News and Record from Greensboro, North Carolina (2024)

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Greensboro, North Carolina

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tu4 Sr w' 'W' 'Y 4 S' i ff trt Wall Street NEW YORK (AP) Stock prices closed out a mixed and slug gish week with a moderate decline riday as traders looked ahead to next start of trading in the successor com tit THE I 0 I The l)ow Jones average of 30 in dustrils dropped 365 points to 1 25102 trimming its gain for the week to 82 Volume on the New York Stock Exchange came to 8828 million shares up from 8074 million Thursday Declining issues slightly outnum bered advances in the overall tally on the Big Board and the ex composite index dropped47 to 9546 Nationwide turnover in NYSE" listed issues including trades in those stocks on regional exchanges and in the over the counter market totaled 10922 million shares Standard index of 400 industrials lost 141 to 18556 and 500 stock composite index was down 104 at 16509 The NASDAQ composite index for the over the counter market edged up 02 to 28128 At the American Stock Exchange the market value index closed at pames to Ameri can Telephone Telegraph Takeover news and specu lation accounted for some of the day's biggest winners and los ers Stocks of Local Interest Year to Date Yesterday's High Low High Low Close Textiles 193j 7 Adams Millis 16Ve 16 16 40 30'4 Blue Bell Inc 36'a 34 35'2 43 26 Burlington Ind 39's 38V4 63 31 Cone Mills 63 62 63 39 28 ieldcrest Mills 38 38 38 28 13 Guilford Mills 28 27 27 11 3 Texfi 7 7 7 30 11 Tultex' 17 16 16 25 8 Unifi 19 19 19 urniture Bid Asked Chg 54 32 Bassett 44 45 50 35 Henredon 37 38 62 38 Lane Co Inc 59 60 General High Low High Low Close 77 59 Am Inti Gp 61 60 61 70 59 63 62 63 24 20 24 24 24 26 21 Duke Power 25 25 25 12 9 ood Lion A 10 11 NC 29 10 ood Lion 11 11 NC 39 27 Jefferson Pilot 39 39 39 13 6 Key Co 30 16' Oakwood Homes 21 20 20 42 27 Piedmont Avia 33 32' 33 16 14 Public Serv NC 16 17 NC 29 23 Richardson Vick 29 28 29 63 '45 RJ Reynolds 59 58 58 45 27 Sears 41 40 41 Banking 41 25 irst Union 39 39 39 29 18 NCNB 24 24 24 32 18 Northwestern 29 29 NC 19 13 Planters Nat'l 18 19 NC 47 29 Wachovia 44 44 44 are for Bid Asked Change Data furnished by Hutton Inc The Markets Greensboro News Record Sat Nov 19 1983 Cjmimoditifis CHICAGO (AP) utures trading on the Chicago Board of Trade riday: Open High Low Settle Chg WHEAT 5000 hu minimum dollars per bushel Dec 338V: 339': 334'! 334' 03 Mar 355' 355V 35U4 352 03 May 357 357 355 3 55 03 Jul 343 343 341" 341' 01' Sep 348 350 349'T Dec 361 362'4 360 361' Prev sales 15884 Prev day's open inf 58031 off 1666 CORN 5000 bu minimum dollars per bushel Dec 350 351'4 346 3 46 04 Mar 350 350 345 04 May 350 344 344 05 Jul 345 345' 341 3 41'4 Sep 313 314 310 310 03'4 Dec 292' 294 290 290'4 Mar 303' 304': 302 302 02'4 Preu sales 59261 Prey day's open int 236884 oil 1101 OATS 5000 bu minimum dollars per bushel Dec 179' 180 178 179V 4 00 Mar 186' 187 185'4 185': 01 May 189' 190 188V 188 01'! Jul 192'4 192'4 190 01 Sep 192'4 192'4 190': 190'': 01'4 Prey sales 1056 Prev open ini' 6303 off 200 SOYBEANS 5000 bu minimum dollars per bushel Nov 788 7 88 780 784' Jan 802 802 781 782' Mar 816 817' 797 22': May 832 832 808 809 22 Jul 825': 828 809 809': 18' Aug 803 806 787 787 Sep 738 742 730 730 Nov 680 690 678 01 Jan 700 700 694 694 01 Prev sales 91308 Prev open int 1 32581 off 262 SOYBEAN OIL 60000 lbs dollars per 100 lbs Dec 2625 2630 2585 2595 30 Jan 2645 2655 2610 26 17 23 Mar 2685 2701 2655 2663 20 May 27 20 2740 2692 2700 12 Jul 2745 27 55 2710 2730 20 Aug 27 20 2720 2690 2690 Sep 2560 2590 2560 2582 32 Oct 2525 2525 2480 2495 30 Dec 2510 2510 2460 2475 37 Prev sales 31123 Prev open int 79299 up 282 SOYBEAN MEAL 100 Ions dollars per ton Dec 23050 23050 22070 22110 960 Jan 23100 23130 22300 22320 860 Mar 23300 23300 22450 22480 May 23200 23200 22450 22470 730 Jul 23100 23100 224 00 22400 50 Aug 22500 22500 21900 21950 4 70 Sep 21000 21250 21000 21000 400 Oct 19300 19300 189 30 19000 Dec 19100 19200 1 90 lO 19050 250 Prev sales 28999 Prev day's open int 65526 up 525 NALJUarkete NEW YORK (AP) Bond prices were mixed riday with long term issues rallying late in the day following separate ed eral Reserve Board reports on monetary policy and money supply growth The ed said Ml a measure of funds readily available for spending jumped $22 billion in the week ended Nov 9 But the bond market had been braced for an even sharper jump Despite the big increase in early November Ml now is only slightly above the lower limits of growth the ed has said is necessary to sustain economic expansion without reviving in flation Meanwhile the ed released minutes from an October meet ing of policymakers which con firmed market speculation that the central bank moved earlier this fall to accommodate lower interest rates However ana lysts were split on whether the ed is still standing by that stance In the secondary market for Treasury bonds long term is sues finished the day up Vz point to point after being down Ve point