Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York (2024)

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Buffalo Courier Expressi

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9 1 JI'S 5 i BUALO COURIER EXPRESS i Daily Stock Bond Averages 2 2a 2 Va 791 757 1 17 9 32 3)6 8 "'IT j' 16): 2 88 1 2 8 29 16 17 17 27 27 19 94 316 a 4 5 13 13 18 67l 27 5 33 It 3 OS Hi '1 2 14 2 24 138 11 4 7 98 14 7 183 1380 ft 23)6 2 11 mt 4 59 New York Curb Stocks 60 17 13 29 5 28 17 834 2 33 33 8 41 00 47 15 'ft ft 15)6 14 5e 13 25 16 4 11 iVi 44 20 3 1 Curb Bonds 6 5 2650 34 634 62 62 3' 4 2)6 2 8 Toronto Stocks 35 18)61 5 65 9 4 Commodities 3 7 2 12 85 8 46 Year 26 8 44 5 76 76 A 104 107 1563 1412 Container le Cont Bak 2 2 2 3 18 1 2 61 6 10 35 3 78 40 15 3 3 15 18 20 3 3 33 8 2 1 4 681570 446770 14 7 70 13 Low Low 19 19 19 tio I 3 1 5 1 8 1 28' 17 48 32 15 16 1 6 2 2 3 6 7 2 5 10 6 3 2 20 61 17 "3 47 7 16 40754150 105 112 109 27 28 15 716 24 61 7 Clt 6s 40 4a 67 4a 47 4s 55 4a 56 38 24 12 1606 216 3041 2584 1689 883 775 175 1851 897 13 10 1 4 3 8 15 25 74 3 13 3 7 2 1 3 2 12 27 20 23 3 11 3 1 27 Sr 31473 on 8a 58 75 73 12 12 25 14 41 543 89 15 '15 20 20 1 4 15 2 i 28 3 7 3 20 3 13 19 2 6 31 3 48 45 9 5 2 7 1 '7 12 51 732 2 83 3 1 5 13 17 463 I 6 14 9 55 13 68 29 38 249 1800 284 1216 562 cn 4)6s 60 gn'4)6 65 4)6 deb 70 gen 6s 81 416 84 3s 70 Advances Declines Unchanged Total Issues May July Sept Lard Jan 19 60 15 13 THURSDAY' January 14 1943 4s 36 4s 36 West 5s 55 5s 55 Asd 5s 78 61 1 44 49 Sherritt Sigma Siscoe Sladen Slave Lake 8 Pte Steep Rock Sud Basin Sud Con Sylvanite Teckhughes Tex Cdn 443 537 443 THURSDAY January 14 1943 12 13 f70 41 3 10 28 57 12 624 22 110 97 86 8 6 16 8 55 3034 19 19 19 19 19 154710 108870 88755 Gulf Sul 2a Tr 10e air 8 31 14 9 20 2 "I 37 3 10 11 31 9 44 6 74 26 1 27 16 81 19 60 15 13 62 110 13 19 2 1914 11 12 32 14 20 40 86 8 822 21 12 27 18 31 17 46 3s 2s 2a 2s 2s 3a 2 2a 2e 2 is 2a 2S 2e 2 2 2S 17 1 203 6 14 30 23A 47 THURSDAY January 14 1943 8 12 86 10 3 17 18 4 15 16 9 29 25 35 20 24 26 24 22 7 88 2 20 24 KB 8 31 84 '3 36 lift 25 32 ns 2a 2a 2a 104 103 122 10 A 139'8 142 1 58 13 16 2 2 8 4 21 37 42 7 39 38 39 38 39 39 39 14 10 50 49 si 7 20 30 2114 21 21 Central9 Net' Over a Share 834 861 300 520 517 35 79 104 1O4J4 107 108 109 101 70 104 104 113 109 68 20 12 14 95 75 3327 2 5 5 Do Ian Inv Jr Sec Ag Do Auto S3 52 50 100 79 67 10 3 10 29 211! 