 21 NorthropA 74 NwstAirlln 15 NwstApf 23 NorwichPh II OhloEdis20 OhEdpf 100 OhEdpf 2135 2703 2059 1193 1946 069 121 99 30 40 46 10 i 22 18 13 57 4b 22 27 16 37 2 23 12 25 48'4 50 a 18 1014 24 29 24 9 17 60400 It KO Thea 36300 Loew's 29700 Pitts A Va 22000 Dow Chem 19100 Am Radiator 19000 Nat Thea 18100 Celanese 1 17400 Steel 16900 Balt Ohio 16500 St Regis Pan 15900 Chi St A Pae 15400 Studebaker 15600 Gen Dynamic ii iwu worm rai 15300 Bulling 1 75 29 9 37 16 17 im A Thurs Wed 464 445 299 1208 120 9 2 76 1 I lis 1 80 MavDSt pf 9430 Stay pt new 1)5 zz Maytag a mi 3 Mi 26 Mi 12 Mi 2 Mi 5 3 Mi 10 Mi Lell Str 8 McQtiavNor 3 Mead Cp 10 Melv Shoe 10 Mengel 2 Merc Str 42 Merck 1 Met cv pf 9 Merc Lino 25 Mor Ch A 21 ll siesta Stell 30 Met Ed pf 95 23 Miami Con 26 is mia on 44 MiddleSUt 2 MidlStIPd 1 Midw Oil 18 Min Hon 6 Min Mol 1 MinM 2 nf 85 Min A St 14 MinSPASSM 9 11 Minn mam 10 Minn PAL 23 Mission Cp 26 Mission Dv 16 Miss Riv 24 Mo Kan Tex 8 40 MoKT PI 15 qMoPac pf 12 Mohawk 2 Mojud 19 Monarch 29 Monsan Ch 32 Mon Ut 40 Mont Oil 3 Mont Pw 143 Mont Ward 15 Moore Me 3 Morrell 4 Motor Pd 27 Motorola 15 Mueller Br 9 Mullins Mf 9 Munsingw 2 Murnhv 10 Murphy pf 107 is Murray ip 1 Mur Cn pf 1 an rsai 4 Nal 21 Nal 1 10 22 5 28 41 57 13 11 3 8 33 A 5 2030 84 A 480 87 69 TAT 3 65 130 TAT 3 64 131 TAT 3 63 128 TAT TAT TAT TAT TAT Tob plant will produce about 75 rpfinod oowdered sulphur a 1'he construction contract has let to the American Sulphur 1 efining Co of Los Angeles 4 69 4 81 Or 4 1 2 86 2 61 6 56 5 94 4 56 3 82 109 74 99 2 74 99 loan Low 3446 3417 3418 3432 3431 3399 3308 CORPORATION Sales In 11000 3 Allied Chm 3 78 101 11 Alum Can 3 70 106 32 Am 67 Am 65 Am 3 Am 2 Am 1 Am 39 Am Am 2 Am 17 Am 2R Am 1 Ain Tob 3 Ana Lau 1 Ann Arbor 4 95 5 Atchison 4 95 5 Atl Cst 2 Atl Refin 34 27 Atl Refin 2H jn 2 42 11 23 7 1 17 2 Bell Pa 5 60 2 Ben Ind 2la 5 Beth Stl 2 70 5 Bos 1 Box Bos 1 nn RCanNstRv 4Vit 3 CanNatlly 4Va 57 107H zu van 14 1 Cen 3 Con 15 Cen 5 Chi 4 15 16 3'4 3 5 16 4' 2 12 17 SI 1 1 SingerlMf Sonomne So 2 So 6 SnPor 1 SCE4 1 4 SCI 4 98122 99 97 96 101 101 93 62 123 79 66 Ry Sig 26 neaity i Hefrac i Shor i SC pf i Tel I Tel wl i Tire i lire pf Pac Ply 59 2 24 41 12 14' 31 20 110 15 8 Tung Snl pf 16 1 rweniifx 4 Twin City60TwinC pt 2 Tidy lite 10 Underwd 5UnAsb 27VnBag 39 UnCarbid 2 UnElMo 61 TlnOilCal 10 UnPac 20 Un Pac pf adequate test of market ona load high choice 1147 pound fed steera 2475 lew gond and choice helfere and mixed lings 1900 2360 utility and commercial enwa 1250 1450 earners and ruttcra 1000 1250 bulls 1450 dawn: good and choice vealers 2000 2200 bulk good to choice killing calves 500 pounds down 1800 2000 HOGS 1600: active: barrows and gilts 108 105 100 110102 76 65 97 97 82 109 61 98 80 30 WehhAKnf 2 WrntwthMfiOWTcxtitpf 4 WLeasehid 250 Westmine50 WeybcrgStt 6 Whirlpool 4 WhlteAutS 100 WhltASnf 7 WIchltROIf 54 WilrlrhPet 2 WoodleyPel 1 VViwIwfld 5WrlghtHr 1 13 16 Total stock sales inaav aauuou Total stock 1 4 $4 A a HltUVS Aberdeen Affiliated Am Bus Shr Am Mut Axe Houghton A Axe Houghton Axa Jughton Stk mi the Connecticut Mutual Life In surance Co of Hartford Aetna Cao Aetna Ina Aetna Life Agricultural Am Auto Ami Equity Am I'ld A Css Am Ins Am lle Ins Am Suerty Bank Ship Boston Ins Camden ira Conn (len ('imlin Css Crum A or Emplny Gr 1'rdernl Ins ire Assn hem lrein Nwk Gen Reinsur Glens alls Globa A Rep Globe A Rut Gt Am Ins Gulf Ufa Ins 14 26 12 27'1 42 12 20'4 12 11 8i 18 102 ncix OS'OUJ 7 sales of cotton cloth and more optimistic sentiment on the cotton export situation Both mill and foreign buying was reported In new crop months Trade buying supported old crop July 8 41 129 13 22" 83 7 A LOS ANGELES Western Air Lincs Inc reported its net income for the first 3 months of 1954 was $170881 equal to 24 cents a share This compares with $92533 and 13 cents a share for the same pe riod in 1953 6 12 12 13 29 22 100 4 2 2 4 29 3 8 8 62 49 30 8 48 16 8 3618 43 47 7 41 15 18'4 41 17 6 29 42 16 26 31 43 51 44 13 4 68 17 59 late short covering i Clean and peel fruits and vege tables on paper for easy disposal of the peelings No mess to clean from th sink 3tl Industrials 20 Rails 15 Utilities 231(1011(1 shares JOKimbClkpf 4 KlngSecl 9 Koppers40 Koppcrspt 10 KrcsgeSS 7 Kress SH 15 Kroger 8 LaeledeGas 2 Lambert 10 LaneWells 6 Lee Rub AT 3 LeeaASona 23 LehighCAN 13 LehPortC 1 LehValCoal 2 2 LehVC2pf 16 LehValRR 19 Lehman 19 LernerStr 14 LOGIasg 14 LlbMcNAL 1 LifeSav 31 LlggAMy40 LiggMypf 3 LinkBelt 51 LlonOil 6 LfnnelCp 11 LlquidC 82 Lot khAirc 364 30 LnneSCem 120 LoneSGas 8 LoneSGpf 5 iaingBellA 81 UngUlIt 22 lairillar nf 2 Lou A 45 12 Lou A Nas 68 25 Lowenstein 3310 Lowcnsi pt 100 a iiiKens an 2 MAM Wd 2 MacAApf I 25 MickTntck 6 Macy20 Macy pt 6 MadSqGar 2 Macle Chef 15 Magma Cop 38 6 Magnavnx 171 Manati 4 12 MandellBros 5 12Manh Shirt 25 25 Marae Oil 62 Maratnon 10 Marine Mid 2 MarMId pf 1 MarqCcm MirshElrld 4(1 Martin 21 12 Mart rar 15 Masonite 7 Mister El 88 Mathi'hem 54 54 14 22 78 47 II ColASOh El 28 7 omn ring 23 Coml Cred 111 Coml Solv 66 Comw Ed 2ComEd pf 39 Com Ed nf 2 Conde Nast 7 31 Conn Mills 21 20 Cnngnleum 18 27 Cnn Copp 10 29 Con Edis 43 1 ConEdls pf 108 1 Con ond 14 19 Cnn GE 2930ConGE pfB 11130 CnnGE pfC 100 1 Cnn liund 13 11 Con Gas 63 1 CnnRTlCub 8 Con Ret St 6 in on text 21 ConsiimPw60 CnnPwpf 1 260 ConPwpf 1 7 Container lOn Containrpf 7 rontRak 190 ContBakpf 9 ContCan 1 CtCanpf 60 CtCancvpf 11 CnnfCnpgS 9 ContDia 14 ConlDia 13 Contlns 35 ContOil 2 ContStl 5 CoopBcss 100 CnpperRng 9 CnpwStl 310 CnmExeh 36 CornPd20 CornPd nf 14 CorncllD 