shortly before the release of the ed reports The move ment of a point is equivalent to a $10 change In the price of a bond with a face value of $1000 Prices of intermediate matur ities rose point to Vz point but short term governments dec lined as much as point ac cording to the investment firm of Salomon Brothers Inc in corporate trading industri als and utilities were un changed Among tax exempt municipal bonds general obli gations and dollar bonds were down Va point Trading was light Yields on three month Trea sury bills fell 2 basis points to 882 percent A basis point is one hundredth of a percentage point Six month bills fell 1 basts point to 889 percent and one year bills were off 2 basis points at 908 percent The federal funds rate the interest on overnight loans be tween banks traded at 9'z per cent down from 95 16 percent late Thursday The Associated Press Livestock Hogs: Trend is steady to 25 cents higher at NC buying sta tions Kinston 3900 Clinton ayetteville Dunn Elizabeth town Pink Hill Pine Level Chadbourn Ayden Laurinburg and Benson 3900 Wilson 3900 Salisbury 3550 Rowland 3825 Spiveys Corner 3900 sows (500 pound up wnson jjuu ray etteville 3200 Whiteville 3400 Wallace 3350 Spiveys Corner 3400 Rowland 3400 Durham 3100 Cattle: (Weekly auction sales) Smithfield 406 cattle 335 hogs auctioned Slaughter cows: util ity and commercial 32 25 3975 canner and cutter 28 25 34 75 calves: (350550) good 4100 4500 steers: (800 up) choice 5325 5800 good 5025 5200 heifers: (550 700) good few 4350 4500 (050 up) choice few 5325 5575 bulls (800 1000) 3625 4500 (1000 up) 3700 4775 sows: (450 up) 3000 3380 feeder steers: (300 400) 5800 6300 (400 500) 5500 5900(600 800) few 5350 5500 feeder heifers: (300 400) 4500 48 00 4100 4500 2 few 38 00 4500 (400 500) 4500 4800 (500 600) 4350 4550 feeder bulls: (300 400) few 5950 6200 (400 550) 5200 5600 4500 4900 2 few 4400 5200 Asheville 686 cattle 83 hogs auctioned Slaughter cows: utility and commercial 3200 3900 canner and cutter 2500 34 50 calves: (350 550) good 4000 4500 bulls: (800 1000) 3400 4125 (1000 up) 3600 4775 feeder and replace ment cows: beef type average flesh 3950 4100 thin flesh 2950 3750 baby calves: 2400 7800 per head feeder steers: (300 400) 1 5500 6350 1 5600 600 2 43500 5100 2 3700 4500 (400 500) 1 5550 6300 4800 5750 2 3900 4200 (500 600) 5300 5950 few 5000 5350 2 4000 4100 (600 800) 5150 5450 5025 5375 2 3450 3850 feeder heifers: (300 400) 1 4700 5300 4000 4800 (400 500) 1 4550 5250 4400 4700 2 few 3500 4200 (500 600) 4400 4750 4100 4500 feed er bulls: (300 400) 6100 6600 5000 59 50 (400 550) 52 00 5800 1 4800 5300 Bniikrs The North Carolina fob dock quoted price on broilers for this week's trading was 54 cents based on full truck load lots of ice pack USDA Grade A sized 2' to 3 pound birds 62 percent of the loads offered have been confirmed with a preliminary weighted average of 5418 cents fob dock or equivalent The market is steady and the live supply is light to moderate for a seasonally moderated to occa sionally good demand Weights desirable Estimated slaughter of broilers and fryers in North Carolina riday was 1045000 compared to 991000 last riday Ayden 725 head: 40 50 pound No 1 and 2 46 25 No 3 3300 50 60 pound No 1 and 2 41 25 No 3 3400 Grain: No 2 Yellow shelled corn low er at 357 380 mostly 367 372 in the East mostly 372 377 in the Piedmont no 1 yellow soybeans lower at 762 788 mostly 762 782 in the East and 750 781 mostly 759 781 in the Pied mont wheat 340 395 mostly 3 40 352 oats 115 230 (New crop corn 270 291 wheat 301 317) Soybean meal fob NC processing plants per ton 44 per cent 23610 24000 Prices paid as of 4 pm riday by location for corn and soybeans: Cofield 376 788 Conway 3 80 772 Dunn 3 70 762 Elizabeth City 357 779 armville 367 7 68 ayetteville 782 Goldsboro 367 762 Greenville 372 768 Kinston 372 768 Lumberton 367 (762 763) Pante go 369 7 68 Raleigh 782 1 2 Selma 368 772 Whiteville 367 763 William ston 369 768 Wilson 372 7 68 Albe marle 372 781 Barber 372 759 Durham 380 Mocksville 377 Monroe (377 362) Mount Ulla 750 Roaring River 377 Statesville 385 765 (Wholesale prices) apples bushel 675 850 tray pack 900 1500 snap beans bushel 1050 cabbage 50 pound sacks 4 00 650 co 1 1 a rds bu she! 4 50 550 corn 5 dozen 765 850 cu cumbers bushel 850 865 grapefruit cartons 600 700 greens bushel 500 550 lettuce cartons 1250 1580 oranges cartons 650 900 bell peppers bushel 1400 1490 Irish potatoes 50 pounds 550 625 sweet potatoes bushel 600 1200 yellow squash bushel 650 860 tomatoes 18 pound cartons 750 900 Market Eggs Market steady on large higher on the balance Supply light to adequate De mand good Weighted average prices for small lol sales of consumer graded eggs in cartons delivered nearby retail stores: large 98 60 cents per dozen medium 9386 small 7794 Metals NEW YORK (AP) Spot nonferrous metal prices ri day: Copper 66H 69 cents a pound US destinations Copper 6200 cents per pound NY Comex spot month closed ri Lead 25 27 cents a pound Zinc 49 cents a pound deliv ered Tin $64902 Metals Week composite lb Aluminum 81 cents a pound