18 20 3 74i 9 9 14 Open May 137 July 138? Sept 139" Corn May July Sept Deo Cottonseed Oil New York Jan: 14 Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed unchang ed no sales 21 48 60 50 39 32 26 38 50 37 28 23 19 Wed 351 177' 829 New York Jan 14 rederick Williamson president of the New York Central system said today in a letter to the stockholders the road's 1942 earnings exceeded 7 a share "despite heavily Increased costs for taxes wages and materials The profits largest since 1930 were attributed by Williamson to "abnor mal" wartime traffic In 1941 Central earned 8407 a share 1 The executive reported that New York Central reduced its obligations by approximately 190000000 In the 4 last ten years and cut annual interest charges by 11500000 His letter accompanied checks for Centrars recently declared dividend of 81 a share the first payment to stockholder's since '1931 Revere Cop di 7 nevere 7 pr 7 Reyn Met 22 9 2 25 58l H3 28 21 57 52 26 1160 2 12 48 16 8 3 3 3 2 7 10 3 25 31 5 68)4 30 23 4 9 19 42 337 23 80 '24 29 5 21 17 2 53 1 115 26 9 5'4 9143 102 105 104 102 111 89 105 70 1 70 70 PrCl 19 19 19 19 19 19 6 75 60 95 89 94 71 16 17 4 Treasury Last 4s 54 44 10331 48 10013 2s 53 49 106 2s 68 63 10018 New York City Bond 3s 80 103 78 1456 1310 340 2708 68 11 135 134 135! 1 31 31 31 5 4 4 4 178 178 178 35 35 35V 32 31 32 10 10 10 54 28 58 1 114 103' 89 21 138 137V las 139 139 21 12 27 1514Vj 63 59 39 52 37 35 35 100 10 24)4 24 5 4 19 30 60 108)4 108)4 111 112 112 104 97 72 109 101)4 103 i 99 May July Sept 92 133 133 135 133 133 131 132 31 31 14 14 Uli 11 3 27 2 106 105 as aa 161 16144 69 107 77 67 61 26) 562 57U10 535 1305 5 25 14 3 2 8 1 5 13 2 10 1 56 I 3 2 25 6)4 42 8)4 15' 83 83 24 18 13 19 2 5 1 27 16 81 4 1814 60 15 13 3 2 8 Close 14 53 300? 14814 5 10 12 11 i 9(4 775' 20 50 6 170 130 25 50 100 105 102 68 102 103 103 107 109 120)4 103 9744 97 90 RIDAY JANUARY 15 1943 91 108 109 108 Ill 103 105)4 104 Do 6a 68 Ban Paul 852 Sao Paulo 7s 40 Sydney 8 55 Ur aj 3a44s79 Do 44s 4s 78 Do ovaatswitva Quoted in dollar andthlrty seoonda New Yuk' State Bonds K1O Asked ivaa 363 330 105 104 137 140 138 105 1Q5 11 $4 28 28 46 38 61 8 8 37 71 4 21 JOO)' 99 106 104)4 56 5 53 176 363 1804 )4 Thursday opon 120 Thursday high 120 3 Thursday low 1200 Thursday close 1207 Net chango 0 54 Year ago s112 59 1943 high 12082 1943 low 118 84 7t 7 14 14 56 55 56 39 15)4 5 5 27 26)4 17 17 18)4 18 High 139 140 97)4 "97 Tenn Corp 1 1 exszrac Texas Co 2 Tex Gulf JOe Tex Tex Tex' The Third Ave Tran Thomp Pro le Thomp Star Thomp Star pf Tide A 60a Vs 94 A 10 592 540 551 372 369 411 462 485 288 264 383 345 126 1494 190 2772 2353 1535 804 9 21 39 934 33 13 7 3' 77)4 20)4 21 10 3 Do 4)4 89 Do gen 4s 89 Do 3'4 89 6)4 36 Dorfg 5a 2037 Do