13 CornlngGl 55 CosdenPet 3 Cotylnc 16 Cotylntl CraneCo 2 CrmofWh 49 CrownCork 17 CrownZell90 CrownZpf 6 CrucStl 2 CrncStlnf20 CubaRRpf 8 CtlbAmSug 6 CudahvPk 9 CunnoPrcaa 31 CurtisPuh10 CurPubpf 1 CurPubnrpf 55 CurtissWr 1 CurtissWrA 2 CullerH 13 DanaCp 14 DavisonCh 10 DavisChpf 66 Daystrom 10 DaytPAL10 DayPLpfA 5 DaytonRub 42 DeccaRcc 20 DeepRkOil 31 Deere 1 Dcerepf 2 DelAHud 24 16 DelPAL 9 DenARGW 1 DnRGWnf 18 DerbvOil 20 DctEdis 2 DetStICp 1 DeVilbiss 5 DevARayA 3 DiamAlk 320 DiamAlkpf 1 DiarnMat 5 DlaMatpf 12 DiaTMnt 4 DlanaStr 26 DlsCScag 2 DivcoCp 7 Dlxlefup37 DonieMin 13 DougAirc 19 DougAWl 220 DowChem 69 Dress Ind 23 Duplan 42 du Pont 2 du Pont 1 du Pont 36 Duq I 4 Duq Ltin Dun Lt 11 DWG Cig Philippine Trade Bill WASHINGTON May 13 tf Sen wasn saia Thursday legislation will reach congress riday to extend for 18 months the terms of the Philippine trade act 35 26 24 23 31'4 11 I 7 vniCenr alb 'daPumn imu ill There was not much lent aiu ansas tmen 198 I 92 il 200 31 26 14 46 104 24 81 17 12 5 8 1132 501 320 2030 675 1712 2136 4163 2197 3095 1583 3121 985 6975 2538 889 843 778 565 1535 757 697 509 971 1220 2400 22se 481 11 1 cde 900 irr Ai 4 irth 2 II itz I 7 I'lvini 8 I oral25 'imlt 31 I ord 7 oru hi Ch Air AW 4 84 105 3 84 101 3 79 101 2 76 99 3 87 3 75 100 1111'4107 'u101 92 104100 911 98 83 113 8 22 14 99 54 25 21 46 733 1105 206 1138 3447 2829 1087 279 4200 953 735 681 2209 2136 6748 595 ewnm end IvAnril ancumtmd hv lUGHl UUV4 ns colleges in all parts of the United States show that costs have in creased an average of 6 per cent since 1919 when the Connecticut Mutual made a similar survey Tuition fees and books now aver age $169 In 1919 it was $143 Board and room has jumped to $587 from $533 Ilk Am NT A SA Bk of Man Bk of Bankers Tr Chase Nat Cham Bk A Tr c*nt Bk A Tr it font ill Chi Corn Exch Empire Tr st Nat Boa I st Net Chi Nat Guaranty Tr Hanover Bk Irving Tr Kings County Tr Manuf Tr Nall City NY Trust Public Nat Trust INSURANCE JCItv S'r it riirk 4 Cloy El 1" rv i v'P snl rtvltd rttmn Mo aec'int dSnC'Infd pf 4 riopaV rtnoft Paa 5 Tong Coll MCo1 Pal'd 42 12 Colt A Aik 11 Si Colo 1r 18tn Colo A So 4760 CololSo Ipt 53 98 56 9 27 5211 45 62 16 38 91 9 47 2914 42'4 TOKYO riday May 14 Wl The Chinese Communist radio charged riday the United States was its top brass around in the ar East to rig up the southeast Asian aggressive A Peiping broadcast heard here said Gen James A Van leet former 8th Army commander in Korea had gone to South Korea increase Syngman ca pacity to embark on new ven by expanding the South Ko rean army The broadcast said Secretary of Defense Wilson on his current ar East tour would promote the bloc" in the Philip pines Nationalist Chinese ormosa and Korea the broadcast asserted "show the authori ties have no intention of discussing a peaceful settlement of the Korean question and the Indochina ques i tion at the Geneva 17 3 33 9 87 42 54 108 8 2 7'4 2 514 9 1 14 20 43 40 10 1214 6 30 1 1 8' 8 5 26 nunc 1068 1068 1066 1067 995 1(171 1032 KANSAS CITY May 13 ffl WHEAT: Un changed to 13 cents lower 75 cars No 3 iiatil and dark hard 224 231 No 3 22514 2 29 No 2 red nominal 21714 220 No 3 nominal 216'4 219 CORN: Nominally unchanged 102 cars No 2 white nominal 163 168 No 3 nominal 158 167 No 2 yellow and mixed 159'4 160 OATS: Nominally unrhangod to cents lower 2 cars No 2 white nominal 72 94: No 3 nominal 69 93 MILO MAIZE nominal 280 281 KAIR nominal 280283 RYE nominal 103 108 WHEAT UTURES: 3'wv 4n 4'4 4n 4 49 8 21 43 23 55 10 46'4 of continued substantial repossessions of cotton irotn me govcrnnieiu iiisu 3455 1425 3437 3441 3439 3408 1320 htlddllng spot 3525N Nomlnal Rld 2 2 2 2 2 174 105 176 206 208 135 217 217 232 243 249 250 250 250 2 5 25 2 5 2 19 15 45 8 71030 7 16 43 35 61 11 12 18 35 24 23 14 42'4 38 161 41'4 89 37 255 30 50 26 48 10 79 42 43 43 25 33 8 56 66 60 101 28 8 51 42 43 51 80 1205 1325 70'4 72'4 43 45 26 27 COMPANIES Bld Asked iur 828 421 1333 1013 1972 319 262 1030 2197 2557 2481 2651 993 1268 6958 2270 736 1319 3082 3 98 3 98 3 86 75 2022 2007 55 92 $14 to 38 utility grades $12 to 14 Utility and commercial cows sold from $1150 to 14 Most canner and cutter Utility and from $1250 CALVES: ter rnlvps Commercial to good $12 to 18 Good to choice veal calves sold from $18 to 20 Good to choice stocker calves and yearlings sold from $16 to 21 Medium to gooa 45 6 4 Th rd Av Tn 3 14Thmp fci 24 Thmp Str 8 Thmp St pf BTImk RBr 12 Toledo Ed 9 Trn WAlr 43 Trnsm 45 Tri Cont 190 Tri Cnt pf 4 Truax Tra 2 113 4 1 a 3 5 8 9 5 1 11 70'4 9 16 18 14 5 4 9 2 11 23'4 11 10 20 16 13 26 7 5 33 88 5 11 58 72 I 56 93 9 i 43 121 114 53 8 2148 306 4100 1036 806 746 2421 2309 7254 647 94 64 140 294 399 67 88 25 165 70 54 113 42 301 1461 2887 899 6625 2538 816 588 716 517 1412 693 638 466 891 138 2201 2087 445 1953 1953 2717 2477 1888 1093 1783 887 38 41 35 23 Close 3447 3417 3419 3434 343L32 ai oon 29 19 48 40 39 83 7 47 25 57 21 42 12 67 6 379 480 340 379 583 530 456 799 2257 2039 3106 1539 813 1665 1391 tOi 2 979 are quoted 76 117 39 25 21 77 10 1 972 682 769 502 349 562 1219 457 292 1878 825 1678 1967 81 115117 76 70 49 49 32 31) 55 91 68 73 38 62 9 75 75 ai 1 2 nC 2 2 10 Rl 1 I 28 24 165 20 65 36 in 29 57 6i 36 33n 2 14 30Vj Kansas Citv Livestock race Buying aupponea oia crop uuin kamcac city frnv (APIKDA3 denWn dellvemtterTwere a7so CATTLE: 500' cMves 50 licdj uilrong rautioua about the July situation in vlewihardly enouRh of any Ben tonvil le toName arm amily of Year 115 45 42 13 15 1M1 '12 Cater Trac 49 181 ecianese lno Celan pf 1 10 Celan evpf 