NY Gold $37525 Handy 8 Har man (only daily quote) Gold $37550 per troy ounce NY Comex spot month closed ri Silver $8520 Handy Har man (only daily quote) Silver $8533 per troy ounce NY Comex spot month closed ri Mercury $34000 $35000 per 76 lb flask New York Platinum $39200 $39500 domestic merchant troy ounce NY Complete New York Stock Exchange 1834 it 14 Open High Low Close Chg 30 Ind Mb 65 92 Mi What Stocks Did '4 36 34 lava 17 'e 90 115 14 Vb 25ib 64'44 14 454 Vb 192 lb 80 27H '4 'b 30 21'e 17'b 60 Std00hl60 44Vj Vb 64'a Vi 'b Mi 4b '4 25 SunC Pf225 894 Vj 4 Mb 14' 1414 'b 4 Mi 38'b Vb 3344 44 280 4b 20 124 2 76 101 4 lb Vi 'b Vi 4 44 24 15'4 3 EGG 56 NBI 284b 30 4 Over The Counter oreign Exchange The Associated Press 28 lb 44 44 2 140 Wi 12'b 4 Mi 4b 121'4 28'4 44 4b 4b 4fe Vb 22e 204 284b 24 148 16 314 914 46 17 52 'b 354b 4b Nashua NafCan 1844 Ib 224b 51b 634o 3a806496 25 194 2H 20Trn 15 Utl 65 Slk Indus Tran Utils 65 Stk Market Index Industrial Transport Utility inance 94 1 27 '4 95 1 4b Holiday 84 HollyS 1 25'b 12'b 28'b 'b 254b '2 15 Mi 114b 4b 38 Vi 64b 274 Vi 114b Close Change cents 9546 047 11084 071 9942 140 4830 017 9522 003 9744 3844 364b Valeyln VanDrn 120 Varco 24 '3 4 '4 32 17h 3344 244 Vi 234b 4 39 Vi I'b 44 3 4 I44 12 11 22 174b 19' 1 716 40Vb 241b 15'4 35 6'4 25 im 9'4 19 54b 914 40b 4b Mb 24b 1241 16Ve '4 4b 3544 Vi 14Vf 'I 2244 Ma 2834 Vi 27V4 Vi 5'b 244 ib 44 'b 15 Vi 334b 40 4 26 Vb 4b Metro Airlines Minnesota abrics Multimedia Nat'l Bank of NC ed SM Assoc NC Natural Gas North Central Labs Northwest in Corp 3341 'i 14 374b 'b 1541 2241 lb IH44 13 Vi Vi 35 1 The following quotations of oth er stocks traded over the counter are compiled from Investment Industry sources In Greensboro 31 3041 Vt Wb 41 19 31'4 13Tb 2941 29 31 27 84 59 354a 14 14 9'b 22 20J4 '4 5Vs V8 72 28 4b 228 23'4 '444 17 Vi VI Vt Vi 41 Vi 74b 4b 'b Mi 'b 'b 'b 'b 4b 'b 2344 Mi 40 '4 444e 42 American litrcna American urniture American Greetings Apple Computer Aviation Group BBDO interna Monel Bankers TrusliSC Bassett urniture Beaman Corp Big Drugs Blacks Indi Branch Corp Inc Builders Transport Co Burke Mills Burnup A Sims Burris Inds Carolina Cat Ins CCB inancial Corp Chatha Mlg CAS of Georgia CAS Corp of SC Coca Cola Cochrane urnlturft Colonial Ute Context Adolph Coors NASDAQ Quotations Indicate highest bids and lowest oifen from market makers in each securty as ol 3 pm Prices do not include retail markup markdown or commissions 4b Vb 'b 'b 4b 'b 3141 'B 19 Vj 24H ig 53'4 3044 49Vb 95'b 1 4934 15 121S Vi 2441 '4 1841 1H 3541 Vi 19Vb 41 'I 'l 3114 663m 31 25'b 841 2BH Vi 7Vb V4 944 1VB 'I 3VB Vi 41 Vi 41 Vi 19H 10'4 2441 4 84 14 59'4 34' 4b 22 4b 15'4 '4 15 'i 41 Vi 26Vi Vi 'b 'B Vi Vi 4 '4 3814 '4 19H '4 Z4 464 3341 14 4034 ll'bP4 2 354b 4 44V Vb 30 25Vi 3131 Bid Asked 35 200 225 26'4 2'4 I3W 24 46 I2Vi 36 1H IH 13 4514 I 4444 '4 4011 2541 It 174 1571 14 4544 14 32 44 33'4 28 14 'b '4 '4 41 34 Vi Vi Vb 51'4 16'4 Vi 3841 134 19 1 1 Vs 5)34 5P4 27 46'4 1 Z6'4 23' 10'4 18 16 '4 14 1 33'4 15'4 JWT 144 JRlver 140 Jamsw s10 Japn i13e JeffPilt 176 JerC Pt 936 JerC of 812 JerC pf 788 JerC Pf 11 JerC Pf 218 '4 4 Vi '4 Bid Asked 1811 19'4 84 9' 27'4' 2711 201 171 40' 44 Vi 4 25'4 Vi 36'4 31 1 6 Vi 12H 19M 19'4 22H 2234 134 26 4414 1114 24 434 Vt 1 253b '4 7' 11 11'4 3514 1534 21 '4 '4 31 '4 '4 Vi 36 '4 67' 15'4 34H 37Vj 1914 Vl 16'i 26V '4 21'4 33H Vi 21H 4 414 25 15 19 39'4 22 4334 31 7i 137b 19 34 2011 Vi 44' '4 28H '4 29'4 RshCot 32 Revco 68 viRever Revlon 184 Rexham 60 Rexnrd 40 Reynln 3 20 Revin pf RpvMtl 1 RevM pf4 50 80 1' RchVckl48 293g RiegelT 180 '4 RioGran 1 60 55'b KHOA 64 Robshw 140 Robtsn 160 Robins 68 RochG 184 RochTI 216 Rckwl 88 Rohm $160 Rohrln 2041 Vt 17' Vi 24H Vb 43 7b 4941 5131 Vb 58'4 3234 1 1534 37'b Trch pf ToroCo Tosco Tnwle Towle Pf 44 TovRUs Traer 28 Trane 136 TWAn TWA pf 225 TWA pfB225 2 4 Ml 23 31 39 1 103i Vi 4531 4 391 2ih 831 14 254 25 5134 934 9'4 34 $1 4 45'4 V4 2B 84'4 59'4 36 14' 11 22'b 32 2834 534 1334 287 3131 5' 2234 $1 1 1 16 I I J4 1734 2641 353i BMC Bairnco Bkrtntl Ralrinr BaldwU 22i BldU pf52k BallCp 116 BallvMf 20 BailvPk BaltGE 3 Balt pf 8450 BnOne 96 RanCxi 1 BncCtr n28e 9 vt baniex Bandag 1 BangP 80 RkRM 9 19 BkNEdpf509e 7V4 27h I5H 10'4 483i 53 '4 '4 3534 4531 3b 931 3b 23 Vi 2034 3e 43'4 3 18 TWCp TW wt TW wtA twc of TWC Pf 190 TWf nf 9 AA Transm 156 293s Tranlnc 216 18'b Trensco 192 irnscpiJB TrnEx nSOe Transcn TrGpf 1032 TrGP Pf864 TrGP PI2S0 TrnsOh Tranwyl80 45' i 1634 67'4 334 33' I'b 11 12H 15'b 38 1' '4 59' 1'4 4P4 Vi 2834 31 36 4034 4 597 1Vb 23'4 V4 52 21 '4 I4 72 18'5 '4 1534 'b 12h 1 1 7b '4 39H 4 102 60 '4 '1 19H '4 19'4 '4 15M '4 21'4 49'4 J4 5334 HmeGpfl10 9 5 zu Honda 35r Honwll 360 HoovU 92 HorzBn 152 Horizon 54t HospC 40 Hotelin 260 HougM 88 Houhx 40 Houslnt 170 33'4 Vi Holnt pf250 1' 4 Holnt Pf625 73' Houlnd 232 21 Vi Vi HouNG I 82 44'b 31 HouOR 244e 193a '4 MOWrT 40 Hubbrd 220 Huffy 30 HughTI 84 Human 79 Huma pf250 237i HuntCh 50 '4 37' Hydra) 184 2074 2471 1 16'4 V4 7171 Vt 503i Vi 23'4 '4 2931 '1 41' Vb 29'4 Vi 23 RoylD2 82e Rubrm s72 