gm 5s 87 Do 4)4s 87 Do cv 4)4s 49 Do gm 4s 87 Dfli'il 2037 Do4 20370 Do 4s 87 Do 4s 87 st Do 3)4 87 Do3s 87 reg ORIAP 414s 52A Docv 4 60 Do 4s 88 Do 4 88 reg Do 4 88 rt i Do 4s 88 ct reg 34 do ng 4S at 488 402 Support Develops In Several Groups Other Wheat Markets Jan 14 Winnipeg Minneapolis Kansas City Duhith (Durum) 108 86 jf 98 116 S' 99 11 56 9 13 27 38 19 11 12 17 94 94)41 13' 3 13 1 9 3 9 9 25 10) 10 30 23)4 4 9 19 1 3 37)' Soy meal 41 4105 Hominy 45 40 Beet pulp 4000 Gluten feed 3670 data 30 390 Tabla corn 230 16 14 36 86 3 79 43 30 so 15 19 12 1001810611 1081" 1088 1105 1108 10420 10531 iw 101033010121 10318 10 17 35 63 45 4 129 il 18 1 14 5 6 5 123 64 2 2 8 39 VO 1 a 10 19 58 6 71 3 18 25 29 89 15 17 10 Do Avia Do BldgDo Chem Do ood Do Inves Do Mdse Do Mng Do Petr DoRRE Do RR 8 Do Steel Do Tob I no Incorp In Indep 8 Key Bl 1 DoB2 DoB3' DOB4 Manh 704 Maryl 315 MassInvT 172t do sari Mutual In Nat Wi 8 NaU Inves NT Stic 8 Plvm KT i Qrtly In 8 455 SpencT 1227 Trat SI 182 USELP A 1175 3 1R4 86 87 )4 "33 33 65 103 107 97 9744 96 99 102 102 94 iSi: 75 36 46)4 7 Sala todayPreviou day Year ago' 64 105 3)4 9)4 10)4 ft 4)4 )4 32 22) 4 100 1)4 23) 4 5 5 27 7 17 18 32)4 22 100 23 11 19)4 40 no tn 9)4' 9 20 21 39 39 9 9 33 33 13 7 7 3 3)4)4 172 160 3 155 199 85 Wednesday Year ago 1943 1941 1940 1933 39 41 WHAT STOCKS DID Thur 452 122 217 26 1 58 46 1081 10818 43 48 106 SI 49 44 10? 10? 52 4T 11331 1141 47 UH 4 4S MM1011 I 107 8 10010 106 14 I 103 2)4 36 36 18 15 15' 1 110)4 110)4 )4 49 13): 82 Perron 100'" Crou 171 Rouyn 62 Preston 176 Royallte 2300 St Anth 3 San Antonio 195 Sen Rouyn 25 Sheep Creek 1 95 bo 575 44 38 3 40 1 DOW JONES STOCK AVERAGES Jan 14 30 Ind 20 RR ut Za11'1337 2841 15 28 08 1329 28 40 15 4g027 611 38 23 14 61 2835 15 S3 2747 14 56 tock Market Naples Rally fi'Late Deals 3 107 8 34 85 11 7 7 10 90)4 28 9 27)4 20)4 24 'Do DO Do Do Do DoPLEWV4a51St 55 DO 8 50 St tv 80 cn4s5163 104' 09 104)4 102)4 101 92 43)4 108 104)4 85 100 115 37)4 651 594 607 410 407 433 1509 1534 313 292 422 X81 11)4 57)4 )4 9 )4 6 24 22)4 7)4 88 20)4 13)4 13)4 "3 3)4 3 3)S 3)4 ea 20(4 14 12 1'4 3 Stkf20 6 Do3s 49 Natl Steel 3a 65 Enc RR 5a 45 a 7131 Eng 5s52117 Mnw 4s 52 87 Orl Term 4s53 82)4 TREASURY STATEMENT Washington Jan 14 VP The position of the treasury January 12th: Receipts $2494112605 expenditures 324459 788J9 net balance 878459484984: working balance included 8 022036 20331 customs receipts for month 9 68736084 Receipts fiscal year (July 1st)805775841734 expenditures fiscal year 3778171366671 excess of ex pendlturea 2972395534937 total debt11336680319203 