24 4 nf 1 Con Aguir 63 Cen dv 3CenGa Ry 7 Cen GR pf 12 On Hud WConHI PS1 ni a 1 CRRNIB 28 Cen SW 1 Century Rib 19 cor do Pas 122 rt teed 1 Chain 4 Chnmn Pan 81 ChaneeVAlr 3 Gi bel Inc40 Gdch Sug nu iui 42 Gol 1 Goi 1 (ir 12 Gt Am Ind25 Gt nf 14 Gt I 2 tin 1fi Grid 150 Grins 1 Hh 4 Hall 1150 Hmn 2 llav Ha JO He 120 Rei 14 Um 5 Ho 2 Ho 2 Ho 20 HmtH 12 Humbie 10 Hy 1 Hy 130 Illi 28 Im 5 Im00 Im 250 Ins 32 IntP 2 1 nt Prod20 Inti int 2 Ironk 4 Jeanne 52 Joi 11 Jmmei IN 500 Kennei high 957 986 980 807 low 906 943 924 (85 May Jly (hard! Jly Sept (hard) Sep Dec (hard) 14 55 13 19 21 36 109 18 64 85 23 54 37 28 21 40'4 26 28'4 22 40 108 59 14 106 25 9'4 17 22 53 63 109 29 154 24 6'4 6'4 27 80 97 44 31 35 9 17 13 9 56 18 95 26 29 I 3 10 56 120 45 6 67 6 39 WASHINGTON The Treasury and ederal Reserve board Thurs day asked a 2 year extension of the authority to buy up to billion worth of securities directly from the treasury The authority expires July 1 It has been in existence for the past 2 years Randolph Burges deputy to the secretary of the treasury and William Martin chairman of the board of governors of the ederal Reserve system told a senaje Total New York stock sales today 2340 OOO shares Previous day 2210000 Week ago 1979570 Month ago 2204820 Year ago 1208210 Two years ago 1045330 Jan 1 to dale 172724509 1953 to date 153 025040 1952 to date 133176167 28 Gen1 Gen10 Gen i5 Gen 100 Gen LOT Gen1 Gen It Gen80 Gen 4 Gen 156 Gen 4 Gen 73 Gen 106 Gon 10 Ccn 19 Gen 1 Gen 7 Gen 1 Gen 60 Mills pf 123 122 Gen Motors 70 1 Gen Mo pf 125 1 Mot pf 99 ien 3 Gen 28 Gen 6 Gen 27 Gen 1893 GenPU rt wl 64 in ien 6 Gen 3 Gen 8 Gen 250 Gon 26 Gen 15 Gen 30 Gen20 Gen 15 Ga I 18 Gillette 4 Gillette pf 112 si ifimnei 1 Glmbel pf 12 Glean Harv 7 Glidden 3 Goebel Br 12 GoodallSan 11 Goodrich 15 Gnndvear 2i Gotham Itos 5 3150 Gould 59 48 Grace Co UGrah I'alga 184 23 Grand Un 34 32 Gran Stl 15 3 Gran CS pf 92 Grant 36 8 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK May 13 UP) Advances Declines Unchanged Total issues New 1954 highs New 1954 lows ifteen Must Active Stocks Toda 6 15 22 38 6 9 4 21 26 14 14 33 31 20 71 43 26 160 10 I 67 41 20 19 32 77 39 22 29 13 61 82 50 7 I 24 7 30'4 37 47 23 31 62 13 14 NEW YORK May 13 OT ollowing is complete list of stock transac jns on the New York Stock Exchange: 28 3 2 33 120 2 9 40 144 1 28 Net Hid Asked Change Yld a 1001 none 835 8J1 833 829 790 835 606 19 114 71 16 20 6 26 57 I 13 22 17 25 I 7 I 16 30 26 9 Checker Cab 5 1 Chea Cp Va 31 gui nea vn 2C''esiO nf I CM ago Cn I 6 MAE HI A I 9 Chi Gt I 4CMGIW pf 3 CbllnitVA 6 CM Ind 8 lB Jan yr ciMKW'nl jn PM NW ri i V'V 120 25 31' 4 96 31 44 22 26 56 23 8 32 9 SI 3 24 StertEng 5 sterllne 9 Stinnos 2 Stoock 2 SunriseSup IOOTalnnA 200 TalonB 3 TampaEl 6 Technlco 2 ThewShov 53 ThiokolCh 2 ThorCp 2 TiloRonf 2 Tlshlteal 1 ToddShpyd 1 ToklanRny 125 TolednEdpf 4 TransEm 2 TransLux 143 TriCnntwt 100 TrueTsmp 7 I'nexcellCh 2 UnlnnOCan 5(1 UnoilCalpi10 UnSkYdOm 9 1'nltAIrcPd 100 UnitElaa 30 UnNJRR 47 UnitShoeM40 UnltShMpf 16 USAlrCond 101'SInish25 USlnishpf 19 VSolJB 7 UStlntSee25 USIntSpf 8 USRadlatnr 1 USHubllecl 3 Unitstores 2 UtahldSug 6 Valpsr 1 VanAIStl 1 VenezSyn 3 VenezPet 5 VineoCp 550 ValrtCAC 1 VogtMfg 1 WalttAlid 200 WaittABdpf 2 WallareAT 7WaRhmWtch 1 27WebbAKnap 130 WebhSKnf 156 3 102 17 2'11 8 20 5 41 11 I 1 XfcWT AiCAR fJ Harris Upham A Co High Low Close 3I021 31039 ltt IDVIt 107(18 IO8nt 57 '15 1669 5690 87 61 71 75 80 1 62 3 69 4 60 lightweight stock calves 1500 1900 dlum to good stock steers heifers 1300 common Stockers 700 900 cows 800 1100 CATVP irm: ton veals 2100 to choice vcalers 1500 2000: utility and commercial 1200 1400 plain and common calves 1000 1300: good to choice heavy calves 1700 2000 medium and plain heavies 1200 16tH) SHEEP: Steady top spring lambs 2650 weights over 260 pound scarce small number 140 170 pound weights to feeder buyers 2760 65 sows uneven steady to 50 higher at 2100 2350 choice light weights absent SHEEP 1200 active: steady choice to prime 72 87 pound trucked In native spring lambs 2800 few good and choice 65 81 ron World Wire Reports HARTORD The inKK Railroad freight vol held its recent advances i with loadings totaling Ct it cars the Assn of American Ri iroads reported Thursday Ti total for the week ended I May 28 was 29 cars above the pre I ng week but 117457 cars of 15 7 er cent below the same weekjast vear and 71905 cars or 10 per i nelow the same week 2 years go 9 51 31 97 32 6 12 DOW JONES AVERAGES Courtesy 341s 37 380 49 45 47'4 3 91 62 135 50 287 387 65 85 21 155 68 52 11" 4114 291 Him flld Asked 138 133 31 26 28 21 61 Joplin Livestock JOPLIN Mo May 13 OT HOGS: 2 5 Erie 4 2015 laECst 5 71 2 Gen Mot Aec 4 I 26 Gen Mot Aec 3 I 10 GrnBavW deh 6 Gulf MAO 2044R 5 Hack Wat 2 76 1H 5 Hud Coal 5 62 74 rfg 5 57 51 2 HudAM inc 5 57 20 8 Ill Bell Tell 2 81 97' 4 5111 Cen 5 55 101 30 Int GtN aj 6 52 12 IntGtN 1st 6 52 119 UlntGtN 5 56B 6 James AC 4 59 95'1 NEW YORK May 13 Cotton futures top lambs 2200 utility and good were steady Thursday Influenced by bclter iamb 1200 1500 cull to choice slaughterIntk onR ewnrn vnf I I lit I' nn A CA IxmIm aiienlintnel I I1H UU'A gglllisyis UIOVVUUIVM IV 19411 937 8031 21 332 110 51 49 32 no jor' i rm mi 11 28 5 6 8 18 10 KI50 KI 2 Ki 11 Kt 3 Krovuiis 1 Ki 8 LaeChrh 12 LakeShM 14" IamASess 42 Lear 2 Learpf5" Libabpf 8 IlilgeAShfp 1" La La nd 8 LvnchCp 2 Ofalnel'Sv 200 Mapes 4 MasseyHA it AieuonAtro 750 McKee 13 McWlliD 8 Mendjohn 1 Mcnaseo 24 McrnllPet 6 Mcsabllron 1 MetalTex 6 MichBumn 2 MIchSHT 2 Micromllna 6 MidStPet KMId