RusTg 76 RvanH 1 RyderS 108b 59'134 Vi Vi 63 1 25'i Vi 8'1 '4 64 1 22' 4434 25 3 93a 213i 423 31 69 64'4 7' 1j4 126'b34 Vt 7 40V '4 34 131 '4 11 Vi 24' 3i 66'4 16 '4 Zt'4 31 37 834 9Vb '4 2131 '4 Close Chg 21946 048 76 25 3a 28H 'b 293a 3631 '4 15'1 '4 4P1 31 23' Vi 37' S3 '4 4'4 'A 23 ''1 11' 'e 2031 4571 84' tl 11'4 13 '4 27' 31' 63 51' 63 a4 16 344 12 VI 15 '4 15'4 '1 8'4 1' '4 3031 3 31 13i 293 'a 39 CBI In 140a 3131 '4 CBS 280 6914 Vi CCX 8'4 CCXpfl25 93(4 Vi CIGNA 248 43 113 15'4 12'1 12' 24 1736 21' 7' 41 27 16 37 93g 20H 5231 131 35H 4 44'1 11 49 Combln 2 CmbEn 184 Comdss 16 ComMI s36 Comdr CmwE 3 CwE pf 190 CwE pf 2 CwE pf 287 CwE pf 724 ComtS2l2 Cmsat $120 CPsyc 28 34' 57 34 97i 1223131 723 69 57 553a '4 163a Vi 1534 31 1 38' 1 333a l'a 36 18'4 11 73' 3634 31 21 20' '1 61 53i 34 19H lb 12h 3934 1 64'a 54'4 Vt Travier 180 TriCon 253e TriSoln Trialnd 40 TriaPc I Tribun 72 Tricntr 32e Trico 16 rmfv TritEng 10 TucsEP220 TwinDs 80 TvcoLb 70 lyier Tymshr viHRT 231 Vi HallB 1701 25'o 3b Halbtn 180 3734 1'4 HamrP 184 45 31 HanJb i 4a Hanjl 184a Hrraimn HandH Hanna HarBrJ Harlnd Harnish HrpRw n80 HarrBk 232 Harris 88 Harsco 120 HartH 50 Hartmx 94 HattSe 180 HwliEI 312 HayesA Hazltn 32 HazLbn 32 Hecks 28 2631 1 Vt 36 25' 20Vi 3331 31 35' 40'1 31 42 5531 $4 1' MatAst Manhln 30b ManhNt 32 1 434 ManCrs20 19i 31 MfrHan 304 3734 34 MfrH pf579e 58 MfrH Pf520e vimanvi viMnvl pf MAPCO 1 Marcde MarMid 140 2334 MarM pf280e 4V1 43 Vl 1 4' 20 7331 131 4716 37 16' 251a 31 29 8'4 '24 23 10'4 lb60 18' 27 31 1 4014 31 46 Vl 94 5'4 7 1 97 Vi 64' 60 2134 1411 167b 37'4 35' 21'jI'j TDK TECO I TRE TRW 1 TarBt TaftBrd 108 497i 1 anev Talley of 1 Tandy Tndvcft Tektrnx 1 Telcom Teldvn 1 Telrte Telex Tennco 2 80 Tenc pr 11 Tenc pr740 Terdvn Tesoro 40 Tew p216 Texaco 3 TxABc 152 TexCm I4J TexEst 410 TmET 019 40 TxET of9 87 TxETpf5 96e 56 Tex I nd 80b 353 '4 Tex Inst 2 134 Texlnt TxNMx 226 254 V4 TxOGas 326 42'1 131 TxPac 35 TexUtil 220 27 Texfi In 73 Textron 180 34 Thack rnack Pf4 25u ThrmEI ThmBet 220 Thomln 68b 173 inmM 28 Thrifty $46 TiCaros 84 Tldwtr 90 Tlgerln Timai 1 Tlml pfBI57 91 1 iimpix TimeM 2 Timkn 180 TodShp 132 Tokhm 54 TnlEdin 9 44 TolEd pf347 25 i oita pT4ze 41 yj TolEd pf2 36 TolEd Pf22l 1631 Tonka 40 2036 TootRol 40b 16 Trrhmk 1 Afi 4936 toib 10'4 60 40 IC Ind 236 IC in pf350 ICN INAIn 192a IU Int 115b IU Intwl IdahoP 308 IdaalR 3Oi IllPowr 248 IIPow of204 17 '4 IIPow Pf221 18'4 '4 IIPow pf2 35 19 IIPow pf378 30' Vi I1W 116 ImpCh ImpICp INCO 20 20'b 41 45 45' 17 2431 12 31 1131 4V 31 1036 1531 Mi 28 19' 31' 336 '4 257i 4 Uniroyl Unryl pf 8 UnitDr UnBrnd UfhiTV 14 UnEnrg 248 253i UHIum 308 2531 Ulllu Pt397 Ulllu Pf220 1 Unitin 40 25'4 Unitinn 22 UJerBk 140 30 UtdMM 123a '1 UPkMn 2'a USoS425e26 UsairG 12 321 260 umo si USInd 76 USLeas 76 USSho 76 USSteel 1 USSti DfS 72e 52'1131 12H 4i 163m 3b 3 40 '4 28 V4 58' i 31 55' Vi 50 20'4 Vi 43 39Vi Vi 20 Vt 237i 94'fl 35' 183a 4 ba MACOM 20 2431 '4 MCAs 88 39 34 MEI 36 3631 MGMGr 44 13 MGMGr pf 44 10 17 20' 47 31 24' 3431 78 2'b 29 'b 32'4 15 31 Easco EastAir EALwtO PAL wtA EsAir pf202i 11 EsAir pf240i EsAir pf142i 15Vi Vi tastup iju EastUtl 182 kSKOQ Eaton Echlin Eckard EdisBr 160 Edwrd 80 ElPaso 71i EPG dpf235 tHU pt J5 EPG pr ticor ElecAs EDSs EMM EMM pf 1 Elain 1 Afi EmrsEI 230 65'4 I' ERads 11' '4 EmryA 50 2534 '4 Emhart28O 554 V8 tmpus 164 Emppf 47 Emp pf 50 EnExc EngICp 64 EnisBs 44 57 1 42 41 861 16 15 34 267e '4 42'4 31 1534 Vi 33 26' 7i 24' 39' 2631 '4 SuprOii 20 33 bUPMK J8 24 SUP5CP 41 2734 431 12934 25' 30 81 36'1 24' 4 Vl 29'1 161 Vt 24'4 19 3b 41 Vb eb 297fr Vi Amer Int'l PD 585 Ser BI09 eeixnap Blyvoors Mme British American Life Carriina Steel Color Tile Community Bank Debeers Consol Mine armers Group irst Citizens General Shale High Point Bank Trust Integrity Group International Clinic Labs International Games Investors Title Ins Co Kentucky Central Life Metro Airline Mid South ins Co Noxell Corp lla 12 9' 3g 7736 35'4 54 24' 10H 35 I97 Vi 23' 20 2'4 ''4 lO'B 4' 2131 13'4 34Vb 21 62' 31 34'4 Vi 35 29'4 37 Vi 10V Vt 37'4 Vi 3414 40'4 27 '4 5716 1931 171 Vi 38' 4 636 2031 2031 47 17h Vi 10'4 Vi NEW YORK (AP) riday Nov 18 2936 lb 373a 40 2816 21'4 1 14 4 3b I8'b 1' 10' 36 1234 211 1631 37 LN Ho 259e LE LL8E n55e LLCCP LLC Pf LTV pf 306 LQuint LacGas 260 LamSes Lawtint 80 LearPt 90 LearP pf287 28' LearSg 160 437 LearS Pf225 10816 1'4 37'4 1 Vt 13 '4 207 714 ir II Va '4 55'b 2'e 37'4 49 40'4 8131 125437 1 26077 1 24035 1 250 91 376 599 87 60977 59380 606 04 608 13791 13829 136 51 137 33 077 50521 50934 49979 50568 028 10080900 5675200 1310500 17066600 4V 5131 Vi 36 Vt AHa 51'4 3b 1931 42'74 131 27 36 Vi 3836 '4 2831 I6V1 19' 101 1431 14 37 36Vb Va 4 9' 61 20 31 43 '4 35' 68V4 Vt 19'74 52' 45'6 3b 5434 ChesVa 116 38 Va ChesPn 184 38' '4 LNWSt ChiMlw ChiMI pf ChiPnT Chkull 50 ChrisC $48t ChCftpf 1 Christn Chroma Chrm pf 5 Chryslr fhrv wt Chrys pf275 35 3b unrens CinBell 292 CinGE 216 CinG pf 4 CinG Pf475 CinG pf930 CinG pf 744 CinG pf 952 CinMil 72 Circus Citirro I Citicp pf694e Herrft on urn HIcaOj urn Int I Clinical Labs Justin Inds Kinrit urn