Increase over previous day 9378339249 gold asets 822712 08908106 10 7 10 By the 4soctate4 Preet (Quotations in Canadian cents) Listed Aldermac Anglo Cdn Anglo Hur Aunor Bagamac Bankfield Metals Bear Bldgood Bobjo Bralorne Brit Domn Broulan Brown Buff Ank Cal Edmn Calmont Cdn Malar Cariboo Cent Pat Cent PoreChest High Low Last 1965 52 43' 36 30 Va Caro Chem 64 3 Va Ch 6pf5e 14 44)4 Va Iron pft20? 20 30 7 21 25)4 8 29)4 1 22)4 19 6 11 57 9 13 27)' 9 39 19 63 5 7 24 13 12 21'29 10 28 ii 1 38 3 61)4 1 7 8 5: 18 24 32)' 1 1 9 12 31 Peru 7a 59 Do 1st 6s 60 9 Do 2d 6a 1961 Poland 8a SA Porto Aleg 8a 61 20 Do 7s 66 18 MIUCCUMU OS Rio de Jan 8s46 Do 6s 53 Rio Gr do 3 767 11 20)4 406' 14 14 3 6 27i 12 12)4 14 14 4 4 1)4 1)4 95 95)' 58 58 13 13 74 74 16 16 6 1 '2 16 3 11' Nat Eylln HO 7 10 Nat Dairy 30 5 15 Nat Dept Store 7 7 Nat Distillers 2 3 25 Nat Gypsum 2 Nat Gyp pf 4 60 76 Cleveland Jan 14 The labor turnover has become so great it is satistlcally Equivalent to hav ing1 a entire working force leave in less ttian a year Brig Gen Leonard Ayres declared to day Commenting on1 a Labor Department survey of 135 'industries'ihi said Job stabilisation orders "appear to have become Not All Leave Job "Of course not all of the individual workers in any Industry do in fact leave their jobs within one year but so many of them do that the statistical record hasnow become one of more than 100 per cent labor the economist asserted lu the monthly business bulletin ofw the Cleveland Trust Company of which he is a vice president Noting the present plan for Am eri 4 can industry calls for an Increase of production of 33000000000 worth of war good over the 855000000000 of war gowi produced in 1942 Gen Ayres of manpower materials and transportation may prove that some of these estimates are too: high but it 1 clearly to i be expected that production for civilian use' will be se verely restricted this year and that our productive energies will be increasingly devoted to make ahlps and munitions" Only half as many new businesses are being bom today as were coming into existence in 1940 when the selec tive service act and rearmament ef forts ushered in the emergency period This fact is more striking Gen Ayres said than the moderately low rate of business deaths which finds insol vencies at record low levels The retired Army officer said: We are going 'to win these wars That outcome waar assured by the develop ments of 1942' But we are not going to win them as easily or as rapidly as a good many expressions of business opinion appear to assume' 2 1 10 8 7V 8 A 4 33 33 