WRef 2 MldwPip 4 MlnC'pCal) 25 Molvbden1" MonPwpf10 MnnPwpfC 3 MorrlsPI 10(1 MtVerWd 37 MtnStPw 200 MtnSITAT 20 MuntzTV 12 Muskl'RIng50 Muskog 1 Nsehmsn 5 NatAlfDeh ONatftclIH 18 NatnelG 2 1 Nat Hsrch 2 NatRubM 1 NatStanh 2 NatTrans 1 NatUnltad I NptuneLeM 32 NBrllDOII 560 NEngTAT 3 Clock 81 NldrlaM 25 IZIne 8 NMexAAr 1 10(10 YAHon 19 NllesHem 1 NsngMn 1 II NomaLta 18 NoncrMet 4 NordenLah 1 NAmRaypt 177 NoCdnolla 1 2 OgdenCp 150 OhnrassR 31 OklaNGag 100 Okonite 2 OldTnwn 1 OldTownnf 25 omnrlno 100 3 OverseSee SOUTHWEST Driv Ur Sen SYSTEM Inc 50 Asme 3 Aero Sup 6 Aeroquip 5 Ainswrth 33 Air Assoc 8 AirWEAp 3 Airwlel I Ajax Pet AKU 3 Ala GtSou25 Ala Pw pf 3 Alask Alrl 30 Allcg Airl 18 Allcg wt 1 Allied Art 100 Allied Pd 1 Aites Br 100 AlumA pf 100 Alum Ind 2 Ainbrok 1 AinBanCA 1 Am Bevr fiAmHrrt Hh 100 Am LaunM 30 Am Marac 3 Am Meter25 AmPotashA 3 Am Rppub 3 Am Writ 28 Amur Oil 5 Anacon 14 1 Anch Post 8 no Ana Ir Oil JOAppElP pf 107 6 Argus ('am 14 61 Ark Oil 29 Ark La Gas JOArkPL pf 2 ArmstRbA 21 1 Aro Equip 15 A 93H 12 Atl ish 1 434 AtlMSO Wl 11 AHasPlvw 1 Auto Vot 14 Balke Sri 8 Bak Raul 8 Bald See 10 Banc ckL 2 Banff Oil 30 Barium Stl 1 Basic Refr 4 Bearings 1 Beck Shoe 27 1 BeBTeiC 300 Bickfds 5 Birdsboro 5 Blumcth 1 Bohack 1 Brad oofe 6Braz 6 1 BreezeCp RrAmOil SBrAmTh 513 16 jh ijrownio 7 HrownDIs 18 i Hrownnun 11 BuekeyePL 21 luinKHiu 1 BurmaMines 3 BurryBis 63 CACSuper 27 CabElPd 13Calg4il 15 CalKIPw Group Securities: Auto Avintlnn Building (p Grth Chemical I'nrn Stk Electric I imda ully Adm Gen Bond Ind Meh Inst Bond Morchand Mining Petrol 11 Bond II Equip It Stk Steel Tobacco Utility Growth Indus Hudson Pac 4 peril 1U5 Ga 4 B2020 69 Ga 4 95 88 NY Pow 3 74 102 RRNJ 3'4 87 52 BilO 4 58 ln5 Z5CIU4E 111 inc 97 2CIU4E 111 3 85 2 Chi I4L 4 2003 1 CMSPPac 4 2019 35CMSPPac 4 2044 gum si nw 3CIT in 4 60 3 Cities Svc 3 77 3CCC4SI 4 77 5CCC4SI 4 90 14 Col 4 I 4 66 99 5 Cnlum Gas 3 75A 99 1 Comw Ed 3 77 101 9 Con Edis 3 83 105 4 Con Edis 81 105 lOContlRCuba 3 20(11 11 13 ConsumPw 2 75 100 1 cruc Ml 3 bb 9 Cuba No 4 70 16 CubaRR mtg 4 70 7 DsytimPAL 2 75 1 Del LAW 4 85 2 Del LAW 4 2042 89 3DARGW 4 2018 98'6 1 DA RGW 3 4 93 103 32 Det Edis 3 69 119 3 Det Edis 2 82 96 IDetTolAIr 2 76 88 62 Dow Chm 3 82 106 I East Ten 5 56 101'4 3 70 103 77 Chicago Grains CHICAGO May 13 A late rally left most grains with moderate advances on the board of trade Thursday In old crop soybeans the grains extended to 6 cents The market puttered along in lazy dealings most of the day wheat display ing an easier trend while rye and old crop soybeans showed some strength In the final 15 minutes however a short cover ing movement lifted various contracts to their best levels of the day Wheat closed lower to higher corn 8ic higher oats higher rye 2 2c higher soybeans 6e higher and Hard 13c lower to 50c a hundred pounds 1 NEng TAT 4 i SNOrlTM 5V 55 16NVCen'5 2 1 15 NY Cen 4 2013 64 NY Cen 4 98 11 NYCenHR 3 97 4NY(enLo 5 NYCenMC 1 NYChASL 18 NYCon 2 23 NYNHH4 85NYNHH 4 10NYOAW 4 5 NYOAW 4 2 NY 2 75 97 1 NY I Cl 21 82 12Nia 51 Pw 3 83 13 Nor Pac 4 75 5 Nor Pac t' 2047 48 Nor Pac 4 97 7 Nnr Pac 3 2047 Ohio Edis 2 75 91'4 2 0rWashRRN 3 60 102'4 5 I so 19 Pac 1 20 Pac 3 Pae 2 PenPwALt 7 Pen RR 5 68 6 Pen RR 4 GO It 11 4 nn 4 81 i El 2 El Bronze Cable Ipf 2 pf Clear Ctg pf 126 Cont nf 11 Dynarn Mil Dyn pf 52 Elec 115 61 Wl inan ds ils pf tnstru Mills 1 Park Rust no hi i da niar 2 Penh Cl pf 10 iMsy 4 Penick A 37 duly 164 St Reg Pap40 StRegP pf15SanDicgo 1 Sangamo El 4 Sav Arms 46 Si henleylnd 24 Schering 12 Scott Pap 1 Scranton El 51 EcahALRR 2 Scab inan 1" Seabin pf 105 2 Seab Oil 109 2 Seagrave 14 26 Sears Hoeb 64 2 Seeger Refr 25 1 1 setoer kuo 13 Serve! JO Serve! pf 5 Sham 15 Sharon Stl 2 Shattuck 18 Shell Oil 8 Shellcr Mf 54 Sherat Am 5 Simmons 2 Simonds 50 Sinclair 14 Skellv Oil 8 Smith AO 10 Smith Atcx3(1 Smith! 20pf 1 Smith Cor 8 Smith Dou 78 Socony Vac 19 Solar Aire 19 30 8 34 Sou Cal Ed 81 Southern Co 3 Sou Ind 12 Sou Gai 100 Sou Pac 61 Sou Ry 1 Sou Ry pf 2 Spalding 3 Sparks 6Spen Chem 2 Spen Kell 41 Sperry 15 Spiegel 7 Square 22 Std Brand 1A CJDege 1U OlULHUkJt 13 std 32 Std 43 Std 42 Std 78 Std 47 Std 11 Std 35 Stan War 3 StarretU LS 47 stutter 32 Sterl Drug 34 32 Sterl Drug 930SterlDr pf 95 43 10 3 6 28 62 1(1 Our rales are the lowest tn the Hertz System Cal! for trip estimate 1 13 LchVCoal 8 Leh Vai 5 1 Leh Vai 4 2 lA'h Vai 4 1fi lnHIInrrl 3 63 4 4 55 101 8 MlohConG 3j 1H5 16MSSSM 4 71 82 2 MO5 Mo 1 Mn 131 Mo J8 Mo 9 Mo 23 Mo 29 Mo 10 Mo 35 Mn 5 1 5 4 3 10 Nat Stl Ri 1 NEng 4 i 61 08 81 72 67 76 61 61 96 88Mj 56 68 24 i i because two of the six smaller concerns are out of produc aVviv'rl Vine rh'irnlv lir JQ tun anu mill nai ta in 1 its volume it i week car output will com pare with 122572 units last week Automotive news said Oldsmobile this week moved Into fourth place cv output The changes moved iPlvmouth historically in third I ncc to fifth in the standing be hind Chevrolet ord Buick and Oldsmobile in that order I 21 UUK Ml II I Kill BCIIVP: IliiriflMM Hlltl K11LH 3322B 25 40 higher choice 190 210 pounds 2725 60 most choice 1 and 2 190 230 pounds 2750 60 240 260 pound butchers 2675 2725 survey recently completed by 24 74 170 5 75 106 102 101 66 1 Reyn Tob 3 73 11)0 1 Roch 1 69 102 SStL 4 2IH2 811 2StL 4 97 104 15 Scott Pap 3 77 161 37 Sinclair 3 83 107 40 SoNatGas 4 73 114 15 So 46 So Il So 3 So 2 So 8 South I South 11 South 35 Std 1 Std 1 Std 2 73 10064 1 rex corp 3 tii 1 85 101 Third Av 5 60 14 Third Av 4 60 III'nEIMn 3'1 8J 51 VnOilCal 3 72 116 4 Un Pac 2 76 99 Peiping Charges