Klnuercare Ladd urn Lance inc Lane Co HCI MCM Cori tni 23 I37b 26 45 12 24V4 20 15 31 12' 33 31 534 4 25Va 31 4431 746 GA 051 GA pf 120 GATX 120 GCAs GEICO 72 GEO 181 CPS GTE 3 GTE Pf 250 GTE pf 2 48 rjtiMi Mi nci Gannett 192 62'41 GapSt 40 25 bearni 4u Geico Gemln 3 20a 14 4336 Vi 3134 7 26 931 80 37 164 1 23'4 2431 3836 91 1 68 31 3731 3b European traders also said continued un certainty over developments In the Middle East and the US Soviet arms reductions talks In Geneva Switzerland also supported the dollar which Is often sought bv Investors In times of world unrest In Tokyo the dollar rose to 23575 Japanese 15 4lVa 27 461 2 103e 1231 3316 19 22 3831 31 28 15 16' '4 2436 56Va Va PHH 84 32'8 131 PNBMt 140e 15 'a 24' '4 20' 931 35 1536 18Ve 17V4 31 '6 8534 2734 3b 2631 1 51 "1 7 1 23 4731131 '4 Stocks in Spotlight NEW YORK (AP) Sales closing price and net change of the fifteen most active New York Stock Exchange issues Oaklnd 061 OcciPet 250 4 OcciP pf360 79'4 OcciP 20 Vi OcciP Pf212 17 OcciP pf2 OcciP PflSSO H0b 105' 3 243 4 1 30'6 3b 15 Vr 30 55 1 58 2'4 25 2831 66 1 55 23 Vi 28 '4 1831 3a 97' 29 131 15 6534 1 19 8 223m 13' 3831 21' 107' '4 28'4 17 44 Va 24 703 364 Compgr 10e 32 compac Cptvsn ConAgr 114 Conair 12 ConftMl 1 AO ConnEn 280 unnNU z4u Conrac s40 ConsEd 188 ConEpf 5 Conds 232 Con pf Cnsrt 180 CnsNG 2 ConsPw 252 16'? '4 CnPw pf4 50 30'4 CnPw pf745 51 CnPw pf772 52 1 CnPw pf776 51 Vi CnPw or360 23 CnPw pr378 24 31 CnPw pf768 51 1 CnPw pr 4 31 CnPw pr398 CnPw pr385 24Vs CnPw pr250 17 CnPw pr223 15 CnPw pr402 26 '4 CnPw pr243 CntlCo 260 28 CntIGrp 260 50V CntGo Pf 2 23 3i CntGo Pf450 38 Contlll 2 203 4 3i Cntlll pf ContTel 164 233 uuata 60 Conwd 80 Cook Un Coopr 152 Coopl Pf290 CoopLb s40 CoprTr s36 nniwld Cowld Pf248 uoroura Coreln 48 CornG 232 CorBIk 180 Cowles 40 CoxCm 30 Craig Crane 160b CrayRs CrockN 9 40 CrckN pf218 22'4 CrmpKnL12 23 3a crwnck JU4 urwzei Ji CrZel Pf463 49'4 CrZel pfC450 20 22'78 17 Vi 20 27'4 7'4 18 2934 3 28 13'4 52 41 24 25 73 67' 1 65 24 Va 63'4 163b 16 Vi 3b 1831 36 55 ia Svst 'SO 35 1 EagleP 96 24 Occi pf 1462 ODECO 1 Ogden 190 OhioEd 180 OhEd pf3 90 OhEd Pf736 OhEd pfB20 OhEd ofl so OhEd pr392 27 OhEd pfl80 14 OhEd pf 8 64 63 4 OhE Pf 1076 87 OhPpf 804 OhP pfB7 60 58 Vi OhP pfG2 27 17 OhP ptA 14 102 4 OhP p(D776 uxiabt i zib uxiau ptiw Olin L32 Omark 104 Omncrs80 Onirtj 79 ONEOK 240 2931 OranRk 192 203y Mi urange OrionC 66 Orton Orion pf 50 OutbM 104 Culbro Culinet CumEn Currlnc 110 CurtW 120 46 Cyclops 110 32 4 1734 29' 66 ''4 72'78 36 27 35 13 51 55 1 36 18 41 2 10 41 Vi Arkia 104 ArlnRt Armada Armco 40 Armc pf210 ArmslR ArmWln 110 29V8 ArmW pf375 4 afoup ov ArowE 16 Artra 22 Arvin 112 Arvin pf 2 Asarco 40 AshlOil 1 AO AshlO pf450 39Vi AshlO Pf396 40 AsdDG 220 67'? AsdD Pf475 107'? Athlone 160 21 AtCyEI 236 24'4 AtIMtro 08e l' AtIRich 240 41 1 AtIRc Pf 3 282'i ATIKC przw AtlasCo 50 Augat 32 AutoDt 56 AvcoCo 120 Avco Pf 320 AVEMC 58 Averv Avnet 50 Avon Axia Aydin AGnl pfA554e 54 AGnl pfB517e 66 1 AGn pf325 51 1 Anern ye AHoist AHome240 AHosp 1 AMI 48 AmMnt ANatRs 316 43 APresn 29Mb ASLIs 15 ASLI pf219 Amp tw AmStd 160 ASteril 44 AmStr 48 ATT 540a ATT pf 364 ATT Pf 374 AWatr 140 AWat pfl43 AWt of 1 95 AHntl nl 71 93 ATrPrwi Va ATrSc wi 8 Vi ATrUnwi 64 Ameron 160 30 AmesDs32 49 '4 Ametks80 1 Amfac 144 283 Amfesnl951 20'4 AMrin I6U Ampco 30 Amrep 331 1 AmSth 192 Amstar 190 Amst pf 68 Amst pt 265 Amsted 80 Anacmp 091 Analog Anchor 136 AnClay 132 AndrGr 19 Angele 48 Anheut 1 Ifi Anheu pf3 60 50 Anixir Z4 Anta 56 Anthny 44b Apache 28 ApchP wt AnrhP un9i ApPw pf418 32 AppIMg 313b ArchDn 14b 223b ArizPb iw AriP pf697e AriP pf358 ArIPpf 1070 ArkBst 23 20 Vi 9 16 30 Vi Vi 34' Vi 37 Va LswyTr 150 LeeEn 72 LgMasn20 LegPIt s40 I hVal Lehmn 199e 18 Lennar 20 '4 LeucN 18 Leucd pfl85 12 uevibt 16) Levltzs 72 LO 120 LO pf 475 LibtyCp 72 Lfemk 40 Lilly 290 Limited 12 LincNt 336 LincPI 224 Litton 1 80b Lckhd 1 ATtitO 60 Loews 120 I69'? Lomi Z)b LomMt 309e 30 Lnitar I vu LILCo 202 LIL PfE4 35 LIL pfJ 812 LIL PIK830 LIL pfX350 LIL pfW352 LIL PfV350 LIL PfU4 25 LIL pH 331 LIL PfP243 LIL PfO247 Long Dr 112 Loral 44 LaGenl 50 LLand Ib LaPac 80b LaPL Pf316 LauvGs 936 Lowens! 160 54 Lowes jz Lubrzl 108 Lubyss 60 LuckyS 116 Lukens 40 11 26'7 24 2 RBind RCA RCA of RCA Di 212 RCA pf 365 RLC 20 RTE 50 RalsPur 84 Ramad Rampcl80 34 Ranco 84 18 RangrO Raycm 44 79 Raymk 12 Raythn 140 45 ReadBt 80 13 4 RdBatpf213 24 RdBatpf144e 25 '4 Kirxer iu weentq Redmn Reece Regal ReichC RepAif PpdA wt RepCo 60 RpdNY 1 59 RNY pfC313 25 RNY p(A601e 4 16 37' Vi 95 Enserch 160 22 tnsree ENSTR 36 Enters 84 ntPx 1 90 Equifax 160 29 Va Equimk Va Eqmk Pf231 18' EqtGas 204 48' 1 Erbmtn Esmarkl84 81 Esmrk pf280 NEW YORK (AP) Stock Last Chg 10 19 22'a 21 33 36 41 85 I 33 Vt 37 20 5 7lb 24 51' 22 9 Mi 26 21 lb 35 19 25 16 14 95'7 19 31 30 22 39 CIG pf 275 29 ULt CNA CNApf 110 27 CNAI 120a 10'4 CPC Int 220 40'4 Cr NTI Si 28 CSXS 104 CTS 1 3 Inc uaDot Caesar Callhn 25r Camrnl 40 CRLkg 48 CmoR CmpR pf50 2'8 CamSo 230 57 CdPacgl40 39 CanPE g80 Va CanaIR 64 97 2 CapCits 20 149 CapHld 140 36 CapHd pf836e 1051 caring 