1 32 32)4 32 17 I 1 11 5 '5 8 23)4 23 11 5 4 2 3 2 11 6' 6 16 16 14 14)4 6 A 6 36)4 36)4 86)4 86)4 Jia 79 A 27) 27 96l X4X 13 8 91' 4 95 95 95)4 2B1 Do 4s 71 86 Walwrth 4s 55 92 Warner Bro 6a 48 103 Pen 5a 3 WestShore 4s2361 45 Do 4s 2361 rg 44 WestnMd 453 8914 WNYAP gen4a43 10015 WeetnPac t5a46 39 Do 5846 asd 40 WesternUn Sa51 90 Do 5s 60 85 DO4(i50 91 WAtEUsMtg 2)45 101 Whei Btl 3)466 89 Wls Yen 4e49 50 Do 4s8AD366 251' 14 24 24 10 23 23 Va 73 12 2 3s 3 3 4 2s 2a si 4 8 I 48 504 51 1002? 51 498 10023 51 49010031 1101 53 4 1041 Ol SO 5451 68 61 63 51 58 51 64 69 65 51 AS Mr 10481 eu 58 B9 10813 10 1 65 60 109 67 73 10030 I 27 644 41 so 9568 73)4 64 87 81)4 89 7814 76 70 46 57 Do 52003 st reg 37)4 Do 4s2003 St 36)4 Do 42003 st 34)4 Do 42003 st reg 32 LehVal Term 551 58)4 Long Isl rfg 449 69 5s69 '83 5 19 2 4 42 5 48)4 48 6 8 7 2 4 32 2 54 54 103 87 96 95 77 68 8 6 6)4 40v 38 12 12 12 12a 12 12 14 14 14 23 23 12 12 12 14 14 9 9 23 23)4 5814 58 2 113 113 1 17 7 6 6 6)4 1 15 15 2'41 41 3)4 5)4 so 62 15ft 29)4 it si corporation Bond Abltlbt 553 71)4 Adams Ex 446at 103 Allegb 5s 44 mod 93 'Do 5a 49 mod 74 Do 5s 50 mod 65Do inc 5s 50 56 Allied Str 45i' 103 Alite Cbal 107 AmSJOt 5S2O30 Am IG Chm 51449 Am Int 5s 49 Am 3 66 Do 3)4 61 Do 3s 56 Am Tobacco 362 Ann Arbor 4s 95 Arm Dei 4s 57 Do 4s 55 4s 95 Do 4s 95 reg Do aj 4s 95 Kt Do 4s 1905 55 Do 4s A 62 Atl 546 A Line 1st 4s52 89 Do clt 4s 52 75 Do 4s 64 6414 1st 448 33 1st mtg 48st 63 Atl 5s 59 201 95 St A 34 95 st 2000 St 34 96 st 34 CV 60 st 4 48: 63 By BERNARD New York Jan 14 id commodity markets rallied in te dealings today after consider le early apathy in both depart ents IJuylng of steels chemicals iplements and specialties in the final Jf hour brightened the appear ice appreciably It was based partly i the earnings outlook for some com piles and the fact that forenoon aell failed to bring out any sizable acks Initial Irregularity had been amed mainly on persistent tax doubts relation to the huge national budget id to "the fact market trends have en downward in the last five Jan irles actional Upturn Scored' The' Associated Press average of 60 ocks finished up two tenths of alnt at 42 a new high for this com stte since October 8 1941 At best levels for 1942 43 were such sues ss' 'Virginia Carolina Chemical mmon and preferred International inerals Chemical common and pre rred American Ice Continental Can udson Manhattan Railway common id preferred I Case and Oliver urn American Telephone on the other md dropped a point although it as off nearly two at one time Losers sewhere included Homestake