Rigging Asia Aggression 11 enn Dlx 42 15 Penn Tex 14 19 Penney JC 81 130 pf 106 14 Pa 40 59 It 17 Pa Salt 1 Peoples Dg 3 Peoples 146 1 Peer Eas 40 44 Pepsi Cola 15 2 HPt IvlllK 10 Pet Mllkpf 105 5 Petrol Cp 23 8 Pfeiffer Br 13 37 rttzer 160 Pfizer pf 76 Phelps 5 Phlla El 10 PhElpf 20 PhElpf 4 PhElpref 19 18 Phllco 20 Phllco pf 35 Philip Mor 49 Phill Pct 2 Phoenix Its 2 PillsbyMills 6 Pitney Bow 17 Pit 22 PitConCoal 1 Pit org 60 PittWpf 19 PitPlateG 4 38 PitSteel 2 90 PitStlpf A 3 PltStlprpf 298 2 PittslonCO 3 Plough 53 PlymOfl 5 PondCrkP 2 17 PotmElPw 17 PressStlC 13 12 G1(1 34 11 Pub Ind 37 6 Publick Ind 9 4:1 Pullman 36 Pure 3 Pure 19 (leak dO (juak 2 Quak 21 RKO 608 RKO 86 Radio Cp 1 Radio pf10 Rais pf 2 Raybest 21 Rayonier 14 Rayon pf 55 Raytheon 3 Reed Bit 23 Reeves Hr 1 Relian MflOHclianM pf 94 Rem Rand20 Rem pf 4 Keo Motors 118 Roptih Ax 41 Repub Pict 8 Rep Pict pf 173 Repub Stl 2 Rep Stl pf 1 8 Revere 46 Rex Drug 18 Reyn Met 1 Reyn Sprg 51 Rev Tub ft 30 Rey Tb pf 103 in nneem Mr 10 Richfield 19 RoanA Cop 22 Robbins 57 Rob pf 12 Rob ulton 12 Rob ill pf 3 Hoch 17 6 Ronson 22 Royal Type 16 Ruberoid 1 Ruppert SnSafcxrav St 2180 SaSt cv Pf 10109 Safest pf 92 37 St Jos Lead 38 2 20 35 St San 26 4StISan pf 6740 St Swest 234 26 98 54 Ml rip3" AH R' pf 47 AtHs Cn Atlas Prtrin AtlasPdr 51 Ax'co Mfg 1 AvcoM pf 1 Babbitt 12 57 Bald Lima 163 Balt Oh 14 pf 1 Bang Ar 13 Barber Oil Bayun cig Beat ds Beatd pf 104 Beatd pf 123 neauntt ai Reech Alrc 20 Reech Crk 3 Beech Nut 8 Reid Hem 28 Bell Alrc 2 BollA Hnw 16 Bondlx Av 11 Benef Ln 72 Rcnguet 6 Best Co 2n Best ds 118 Beth Steel 7 BethStl pf 1 20 Biglow 67 Biglow pf 2 Black Dec 6 Blaw Knx 18 HUSS 11 Blocks 20 Boeing 20 Bovine 10 Roh Alum 130 Bon AmiA 170 BonA 15 Bond Str 4 Rook Mn 13 Borden 6 Borg Wrn 1 Bos Edis 57 Boston Me 14 Bos Me pf 4 Row RBr 39 Bran Alrw 31 BrldgBrass 34 Blrggs Mf 3 Birg St 9 Brtst Mv 20 Bklv I'Gas 1 BklvL'Ospf 8 Brwn Bg 8 Brun Bike 35 Buev Erie 42 Rudd Co I Rtt' orge 27 Bullard 151 Burl Mills lh9 Hurrnueh 4 Bush Term60 Butler Br lOOZutlor of 8 Butte Cop I Byers50 Bs ers nf 4 Byrnn tack 20 6 Cal Pack 21 lOCallahn Zinc 1 12 alum it 7 Camp Wy 49 Can Dry 17(1 CanDrv pf10 Can SnuRy I Cdn Brw 61 Cdn Pnc I Cannon ISCantl Alrl 22 Carbun 37 7 Carey Phil 4" aro 3 Caro Pl 1 Carpen Sil 3" Carrier Cp 7 Carr Gen 43 Case60 Case pt to 50 cents higher top Thursday 2725 spar ingly bulk good to choice 190 250 pounds 2700 2725: heavier weights 2525 2675: lighter weights 2500 2650 stock pigs 2200 2500 sows 400 pounds anil down 2200 2250 heavier sows 1950 2150 stags 1850 down CATTLE: Steady to strong bulk good to choice steers 1800 2200: commercial tn low good steers 1200 1600 good to choice heifers and mixed yearlings 1700 2100 utility and commercial grades 1100 1600 utility and commercial cows 11 50 11 30: canner and cutter cows 900 1100 low canners and shelly kinds 5(W R00 utility and commercial bulls 1200 1400 canner and cutter bulls 900 1100 good tn choice 1000 stork Chicago Butter Eggs CHICAGO May 13 Wl Butter: steady receipt 1668631 wholesale buying price unchanged 93 seme AA and 92 A 5675: 90 5125 59 52 cars 90 5475 89 si Eggs: steady to firm receipts 26766: uhnlval hnvlne nrlnes nnahanvnd to higher large 34355 mediums 31 standards 315 current receipts 295t dirties 29 checks 28 Uv poultry steady: receipts 394 coops: fob paying prices unchanged heaxw hens 20 25 light hens 18 18: fryers or broilers 22 25 eld rooster 15 18 80' ISVs 12'4 nf 22 18 73 12 18 reflecting a technical recovery from the severe shake out of the past 10 days However both cash soybean oil and meal were slightly higher Japan bought 300000 bushels of new crop soybeans for October November shipment Trade circles said that during the past month sales of new crop beans to foreign countries have totaled close to two million bushels Wheat opened firm and then Immediately sank holow the previous close where It remained mor ini slow on lightweights cows slow mostly steady bulls steady vealers 100 higher: good to average choice steers 2100 2400 commercial to low good steers 1750 2050: good to average choice heifers and mixed yearlings 1900 230" few commercial to Inw good 1650 19 00: utility and commer cial cows 1300 1500: canner and cutter cows 950 1300 lightweight shelly canners 900 down utility and commercial bulls 1350 1500 cutter bulls snd few fat bulls 1200 1300 good and choice vealers 2100 2500 prime to 27 00 highest since Apr 21 commercial to low good vealers 15 00 2000 commercial to cholca slaughter calves 13 00 2000 Sheep 50" all classes steady: most lots choice and prime native spring lambs 2800 50: top 2850: few sales good and choice 2700 50 load utility and good hold over Texas springers 65 lb 2100 cull end sorted off for feeders but not sold part load good and choice 91 lb shorn Texas lambs 2300 No 2 skins: load utility and good 68 lb Texas clips 1800 these about So per cent utility: aged sheep steady cull tn good slaughter ewes 300 500 I riday: Cattle 600 calves 500 Hogs I 6500 sheep 200 2 rm a f' lex vox rnuna i rand Chry ler to choice slaughter steers and yearlings sold from to 22 Commercial and good The auto of General Motors ord and Chrysler will produce 982 er ent of the 120940 cars to be this week Automotive News 1 Thursday These three larger companies have been building about 96 per rout nf the total so far this year Ti percentage will be Magnuson (Dem I it pi rtPrm nToni a Correction: There are (tliere're) almost three pounds of cookies here A test for the correctness of this type of statement is the tn ait cvpf 9" 96 61 5514 2OO3 