4u Carlisle 96 Carnal 220 Carot s32 CarPw 252 CarP pf267 CarTec 210 Carrol 05 CarsPir 120 33 carrnw izz CartWI 48 CascNG 112 CastlCk CstIC Pf25O CatrpT 150 CecoCp 108 Celanse 4 Centel 226 Centex 4 95 CenSoW 178 19 CenHud 2 60 24 CenlILt 206 Vi CnILt pf287 25 CnILt pf262 22 CnllPS 152a 163b CnLaE1 184 18 CLaEl pf418 32' cevrw ibb CnSova 84 CVtPS sl80 CentrDt CntrvTl 76 Cenvill s2 60 25 cn teea CessAir 40 Chmpln 40 Chml pfl20 Chmlpf460 ChamSp 40 ChartCo 1 Chart wt Chart Pfl 65 Chae 350 Chase pf675 Chase pf760 63 Vi cnase ptsuae 56 Chelsea 66 15 Chemed 136 37 ChmNY 324 45 ChNY pfl87 29 ChNY pf579e 57 ChNY pf 522e CocaCI 268 54Va Vi ColeNt 48 31' Colecos 18' 1 Colemnl20 34 coigpai 1Z8 2j coiiaik 1 Colds 20 ColPen 140 Coitind 220 CnlCa 1 09 ColGs pfl86e 53 CSO Pf 345 24 CSO Pfnl525 43Va Vi 413 Mi 66 67 27' 64'7 20'e 64 43 24 39 UAL UAL Pf 240 UGI 204 UGI 275 UMC 60 UMET 33e UNCRes U5G 384 UniNV 423e 78 UCamp 3 79 UnCarb 340 65 1 UnionC 241 5's UnElec 172 15 UnEI pf 35V 2f UnEI of 450 34 UnEI Pf6 40 47 UnEI pfM 4 29 UEi pfL 8 57 1 UnEI Pf298 22' UnEI Pf213 16 UnEI Pf272 21 UnEI pf744 UEI pfH 8 59 UnPac I 80 1 UnPac Pf 725 U0 2 16 Mi 60 18 26' a Vb 1 35v? 53 44 16 17'e 40 15 19 Vb 123 31 13 9 50 43 3Hb Dow Tones Average NEW YORK(AP) inal Dow Jones avgs for riday Nov 18 STOCKS 13 Vi 17V? Vb 283 40 7 1834 Vi 43 34 35 AbtLab 1 AccoW 60 AcmeC 40 AcmeE 32b AdmDg 04 AdaEx l73e AdmMI 24 Advest 12 AMDs Aerflx AetnLf 9 64 AetL pf518e 57 Anmns izu Alleen AirPrd 1 Airbrt 60 AIMoa AlaP pf A392 30 Aiar optb AlaPpf 11 AlaP pf 816 AlaP pf 8 28 Alagsco 176 AlskAir 12 Alberto 54 Albtsn 60 Alcan 90 AlcoStd 116 AlexAlx 1 Alexdr AlloCn 1 08 AlgCp Pf286 26 Algin! 140 29' Algin pf219 21 Algl pfC1125 Vb AllgPw 2 60 2 77a AllenG 40b 22 AlldCp 240 55' AldCppf674 64 Va AldC 106 Aiioro AlldStr AllisCh AlisCh d( ALLTL 180b 253s ALLI ptzU6 AlphPr Alcoa 120 Amax 20 Amax pf 3 Amrce 40 AmHes 110 AHes pf35O 116 4 AmAgr ABakr ABrand 360 ABrd pf275 ABrd Df267 ABdcst 160 ABIdMs74 ABusPd 72 AmCan 290 ACan pf280 ACan of 3 ACan pfl375 106' ACapBd216 ACapCv 475e BkNYsl84 BkofVa 152 RnkAm 159 BkAm pf 476e Vt BkAm pf612e BkAm pf2 88 20 Va bKAKT SlyZ BankTr 225 BkTr pf25O BkTr pf422 Banner Bard 40 BarnGp 60 Rarnef 1 90 Barnt pf238 41V? BaryWr 48 31' BasRes 10 10' uausen sa RaitTr a Bayin 05e 15Va RavStrb 48 91 Bearing 1 lb Beatd 160 31 '4 Beat pf 338 BectnD 115 37'? Bexer BeldnH 40 BelHw 50 BelHw pf60 BelCd g2 08 Bell I nd 32 Beto 72 Bemis 160 Bndx pf 404 BenfCp 2 Benef Benef pf250 BengtB 25e Berkey BestPd 36 BethStl 60 RethU nf 5 BethSt pf250 253b sevriy zu BigThr 72 Binney 1 28 BlackD 52 BlkHP si 36 Blair 56 BIckHR 208 BlueB 180 Boeing 140 Boisec 190 BoiseC Pf 5 Rnrden 944 BorgWa 168 50'4 1 Brgw wi Bormns BosEd 288 BosE Pf888 BosE prl17 BosE Prl46 Rriakt 1 36a BristM Si 20 437 BfiTuna BritPt 149e Brock 10 Brckwv 132 BkvUG290 RwnSh 90 BwnGp S110 Va Brwnb Brnwk 60 BrshWs 88 BucvEr 44 Bundy 60 BunkrH 216 Burllnd 152 BrINth 180 BrINo Pf 55 BrIN pf 213 Burndy 84 Burrgh 260 Butlrln 52 Buttes EMC 180 abrge 60 abCtr 28 acet airrhd airc pf360 41' raino iz amDI $16 rWst arah lie ayDgs14 12' eders 5 edlCo 144 27 dExps 46 1'4 dMog 140 30'4 Va edNM 16 23 Va edPB 120 40 Pap pfl20 49'4 3 dSgnl 80b 16 V4 edDSt 220 57'4 erro 120 34 idUni 280 44 ldcst 2 nCpAs68 21' inCp Pf273e NSemwi 17 NtSvIn sl20 37 rrnana NevPw 272 NevP pfl 74 NevP pf230 NevP pfl 95 Npv5v ZO NEngEI 320 41 NPnP of9 76 96ft NJRsc 184 24 1 NYSEG 232 20 Va NYS Pf 880 69 NYS PfA78e 26 NYSpf 212 17 NYS pfD375 29 Newells 50 15 Nwhal 32 29 Nwhll n54e 13 V4 NwhIR n42e 11 Newmr i Nwpark 041 NiaMP 192 NiaMpf 340 NiaMpf 390 NiaMpf 525 NiaMpf 610 NiMof 10 60 NiagSh 139e 20 Nicole! 03e 17 NILUK JO4 NoblAf 12 16 NorfkSo 280 65 Nonin 28 Norstr 220b Norstr pf 354e 45 Nnrtek 14 NACoat 90 441 NoAPhl 170 NEurO 222e 18 NoestUt 138 13 NlndPS 150 14 NoStPw 296 38' NSPw pf410 35 NSPw pf784 64'7 NSPw pf880 70'8 2 NirW NorTel $40 Nthgat Nortrp 180 NwstAir NwstEn 150 38'a NwEn pf213 31 NWTinazM NwtP pf250 NwStW 10i Norton 2 Norwat 1 flO Nwst pf5 46e 56 Novo 28e M'a Nuror 39 38 NutrlS 32 11 17V 'Z4 40 4U 60 92 32 AmerkarUndex NEW YORK (AP) American Stock txenange inoex: High Low 22041 21921 50 21 1 36 19 28 Vi 287'a 97 1 351 26 Va 18 22 16'7 2 15 56 56 Vi 23 24 Va 42 NEW YORK (AP) The dollar rose against most other melor currencies In i US and European trading riday as no significant drop In US Interest rales appeared Immi MGH)ld prices edged lower In New York after showing little change In Europe The dollar's recent support mainly has come from the perception that US Interest rates will not soon fall US rates currently are higher than those In several other nations making the yields on dollar denominated In vestments more attractive to dealers There had been speculation that the ederal Reserve might be poised to Increase the avail ability of credit allowing rates tall after the basic US money supply fell below the central bank's growth targets In the week end ed Nov 2 But late riday the ederal Reserve said the basic money measure Ml rose $2 2 billion In the following week With Ml now back with in the growth