Mining 8 Gypsum Western Union Yellowuck Boeing Glenn Martin Westing use and Union Carbide Talk of maintained dividends by the ajor steel companies aided these ocks Expanding activities for the lemical manufacturers served to prop ite group the idea being that per lare yields might be pleasing despite hunting taxes and othbr costs Plansr broadening farm production buoyed triculturai machinery issues ood War New Helpful The good war news was given as one the reasons for the revival of cer dn shares It was said to be ques onable how much inflation psychol jy had to do with bolstering bullishntlment' Bonds were steady MONEY RATES New York Jan 14 Call money teady 1 per cent7 Prime commercial taper per cent Time loans steady 0 90 days 1 per cent: four to six nonth 114 per cent Bankers accept Aces unchanged 60 90 days per ent four months A per cent five six month per cent Redis ount rate New York Reserve Bank per cent per cent on treas iry paper of one year or aborter longer naturltles 1 per cent 214 asr4 28 28 47 38)4 6114 714 6364 60 98 Antioquia 74S C16 DO S5 Dp 1st 757 Do 3d 75? 17 17 30 33 4 314 ec 8 14 1 1 cttiiDoiair Norf West 10 90169 167 Non 4 No Am Aviat le 13 No Am Co 34f 55 No Am 6 pf 3 3 No A 5pf 2 1 Northern Pae 1ir 5n Nor St Pow pt 109 109 1091 North Airl 1 ISV IBl' Northw Tel 3 f60 Norw JOe 2 Norwich Ph 70e 4 Ohio Oil 14e Oliver En 2n Omnibus Corp 11 Omnibus pf 8tl0 uus tievai xe Owens Ill G1 2 Pac Am ish le Pac Coast 4240 Pac Coast 2 pt 420 Pac Lighting 3 Pac Mills 2 Pac Tin Cons Pack Motor 10e Pan Am Alrw in Panh EPLpf560fl20 3 13 2 13 3 925 270' 3 uw ou 31825 Inspiration '30 ntYrca Inti Nickel 3)450 vermilata Jason Kerr Adsn Kerr Lake 15)415 16 16 1 1 251 24 4 Byron Jacjk le Calif Pkg 1 Callahan Ld Calumet Campb Wy le Can Dry GA 60 CanadPac Cannon Mills 2 Caro 5 Carrier Ss 30a 8 Vettbc Jl VO 40 4 Caterpll Tract 2 Celanese Corp 2 Celanese 7 pf 7 Celanese pr pf 7 ni 1 VC1UVUA Vwrp 4J OI Celotex pf 5 410 79 Ccn Aguirre 1 12 16 Cen ndry 10g 12 CenRR NJ 15 3 Cen Violet 82e 3 13 Cerro de Pas 4 6 33)4 Cert teed Prod 4 314 Cert teed 6pft240 34) Champ pf6t 30 100 uuovxc vev Ches St Ohio 3a Chi EHl Chi Ss AA9g Chi Grt West Chi GrtW pfle Chi Mall Or a Chi Pur Tool 2 Chi Rk Chickasha 1 Childs Co Chrys'Corp 3)4e City uel 1310 City Invest City Stores 7 Clark Equip 3 Do CV 4s 51 St Brtl TPa 548 Ben I 2s56 Beth SU 314a 52 Do 3s 65 Do 3s 60 5s 55 Do 4s 70 Bkly Edis 3)4 66 Bkly Un 6s 47 Do 5s 50 Do 5s 57 Buf Gen 4)481 Btif RAP 57 BUT 5s 34 fe 12 Busn Term 3S35 Cal Ore Pw 4s66 Can Nat 569 Jly Do 41451 Do 456 Do 4s57 Can Pac 5s44 Do 554 Do 4s perp