72 A2M13 66 D2003 57 ni" 1436 1051 in 775 2675 for mixed weights spotted tin heav 641 icr kinds numerous loads 270 285 2625 1109 2700: icvcrM loads 275 312 lb 2550 2625 3935 15O I7O lb 2725 75 lighter weights scarce: few 120 140 lb 2600 2700 sows 400 lb 418 down 2275 2375: heavier sows 2075 2225 529 boars 1600 2000 375 Cattle 2000 calvea 800 slaughter steers glgifairly active fully steady tn strong: helf g42 eta and mixed yearling mostly steady: 584 502 876 2440 2204 3358 1673 893 1787 1504 NEW YORK May 13 OT ollowing Is lisi ol transactions on the American Stock Exchange giving an stocx traoeo Sales (lids) 82 Stevens JP 8 stew War 3 Stix 5 Stoke VanC 2 StokeVC pf 7 Stone 154 Studebaker 3 Sun them 12 Sun Oil20 Sun Oil pf 1 Sunbeam 45 Sunray Oil 2 Sunr pf A 1 Sunr 2 pf 1 Sunsh Bls £inh Mn 5 Superior Stl 15 10 Sulher Pap 3970 Suth Pf 137 1 Sweets Co 17 7 Swift Cn 45 21 Sylv El Pd 35 3 SylvEl cvp 108 zo byivij pt 7 Svm Gould 1 Talcott 7 Tenn Cp 28 Texas Co 40 Tex Prod 23 Tex Sul 56 Tex Ins 17 Tex 10 Tex PL Tr 2 Tex PcRy 19 TexUtil 9A Tovtrnn 2 Textrn pf 14 4 Thatch Cl 16 SO'l'hatcn pt 6 Thrmoid National Livestock NATIONAL STOCKYARDS III May 13 I Hogs 7500 active barrows and gilts 25 50 higher mostly 35 50 higher sows 25 higher hoars steady 180 230 lb 2785 2800 top 2800 freely Irrespective of grade Including late arrivals 230 240 lb 2775 85: 250 260 Ih 2700 50 few down tn 29 952 78 24 47 119 50 7 Un Tank 52 59 Unit Air Ln 21 13 "nAtnpt 103 Unit Aire r2r 9 o5 aa 1 UnAIrc pf 11 Unit Rise 18 Unit Carb 6 Un Cig Wh 56 United Cp 1 Unit 100 UnitDye pf 12 Unit El 12 Unit Eng 77 Unit ruit 38 Un Gas Cp 22 UnGasIm 81 17 UnPkCMln 23 1 US reight 8 US Gypsm 14520USHoff pf 59 i uj unes 17 US 1 USPIavCd 19 US Plywd7(1 USPIv pfB fill's Rub 480 US Rub pf HI'S Smelt 1 I SSmcll pf 58 jib us steei 4 US St pf 5 US Tob 15 UnltStkvd 4 UnitSt 2pf 8 26 Un Wallpap 1 2VnW51lp pf 12' i i univvyca 1 UnlvIfTb10 Univ LTpf 16 Univ Uict40 Univ nf 2 utan 6 VanNrm 2 Van Raal 85 Vanad Cp 11 Vert CSug 6 Vick Chm3 Viet CWk Auto El Equip General Non err Paper Petrol Steel Manhat Bond Mass Invest Tr Mass Inv Growth Mass Life Mutual Bos Mutual Invest Nation Wide Bal Natl Investors Natl Sec Series: Bal Bond Prof Stk Income Speculative Stock IIUWIII Nat Res Nal Ilea Can New England Pac Am Inv Pin St Vinnor Wr! Price Tr Grth 4081 Putnam 2032 Scudder St Ck 3095 selected Am sn Shareholders Tr Sovereign Inv State Street Inv Stein It i Telcv Elect I Texas I Unit Aeettm unit cont Unit Income Unit Science Value Line Value Line Ine Van Stnim Wash Mut Inv Wellington rt Whitehall Wisconsin Inv 5 62 103 5 67 4 Mi 5 49 5 65 5 77 78 80 81 75 I 4 55 55 I 2000 AMERICAN BONDS 1 Appal El It' i 1 Huston Ed 2 7" 15 Cid Trans 1 78 87 IDLAW NJ 4 II3A 65 1 GermanMun 6 47 9" I Ohio Pw 3' 4 68 1 Peru II 1'7 41 1 Prussian El 6 54 122 5 6 98 154'i 1 So Cal Ed 3 '15 2 Stinnes 4 46 2 170 2 Unit Indust 6 45 Wasatch Cp 6 63A 91 10W Penn Tr 5 60 110 Total bond sales today50000 Total bond sales a year ago 92000 4 C'aidas fi Chile 3 9: 5 Colom 3 7" 1 Copen 5 52 1 Costa 2 3 72 10 nls 77 Denmark 4 62 4 rankfort HVg S3 li I I us aux' IGI iai A 3GerGcnEl 7 45 SGcrGcnEl 6 48 31 Germany 24 Germany Germany 3 4 Germany 20 Germany 25 Greek 7 64 24 Greek 6 68 21 Ital PUt 3 77 4 Japan 6 61 6 Minas 6'4 50 3 Orient 5 68 2 Pernanih 1 41 1 Peru 7 59 5 Poland as 4 68 1 Prussia 6 51 1 Prussia 6 52 2 Bio de 6 53 2RioGdoS 7 66 1 SsanpMilC 6' 17 5 Sao Pau St 8 50 71 ISao Pau St 6 68 70 1 Shiny El 6 62 91 1 6 51 136 1 Silesia 7 58 19 5 Sydney 3 57 101 1 Tokyo 5 Sep 62 tilt's al 4 79 95 15 WestpbUnEI 6 53 111 Total New York bond sales today 2770000 Pre vious dav 3420000 Week ago S3962OOO Month ago S39I7WW Year ago S3 116 000 00" 200 44" 490 45 14 4 13 higher 17 18 2t 4MA 1 MathCh pf 111 33 May I) Str 29 BOND AVERAGES By The Asaorlated Press 20 Rails Net change none May 13 988 Prev dav 988 Week ago 988 Month ago 990 Year ago 924 1954 high 991 1954 low 942 114 60 136 33 84 35 27 30 25 59 63 38 26 312 134 IRlalr Hold 33 Blue Ridge Mut 51 lllond Inv Tr Am 34 Boston und 4)" 61 33 46 7014 18 43 39 Booming Start Turns Into Mixed Session Cust 1 1318 Cust 2 962 Cust 3 923 1265 Cust 4 710 226 Knickerbocker 585 1237 Lexington 1015 3685 Loomis Say Mut 3935 3(124 Manageu runu nktnq sub committee the authori is needed to tide the treasury snort periods of low tax re and heavy spending A A The Continental Sul nd Phosphate Co of Dallas li i ild a $200000 plant in Hum holtit county Nev Tlie company president Daw liughes said a contract had be let but the exact location of lit I A 1 1 4 Ann rl a4 AfTYT I HCsfl ine piain iiau uui uucu ut ivimins 1 ne ters are checking several ijo ble sites i ti lion' 1" 796 1323 1214 744 1052 1044 6 10 615 901 961 tn 77 9861 Growth 952 727 903 314 479 929 886 438 857 II inno 9 tfi I lxnncifcKA llnhart Kincfishei OvUttJlvL Il14i2ll Lawton 213 rederick 215 1 12 xi1xi IV I HtnT Irxrx a iWjkoge Shawnee 22 Vinita 1 up 23 De 20 13 11 19 52 4 99 2 3 6 23 3 41 97'4 79 S1 71 12 12 49 31 34'4 12 1 64 24 42' 37 87 32 53 21 26 46 42 9 14 10 35 3'4 itomro Inti Inv Loco 9 Grax Roh 140 Grant pt 98 8 Gt Ir 18 JI Gt NO 47 Gt No pf 6 Gt West 17 Green HL 34 Greyhound3" Grey It nf 75 Grttm Afro 7 Guant Sug 34 Gulf Mob 38 Gulf Sta Ul 7llCuU Oil II Hall Print 36 Halliburton 2 Hamll Wat 4 Hammer 0 Harb Walk 10 Harb pf 140 3 Hart 23'4 lllat Corp 5 10 Haye Ind 12 Oklahoma Markets 1 The state department of apiculture Thursday reported the foUOwine prices: Wheat No 1 hard 3 I irregular values 2 1 lower to 1 higher By JANE WELLS MURPHY 206 215 Guymon Hooker 206 Alva 207 