tarvetif analysts see the ed at having even less reason to ease Its grip on credit so tong as the US economy keeps growing end Inflation remains moderate IndiM pf225 IndiGas 328 IndiPL 276 Inexco 14 Infmtc IngerR 260 IngR pf235 IngrTec 54 InldStl 50 Insilco lb InspRs Instlnv IntgR IntgR pf303 IntgR pf IntgR pf425 IntRn 45e ItcpSe 210a Interco 288 Intrfst 120 Intrlk 260 Intmd intAlu 72 IBM 380 Intlav 104 IntHarv IntHr wt IntHrpf 3 IntMln 260 IntMult 1 76 IntPapr 2 40 54 iniKec IntTT 276 ITTpfK 4 ITT ofD 5 IntTT pf225 53 IntTT pf450 71 IntNrth 232 38 IntNt Pf848 87 1 IntpGp 180 53 IntBakr 14 IntstPw 182 17V? IntUnf nlOe 17 lowaE1 1 84 16 lowllG 2 48 25 lowlll Pf231 19 1 lowaPS 2 56 25 lowaRs 2 92 28 IpcoCp 30 1 57i IrvgBk 352 SI1? Xerox XTfiA ZaleCp 126 Zapata 84 Zayrei 30 ZenithR Zero 40 Zurnln 132 25 14 30 56 56 Vi 24 24 24 28 Va 23 16 17'? 43 Va 26' 12 27 Vi 27 23 24 27V8 15 19 15'fr 12'4 Va 37 18 27 3 10 31 SCA SCM SPSTec 72 Sabins (IZ SabnR nl96e 23 SfgdBss24 18 SfgdSc 6 SfgdS wt 5 32 SafKlnn30 32 Satwysl50 27 saga ja ji StJoLP 148 I'a SPaul 116 10 StRegis 112 35 Solan! 40 11 SDisC 1 96 91U SJuanB 98e 10 Sandr 54' SAnllRt 176 20 ai emo i 132 Saul RE 20 SavEIP 1 44 SavE PH28 Savin Savin pfl 50 11 SchrPIo 168 40 Schlmb 104 48 2 SciAtl 12 15 Scoa 60 1 ScotLad 12 Scotet 180 1 Scottys 44 154 Scovlll 152 2 7 SeaCt Pfl 46 11 SeaC pfB210 14 SeaC P1C210 14 aeaLoni zz Saaarm 68 Seagul 15 SealArs 36 24 weir eu Cifylnv 180 Ctylnpf 2 Ctyln pf287 Clabir 72 ClarkE 110 ClvCIf 1 flavI 940 CIvEI pf740 57 Clevpk 60 Vt Clvpk pf223 15 Clvpk pfl 84 19 Clorox 104 CluettP 92 29 Cluet Pf 1 18'7 Coach 30 29 Coastal 40 32 1 44 1 Vi 12 Va 86 22 35 80 19 2 )7Va yen up from 23525 yen Thursday The dollar also climbed In US trading to 23600 yen In London the British pound fell to $14700 from $14775 Thursday and sterling dropped to $14660 In US trading from $14813 late Thursday Other dollar rates In Europe compared with Thursday were: 27040 West German marks up from 26915 2 1850 Swiss francs up from 217425 82155 rench francs up from 81875 302525 Dutch guilders up from 30140 163550 Italian lire up from 1630 95 and 123805 Ca nadian dollars up from 123725 Other dollar rates In US trading as of 420 pm EST and compared with Thursday were: 27055 West German marks up from 2 6884 21870 Swiss francs up from 21740 12200 rench francs up from 21725 and 12380 Ca nadian dollars up from 12371 4 In bullion trading gold rose 50 cents In Lon don to 1375 50 a troy ounce but was unchanged In Zurich at $37575 Earlier In Hong Kong gold fell S3 cents to $37782 In New York gold for November delivery on the Commodity Exchange fell $170 to $37550 an ounce Republic National Bank later quoted gold at 4 pm EST also at $375 50 down $150 from Thursday's late bld Silver edged up In London to $852 a troy ounce from $8495 But on New York's Comex silver for spot delivery fell 137 cents to tt 533 an ojjnce RepStl 50 26 RepBk 164 32'? RepBk pf212 M' 147 33 12'b 15 1 21 15 105 37 18 13 69'i 27 1 21 43 7 29 27 Vb Esquir EssexC 80b Estrlne 64 Ethyls 85 EvanP 107! Evan pfl4O Evan p(210 ExCelo 160 Exclsr 187e xxnn 190 45 21 V4 13 13 1 22 Marion s40 MarkC 32 Mark pfl20 Marriot 36 MrshM 220 MartM si 34 MaryKs 12 Masco ZZ Masnite 132 45 masm ioe Masey MasCp 256 Maslne 1 19 MatsuE 62e 73 1 Mattel 221 6 Matel wt 4 1 Matti pf250 15 MavDS 2 53 Mavtg 240a 49 1 McDr pf220 26 McOr pf260 McDrl nl80e 25 Mcuri wt McDId n05e McDnld 1 McDnDl 42 MrGEri 9 McGrHsl08 47 Vt Mcinr McKess 240 McLean Mead 1 Measrx Medtrn 72 Mellon 9 ZZ Mellon pf280 26 Melvllsl09 33 MerSt 1 51 MerTexl28 28 MerTx pf350 40 Merck ztw Mrdth 72 MerLy 80 MesaO MpsaP MesaR 158e 26 Mesab 36i 7 Metrms76 23 2 MtE pfG768 51 Mexra ye MhWi pf267 MhWI pf212 Micklb 08 Midcon 216 MidSU! 174 MidRos I MillrWs 75 MiltBrd 120 21 MllTK J6 MMM 3X MinPL 240 Misnlnn 1 MoPSv IWb 17 MoPS Pf244 19' MoPS pr2 61 21 Vz MoPSpf413 32 Mitei Mobil MobilH ModCot Mohasc 16e MohkDt MohRub 90 Monrch 80 Monsan 420 MnfDU 244 MonPw 2 68 MonSt 180a MONY 80e MooreC 2 MoreM 104 Moran 12 Moraan 170 Morgn Pf463e 78 1 MorKnd 132 27 MorseS 60 32 Morton 176 Motrola 160 1 Mtuel Sl 44 27 Munfrds50 21 Munsng 14 MurphC 128 35 MurpO 1 31 1 MurryO 120 27 MutOml44e 12 MyersL Vi NACO 80b New York Index NEW YORK (AP) Closing New York Stock Exchange Index: KaiC pf 137 KaisrSt KaneMI 28 Kaneb 104 KCfvP e9 9z KCPL Pf435 34 KCPL pf22O 18 KCSou 88 KCSo Pf 1 12' KanGE 224 20 KanPLt 256 KaPLpf232 20 KaPLpf223 19'? Katy in 27 Katy pf 146 71 1 KaufBr 40 16 Kaufpfl50 16 Kauf pf 875 83 1 Kellogg 168 30 seuwa Kenai Kenmt KvUtil KerrGI KerGpfl70 25 KerrMc 110 27 KeyBk nl50 29 KeysCn 11 Keyslnt 48b Vb Kiaae iiu KidprB 4 KimbCI 4 20 KnghtR 112 Koger 2 Kolmor 32 Kopers 80 Koppr pf 10 Kroehlr Kroger 2 Kuhim 80 Kyocer 14e Kysor 20 View o(9 io VaEPpf772 63 VaEPpfB84 69 1 VaEI Pf860 78 VaEP p(975 75'zz VaEPp(290 24 vat ptjz Vornad Vukinc VuicnM2 44 WICOR 214 Wachov 156 Wackht 44b Wainoc WIMrt 14 Walcrn i 79 WkHRsgl32 23 WILaV Waitjm 1 20 Walt pfl 60 Warne 70 WrnCm 1 WarnrLl 48 28 WashGs 2 88 301? wsnmai Uc WshWt 248 Waste 68 Watkin 68 WavCiM 90 WavGpfl60 23 weanu WebbD WeisM 56 Welk 