Caro 4s6S 5s50 Celanese 31462 rielntev 447 ww Cen UnPac 4s48 33 Cen of Ga 51459 Do 5s 59 Do cn 545 Cen Oa Chat 451 Cen Ga 1st 5s45: Cen Pac 5s60 UO ISC 4MU CenPThruShL4s54 '74 Cen 587 21 Do 5s87 Reg 19 Do 487 19 Certaln td 5s48 S3 CAO 4s92 131 Do 403 Do rfg 31496 10314 Crl Ss Alton 3s49 17 rfg 571 A 76 Do 41477 67 Do gen 4s58 84 Do 4s Ill 49 98 Do 3 Ill 49 97 Do 314 IU 49 95 Cht III inc 97 ChGWlnc4s2038 40 Do 4 38 70 Chi I Ss 6s 66 8 Do 5 47 32 DOS 66 1 DO 4 47 3114 5s 75 '20 Doaj Ss 2000 S' 4s 89C 46 Do4 89 46 Do gen 4 89 46 42 '43 25 37 36 4 36 25 25 36 36)4 35 33 36 I 21 Sherwin Wm 3 Solar Aire 20e Solar Mtg AOs Sonotone 40 So Penn Oil la Spalding ipf 4k pf 160 St OU Ky 1 St Pow Ss Lt Std Stl Sprg 1 Sterl Brew J)0s Sterling Inc 10e Sun Ray Drug 80 Sunray Oil 10e 2 Cal 54 Taggart 4 Tampa El 170e 19 Technicolor 7 Todd Shpyds 3e 56 Tublse Chat 4 Do AMg 40Udylite Corp A0 2 Union Can 5 Unit Aire Pr 61 4 Unit Clg Wh Str 11 Unit Oas Do pf 10 117 Do war Unit Lt Pow A Do Do pf 23 un mui pni4g uta njinA ba Int Sec Do pf Se oil Lines pf 70 Radiator Utd WallPap 10e Univ Corn vte Univ Pict 47 Utah Venesuel Pet 4 Vlrg Pub Svc pfx 50 Vogt Mfg A0 8 West Va 4 West Air Line 51 Wright Harg h40 2 aAteo' extra or extras dCash or stock ePald last year fPayable in stock gDecisred or paid so far this year hPay able In Canadian funds ((Accumulated div paidr declared this year urUnder rule wwWlth jjarrants xwWithout warrants warwarrants 1044 101 19 10710 100 13 10 10 1 100 29 100 5 10023 11917 10 8 10030 10412 27 27 23) 80 24 281 5 21 40 41 2 3 6 5 8 2 It 33' 7 3 2 19)4 19 9 BT' 14 El 6ES Df 6 20 WP PW pf 110 109 VS OS 13g West Auto Sup 12 wen aaarvi West Maryl 2 pf 2 west sciiic pi West Un Tel 21 Westg A Br le 5014 49 Ji? 7 29 46 68 27)4 201' 19 1 1 50 3 56 5414'56 1 41 10 332 45 4514 A3 2314 )4 514 514 432 R41 115 49 49 49' 11115 115 22) 22 22) 4)4 4 4 26 25)4 26)4 1014 9 10 56 55 1 61 8'6 15 43 2 25 85 25 93 NJ 6 Df 61 140 86 Pub NJ 5pf5tl90 7714 77 77 xx 374 27 1 37 34 11 11 2a 64 I' 63 i 52 Sales in Net 100s High Low Last Chg 1 43 43 43 15 LehishPC1 1 Lehigh pf4t20 Lehigh Cool 6 Lehigh Co pf 2 Leh Vsl RR 9 Lehman Corp 1 1 ueau a ivi Lerner Stores 2 GIu McN Ss 430 12 B3a 4 Lima Loco 2 1 Lion OH Ref 14 Liquid Carb 1 5 Lockheed Air 2e 5 Inc 2a 9 Lone Star 3a 4 Long Bell Lb 3 Lorillard 1 AOe 4 Loulsv Ss 7e 1 IjOUISV U4SEAI14 Mack Trucks 3e Macy RH Co 2 Magma Cop 2 Manati Sugar Mandel Br Manh Shirt la Marine Midi 08g 34 3)4 Mkt St Ry prpff620 914 Mim rxa utva Mart GL 17 Martin Parry 117 13 16 17)4 44 3714 6' '6 17 17 61 161' 11 28)4 5 20 4 20 I 3)4 A 1 I Last Aero