sinew Thl Oklahoma City Vici 208 Clinton Enid Whits Wrong With 1IHS airview mentorit zira uiacaweii 10 10 Utils LYld none 1003 1003 1002 1009 932 JOO 9 966 ene A Cln rg'E A Cln MR 71 19CTT inan rifle Svc invest tow Cltv Prod ni JIAS' NEW YORK BONDS 1 NEW YORK May 13 (iB Kollo a closing prices of bonds on the NyW York Stock Exchange and the ai sales ol ArkrinttK Markets li ttle rock Ark May 13 ip cat version the sentence omitting Moativi 1 tuia 1 11 a vx inn in 1 1 1 1 1 la mi i 11 1 1 mnn 1200(31400: fed yearlings choice to prime 2100(12300 medium 1500M 1800 common 1200X1400 gras fat steers 1100(81550 fat cows 1150(81350 cutters canners 55081150 CALVES: 100 higher on all killing calves fancy top 2500 good calves 1700 i'23l)0 medium calves 150081700 com mon calves 1 1 00(d) 1300 heavy killing calves 1600 22 00 canner yearlings 8 00 ffl 1 100 HOGS: 50 to 50 higher: sows 25 higher: top 2725: good to choice 180 230 pounds i 2775 240 and up 2350w2600 140 1 to 170 pounds 2250w2600: good to ehoiee 1 stock hogs 1900(4 2200 stock ptg 1900 1 2300 1 SHEEP 50 to 100 higher on lmb old 1 sheep steady: choice to prim Iambs 2450 Si 2650: medium 1100(4 1300 1 RROILEHS: Littl Rock Northwest ares market firm demand good broiler nd 1 fryers 2223: moatly 23 Bateaville loral 17 3 7 316 16 6 5 11 17 12 2 24 13 43 mm 103 6 L5i 18 113 916 7 32 16 11 2 19 Maryland Cu Md Cas pr pt Mass Bond Mcr Mcr Nat Nat New Npu ire North River Northeast Ina Northern Ins PaclUc ir Pac Indein Phoenix Wash Rein Cor Itcp Ins Tex St Paul I scabonrit stir Security IL Springfield It Std Acclil 40 26511 53 idelity und 28 inan Ind 511 irst Boston Cp 11ioundors Mut I'd 81 I rank Ctta 44 rank Cu pf 45 undamental Inv 45 (las Indust 27'4 Gen Capital Cp 31 Gen Inxest Tr NI YORK CITY BONDS (Dollars and Thirty second Sales In 1000 Iligh 22 3s 80 10 1 10 1044 27 East Air 29 East Cp 3 East Stl 37 East Kod 2 Eaton Mfg 1 Edi Br Str 30Ekeo Pd 7 Elas Stop 22 El Auto 23 Musin 10 El Stor Bat I Elgin Wtch 9 Elliott20 Elliott pf 1 union exmt 49 ElPasoNG 1 1 Emer El 37 EmerRad 2 EmpDEl 2 End 01 hn 11 Eqnit Gas 69 EqOffBdg 21 Erie HR 1 Enie RR pf 67 js rvans rq 6 Eversharp 28 Ex Cell 19 airb Mor 39 airch 9 aLstaff Br 9 am in 3 ampfB 7 ansteel 29 cdd Qidg 1 ed awick 8 edMogul 10 ed Str 20 St pf 103 1 en i arr 10 erro Cp 13 id ire 19 iltrol 29 irestone 3 irst Str 12 irth Cpt 26 Hntkote 4 lorcn Stv 12 I I Pw 8 la It 4 olinns Stl 21 ood air50 ood pf 19 ood Mach10 oodMpf10 oodM pf60 oodM pf 40 ost Wheel 2 rank Str 12 reept Sul3 rocdt Cp 10 rueh Tra 100 rueh pf 16 Gabriel 18 Gain Rbt 7 Gamble Sk 2 GamSk pf 7 Gamcuc I 2 Gardner Dn 26' 17 Garrett 30 16 Gar Wood 12 Gaylord 30 ti xcn NATIONAL BANK TULSA I huy and aril National Bank ol Tula comment stuck Quotations on request WALTER HURT Rnaclallat In Investment unds Member Mldwrxt Stork Ktrhang 1718 National Bank nt Tula Bldg Phoae 34M1 Tula Okl "re a choice to prime fed atcers wnrrl there threa nedium 150031800: com ne "0 mere Aittitmi uuen puunus tn vuukivs WORD PRONUNCIATION Grievous Pronounced gree vus not grce vce us 3iiMeaoy io rem pvi ru 17 harvested Wednesday Tahlequah auction 65'20n crates sold Wednesday very strong a ran AC 1 CO A 48 8 98 6 1 1 2 S'i 23 3 24 4 26 13 Ou'tl Service BENTONVILLE Ark May The Bentonville Chamber of Com merce will sponsor the arm amily of the Year program in Benton county it has been an nounced by officials The Chamber will cooperate with agricultural agencies of the county amilies will be nominated by local organizations or individuals for one of the two divisions home owner or tenant The winning family in the county will receive a certificate of honor from the Arkansas Press Assn and will be eligible to compete in dis trict and state contests BANK AND TRUST STOCKS NEW YORK May 13 IIJ Htfd St BIr (National Association Securities Home Ins Dealers Inc) 11ns Co A Bld Askedkr ns wn Lincoln rsat 111'14 392 51 47 49 Over the Counter ederal Securities Nt VrniK Mav 13 closing I the counter government bonds (prices tn dollars ana ininy seconau cragc cost of a year at college Udll ties in I lAbbott 11 ABC Vend If) AC Brill 4 Acme SH 19 Adams Ex 1 Addressng 21 Admiral 8 Affil Eq 84 Air Reduc 7 Alaska Jun 12 Aldens nw 31 Aiieg 19 Alleg 2 Allen 19 Allied 12 Allied 45 Allis Chai Allis Ch of 7 Alpha 50 Alum lj IS Alum Am I AmalLea pf 28 AnirluOd 2 Am Ag Ch 44 Am Alrbn 4 Am Alrl pf 7 Am Baker 2 AmBk Note 10 Am Bosch 30 AmBr Shoe 61 Am Bd Par 1 AmBPar nf 38 Am 5 ir Am an 26 Am 1 AmCar pf 10 Am Chain 4 Am Chicle 1 Am Colortv 4 AmCryst 47 Am Cyan 2 Am Distill 3 AmEncausT 19 Am Export 31 AmS Pw 8 Am 2 AniHaw SS 8 Am 8 Am 5 Am 2 Am 19 Am 2 Am Loco nf 15 Am 25 Am Mill 7 Ain Metal 1 AmMet Pd 1 AinMetpdpf 1 Am Mnlass 147 Am Motors 6 Am Gas 31 Am News 4 Am Optical 8 AmPotashB 189 Am Rad Am Saf Raz 7 5 Am Seating f90 Am Shin Bd 18 iu Am xmcit 100 AmSmelf 15 Am Stl 9 Am Stores 110 AmSug pf 1 AmSumToh 79 69 Am Tob50 AmTnh nt 121 Am Viscose 353" Am Vise pf 118 4 AmWWk pf 26 8 Am Wks 10 60 Am Woolen 19 150 Am Wool pf an 110 AmWnnl ppf 74 Am zmc 62 Anae Con 110 Anae 50 Ancn ii 10 An hHG pf 104 i Anncr ciav 6 And Prl 3 Andes Cop 17 Arch 15 Argo Oil 54 Armco Stl 71 Armour 11 Armst Ck70 ArmCk pf 5 Arttoom 4 Arvin Ind 37 Ashl Oil 1 Ashl Dll pf 36 Assd Drv go XssrlDG 2p 1IO' i i assoc 31 s' hUnn 3 hi nn nf xtl El 726 1208 1108 697 160 953 556 560 822 877 983 947 869 663 824 285 436 848 808 398 782 3021) 3111 ru aaoj Income ound 209 incorp Investors 1189 Instil Hank 89 300 Instlt ound 1661 1l20llnstlt Growth J584 2362 tnsttt Insur 132 2764 Investment cn Am 681 21182 Invest Tr Bnst 1345 