9 14 Wel p(394e 48 WelM2X Wendy s32 19 WestCo 40 29 WPenP p(45O 38 2O 51 WstctT gl04 12 wnAirt WtAir wt WAir pf WCNA 121 WUnion 1 40 WUn dpfl18 WUTI Pf256 WestgE 180 westvc 120 WevefhlX Weyr pf28O Wevr or4 5fi WbelLE 5 75 wneirn WhPItpf 6 Whirlpl 2 White 150 Whitehl Whlttak 160 32 William 1X 26 WllmEI 60 8' wnsnru uer WinDxsl56 33' Wlnnbg 20e 15 Winter 8 WlscEP 210 27 wist ptaw WisG Pf255 WIscPL 240 WIkPS 232 Witcos 13? WoIvrW 48 Womet 44 WoodPt 60 WolwthlW Wolw pf2X WrldAr Wrlglv 144a 52 1 wurnzr WyleLb Wylv Wynns PalmBc 120 29 PanABk 62 23 Vi PanAm 8 PanA wt 5 PanhEC 2X 36' Kanrrr Paorcft 76 Pardy Pargas 99e ParkDrl 16 ParkH 104 ParkPn 52 Parsn 1 PavIN 27 PayNPn56 PavCsh s12 Peabdy 20 Pengo PenCen PenC pr527 Penney 216 PaPL 240 PaPL pf440 PaPLpUSO PaPL oM AO PaPLdpr290 22 PaPL pr840 64 PaPLdor325 25 PaPL dPf375 29 PaPLpf924 79 PaPL pr 11 91 PaPLpr 8 60 PaPL pr870 65 renwit zv Pennzol 220 PeopD 28 PeocEn 1 PpdRr io PepsiCo 162 38 PerkEI 50 28 10 reryu ZU Petrie 140 Petrin 50 PetR 1 19e PetRs Pfl57 16 rtinv mjve Pfizer sl 16 PhelpD PhibSs 54 PhilaI 9 19 PhilE pf3W 29 rntit pt46a PhilE Pf785 PhilE pfl28 Phil pf 1713 PhilE p(952 PhilE pf950 PhilE pf7ro PhilE Pf775 PhilSub 132 PhilMr 290 Phlllns 32 PhilPet 220 PhilVH 80 PiedAvt 28 PieNG 208 Pier! Pilsbry280 Pikb wi Pioneer! 24 23 PitnvB $92 PitnB Pf212 69'? Pittstn 15 PlanRsc 15e 16 piantrn is Playboy Pneum 50 PogoPd 60 Poland I Poodr 33 PopTal 80 Portec 40 PortGE 178 PoG Pfllro PorG PJ260 PorG Pf4 40 PorG PI432 Potitch 148 PotmEH70 PotEI p(450 PrairP Premrl 44 Presly Prlmrk 240 Prime PrimM 19 ProctG S240 PdRsh 24 13 37 69 57 54 52' 22 23 23 23 22'? Rhodes Inc Roadway Express Scope Inc Sensormatic Electronics Smithfield oods Sou ilm Ext Steel Heddle Mfg Co Stockton White Sturm Ruger Subaru Tampax Tandem Computers Triad Bank Tyson oods United ederal US Surgical Supply These stock quotations indicate Inter dealer prices from a market maker in each security Bank of Granite Char Mtr Spdwy irst Sec in Corp Invst Life 8 Trust Ivey Properties Kenan Transport Piedmont Corp Davidson Quality Mills Republic Santek Inc Speizman Inds State Bank of Raleigh DMG Damon Dana 112 Daniel 18b DartKr 384 DataGn DatGn wi Datpnt Dayco 16 Daye pf 425 DaytH 66 DaytPL 2 DPL pf 748 DPL of 770 Dean 60 Deere 1 DelmP 164 DeltaAr 60 Deltona niwfhk 1 1A DenMfg 160 35 uennys iz DeSoto 124 DetEd 168 DetE Pf 9 32 DetE pf 768 DetE Pf745 DetE pf 736 DE pf275 DE prR324 DE DE pfP 312 o(R9 75 DEpfO340 25' DE Pf M3 42 25 DEprL 4 29 DE PIK412 DetE pr2 28 17 Dexters 72 22 DiGior 64 13 DiamS 176 22 OiaSh pf 4 39 Diebld 1 1 Digital 71 Disney lX 48 1 DEI 240 31 Divrsln 4 DrPepp 84 20 2 uome iz DomRs240 23V Donald 66 21 DonLJ 24 17 Donly 84 41 Dorsey lX 34 Dover 74 31 HnwCh 1 11 DowJns60 49 Dravo 50 Dresr nravR Drey fs S50a 25 V4 duPont 240 1 duPnl pf450 43 uuxer i Duke pfBX Duke pf 8 20 Duke pf 780 Duke pf 269 Duke pf 385 DunBr $160 DuqLt 2 Duq Pf A210 Duq Pf 2 Duq pr 231 Duq Pf 720 IJVCOHT DynAm 20 24 24 34 Vi 15 32 lO'B Vi 24 13 15 HeciaMiie is neiim s4ua Hellig 48 Heinz HlnC Heir Int 981 Vz HelmP 34 19 HemCa Hem inc te Herculs 144 HeritC HeritC Pfl50 Hrshy si 15 25 72 2 7 10' Vz 18' AAR 44 AC 140 AM 50 AMR Cp AMR pf218 AMR pf 213 1 64 55'7 65 15 Vi GAInv 151e 21 GnBcsh 1 34 3 GCinm 64 44 GCinmpf76 43 1 unuara GnDyn 1 Gen El 2 Gnds 240 GGth 60a fifith wt GHost 44 19' GnHous 17 Gnlnst 50 32 204 54 Vt GMot 280e 76'? GMot pf375 35' GMotpf 5 46 GNCs 16 14 GPU 7H GenRe 128 64' GnRefr 6' GnSignl 168 50 uii pti GTI pflX GTire 150b Gensco GnRad 508 Genst 80 Gst pf 168 GenuPt lX GaPac 60 CaPc o(9 94 GaPc o(C9 94 39 GaPw Pf344 26 GaPwpf376 28 GaPwpf256 20 GaPw p(252 GaPw pf275 23Ve GaPw pf780 GerbPd 148 41 Vz Vz Gero? iz Getty 260e Giantp Gibrn GiffHill 59 Gillette 244 48 GleasW 13 GloblM 24 9 GIONg AtriN wt GldW 06e Gdrirh 1 56 39'7 Goodyrl40 32 GordnJ 56 Gould 172 Grace au Graingr lX 56 Granitv 16 GtAtPc 11 GtLkln 80a 38 GNIrn lSOe 21 GtNoNk 210 53 GtNNk Pf475 58 Gtwi in GWHsp GMP 164 Greyh lX Groler GrowG 40 GrubEI Grtim 90 Grum pf28O 24 Guardi sX 21 uitwst GulfOil 3 GuifQ Gulf pflX GlfStUt 164 14 GIISU PI440 37 Gif SU pr385 29 Gif SU pr4 40 33 GlfSU Pf880 73' GulfUtd 132i GlfU Pf378l 60 uapro Gulton 60 16 SearleG 52 Sears 152 SecPac 2 24 Sedco 58 SelgLt 60 SvceCp 40 Shakle 72 Shaoell Shawl 50 ShellO 2 ShellT 192eshflGla 60 Shrwin 60 SierPac 154 14 Signal 90 bigni PT4IZ 76 SimpPt 12 Singer 10a 26 Singr pf350 28 Skyline ZR Smithin 96 Vz SmkB 280 60 Smckr 80 40 SnapOn 88 33 Sonat 155 34 SonyCo 16e 14 SooLtn lX 27 Source 3 SrcCPPf240 SCrEG 2 Serb pfzx) Z2 SoJefln 232 25 Soudwn 50b 38 SoetBK 108 23 SoetPS 178t 14 SCatEd 380 41 SmithCft 1M 17 SolnGE 228 28 SNETIs 37 SouPcsl50 411 SoRy Pf 260 23' SoUnCol64 22't Vz Sound 84 SoRoy 08 17'z Soumrk 08r 10' Somk p(6u4 SwAirl 16 35 SwBksh 144 27 SwIBk 80 Swtor SwtGas 12 iwknr SwtPS Sparn SpectP £nerrv Springs 1 52 38 SquarD 184 37 bQUIDD 144 W'i Staley 80 25 SRPnts 50 93'z StdMot 80 52 StMotwi 21 S'OilCI 240 33 56 10 IndiM pf7 08 53 IndiM pf776 58'? 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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.