2905lohnsnn 3295 111 I 4 1372 2117 2454 800 1426 1262 29 va I Ulp 29 rn 1 West Air 4lv4 AD' 40 west Marv 24 HOGS: Market 15 to 55 cents higher Choice barrows and gilts 2 Pac pf ioo 180' to 240 lbs sold from $27 to 32 westunTei 36 2750 Lightweights 160 to 180 lbs iVaciAltrlr 84 West? El 801(1 $2650 to 2 JvlOSl SOWS jWstgEi pf loi from $20 to 24 Stocker pigs 18 MS'' from S25 to za SHEEP: No sheep offered NEW YORK May 13 Stocks took a reactionary turn In late dealings Thursday after a booming start had promised to send prices soaring to new bull market peaks Actually all major stock groups established new highs during the early uprush hut there was a no ticeflble Absence of buying power such actcrized numerous sions in the past One of the unusual twists Thurs day was the persistent backward ness in a long list of top grade issues while numerous so called secondary stocks performed like worldbeaters Most of the time during the 8 month long rise it was the other way Blue Chips Pressed Among the blue chips which were hard nrossed as the session wore on were American Telephone off l5zit points at its worst General Motors off 1: General Electric off 11 Westinghouse off lli and International Harvester off Early in the session bTNlish forces had obtained good success in bidding up prices of a varied list of performers a point or more They included American Can Tex as Co' Owens Illinois Glass Co lumbian Carhon Excello Dow Chemical United Aircraft and the new Chance Vought stock In the hicher nriccd category International Business Machines was whirled un 15 points at its peak and Gypsum was marked up more than 4 RKO Theaters Up RKO Theaters was up a major fraction on news that the directors have invited stockholders to ten der their shares at prices up to $650 a share Selected rail shares were strong before giving way in the late trad ins Gains of a noint or better 2w 'had been posted by Illinois Cen tral Northern Pacific hock is land Southern Bail way and banta Volume swelled to about 2250 000 shares helped by a hectic first hour This compared with Wednes 2210000 share total American stock exchange issues were mixed governments displayed firmness in a spotty bond jnarket Grains were gener ally higher in commodities Although the word there is fre first ord tence is is never ine suoject me correct verb then depends upon a noun or a pronoun contained in the sentence Look for the word that tells what you are talking about then select the verb that agrees with It Tn today's example we arc talk ing about pounds so the verb must he are (pounds are) Since there's is a contraction (shortened form) oj4 inn nivrt miuuiia i 230 ton 50 Ardmore 48 Muskogee Llk Lity of (here is we must Change Is to 39 i47istrm 'erriM: Isti)wiiLThieq1h ranned are for agreement With the plural3 1 J6 word pounds iit Pac Rv Ry Ry Ind NJ NJ iivrred Tulsa Oklahoma City Ardmore 24 IlX'lia IB nu iu? tvpea Shawnee 16 20 Tulsa Muskogee 14 18 Chandler 13 18 Lawton 12 17 Durant Ardmnre 12 16 Oklahoma City 11 18 Elk City Chickasha 11 16 Watonga 11 15 VI nlto Laverne 11 14 Pauls Valley 10 16 Clinton Alva McAlester Blackwell 10 15 steady A large Tulsa 31 Current receipts El Beno 1 oil with Black xvell McAlester Watonga Pauls Valley Durant Hobart 25 Vinita Chandler Elk Cltv Shawnee Alva Clinton 26 Oklahoma City Laverne Enid 27 Ardmore Chicka sha 28 Lawton 29 Butterfat: Steady Vinita Enid Chan dler Pauls Valiev Hobart El Reno La vernr Watonga Tulaa Chickasha Law 33 ton Alva Oklahoma City Shawnee Cln 40 47 McAlester Durant 45 30 15 15 60 Indust Rails Utils Stocks Net change 6 May 13 1676 904 597 1233 day 1682 909 599 1237 Week ago 1673 903 596 1230 Month ago 1625 863 593 1200 Year ago 1433 875 531 1100 1954 high 1682 912 599 1237 1954 low 1439 778 554 1080 1953 high 1518 936 558 1163 1953 low 1302 735 505 995 1 1 5 5 4 1 55 15 (I'M 12 '5 149 149 148 149 141 141 140 141 7 i 7 7" 7 69 68 69 69 6' 68 681 08 70 70 70 0 95 96 94 95' it 6 97 9 96 8 99 102 99 101'4 105 107 106 37il78 385 377 38384 1 7" 4 78 1 72 377 78 I) 2 72 2 60 271 2 18x49 2 4 2 '4 249 252 252 250 252 1920 198" 1912 1945 1820 22 1837 1807 1827 1600 05 1612 1587 16 1393 1497 1101) 1475 1487 1400 1415 1397 1397 20 Haves Mf 5 21 Ilaz At 19 5 Hecht Co 24 1 Heinz 3 Helnie 2140Helme pf 36 2 Hercul Mot 14 7 Here Pdr 82 1 Hersh Choc 42 2HewRobins 30 8 Heyden Cn rai JOHeyCh cvpf 87 15 Hilton Hut 20 9 Hires CE 9 2 Holland 13 1 Hollander 6 5 Holly Sug 16 19 llomestk 40 2 Honolu Oil 72 9 Hooker El 72 23 lloud Her 15 6 Houschin 53SOHnuse pf 104 3 Houst 35 13 Houst 011 81 3 Howard Str 1(1 15 Howe Snd 13 2 3 9 HtidBax 44 37 Hupp Cp 2 2 Huss Refr 22 3'i III Cent 95 13 III Pw 43 100 111 Pw pf 50 25 ill TermRR 10 30 Indiist Ray 43 7 Ing Rand 120 31 inland Stl 53 II Inspir Cop 25 1 Insuran Ctf 18 14 Intcrcliem 3110 Interch pf 96 7 Interlak Ir 14 20 IntBsMch 297 137 Int Harv 31lOluIHrv pf 167 1 IntHydElA 30 9 IntMinCh 34'4 56 Int Mining 2 40 Int Nick 40 160 IntNick pf 136 44 Int Pack 11 27 Int Paper 69 3 Int Salt 55 4 Int Shoe 39 1 Int Silver 4a 77 Into 16 19 Int Util 30 4 InterstDSir 8 18 Intcrst Pxv ii 2 Intcrlype zl' a 11 Iowa III 30 15 Iowa 27 6 IslCrkCoa 30IslCkC pl 115 "Jacobs 68 JeffLakS 2560 91 5 JewelTea 4010 JewelTpf 102 35 JdhnsMan 65 62 38 JonesiL 88 5 JoyMfg 33 "KahrrAI 31 1 KaiserAlpf 54 22 34 24 KanCSou 48 3 KanCSoupt 42 11 19 15 Kayser 13 38 Kelseyllay 19 6(1 Kennecott 80 56 KernCLd 45 1 KeystoneS 22 18 KlmbClk 60 Open High Lnw Close 222 222 220 220 205 225 204 205 199 211 208 208 200 211 211 209 21U Mt.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.