Sup AOe 4)4 Air Way ElApAOe 1 Allied Prod fas 26 Alum Co Am pf6107 Atum nsa Am Book 114a Am Cyan A0a 38 14 10 26)4 26 30 30 9 914 3)4 Sean Roeb 3a 21 oervei ino 1 Sharon Stl 1 Sharon Stl pf 5t4O Sharp 40e 8 Sharp AD pf3 1 Shattuck 40a 7 Shell Un Oil le 6 Sil Coal 10g 9 Simmon le 9 81mm Petrol 11 4 Skelly OH 11' 1 81oss Sheff 6e 440 Smith 2 7 2 Snlder Pk 3 Sooony Vac 14 63 So Am AOe 27 So Rico A 80 'e Grey L1 14 So Cal Edla la 3 So Nat Gas 115g 3 South Pacific le 37 tsoutn kv South pf3g 10 Sparks 4 Spear Co 1 Spear Ss Co pf f20 Spencer 190s 1 Sperry le 14 Spiegel Inc 6 Spiegel pf 47 4310 Square Co 2 2 Crains Return To Rising Trend A 7 jf 4 1 Cont Di ib 65e Cont Ins 160a Cont Mot Cont OU Del 1 Copperw Stl A0 Corn Prod 260 Corn Prod pf 7410 176 176 rinriA nn 1 1414 114 16 JL 1 18 18 18 1 NYC St pf 39 39 3914 NYC Omn 2e 1 17 17 17 Ss 3et25G 33 30 33V31' 20) Itw 114 114 101' 10)4 50 49 7 32 32 34 34)4 34 24 24 24 1 3 59 592 61 60 61 1 BB' 1 I 15 15)4 14 221k 23 4 GtW Sug pf 7470140 139 140 ureen Greyhound la Htvhd nf 55 Grum Air le 7 Gulf Mob Ss Oh 10 Ss pf 2e 7 Hall Prin la '2 Harb Walk 1 ax 3 Hat Cor AznA)'g 1 Hayes Mfg 1 Hazel Atl G1 5470 Helme GW lg 2 nercuies aaov Here Powd 2e Hires CE 120 Hollander A la Homestake Mln Houston OH Howe Sound 3a Hud Man: Hud Man pf: Hud Bay Hud Motor Hupp Motor Ill Central IU Central pf Indian Ref in Indpla AOg Inger Rand 6 Insplrat Cn Cpl Interlk Iron Int Bus Mach 6a Int Harvest 2a Int Harvest pf 7f60 163 163 Int Hydro Elec A 1 14 14 Int Mer Marine' 28 :11 i 61)4 59 4 4 29 29 9 8 50 49 3 43 39 2'2914 29 7 15 30 25 35 20 24 27 17 12 2 17)4 1 25 29 89 6 urane uo xe Cre of Wh list Crown 4 19 19 vrown seller i Crucible Stl 2e Crucible Stl pf 5 2 73 73 uuna pi T15U TU vuoan Am Cudahy Pack Curtis Publish Curt prpf 1 AOe Curtiss Wr le Curtiss Wr A 2e Cutler Ham Hie 117 uavison un cue az Decca Rec 60a 1 135e 8 pf 140 3 Del Hudson 3 Del Lack West 8 Detroit Edis 30g 22 A ItllOlam Mat pf 1 1 Dlst Cp h2A2 2 Dixie Vortex 3 Doehler pie 2 1 uome Min 16 16 'j 1ft Argentine 472eb 0)4 Do 473 Ap 80 Australia 5 55 90 Do 557 90 Do 45fl i Belgium 655 96 Brazil 8M1 37 Do 6)4 26 37 38 'Do 6a 27 57 35 Brazil Ry El 752 36 Buen A 3s84 50)4 Do 4)4 Aug 76 71 Canada 552 10019 Do 460 108 UO 3Ml Do 368 i 9814 Do 367 1 98 ChUeMtB6)4a57asd 20 uo ossi aaa Do 662 asd Chile 7 42 aad Do 6s 60 asd Do 6s 61 Jan Do 6s61 Jan asd 21 Do 661 eb asd 21 Do 6s61Septad 21 Do 6 29asd 21 Chilean M760asd 19 Colomb 6 61 Oct 53 Do 3 70 40 Costa Rica 751 20 Cuba 514 5 1095 Do 414 77 '75 Denmark 6a 42' 51' Do 55 49 Mex 4 04 asd 54 9 Minas Ger 6a 58 21 Do 6s 59 20 No Sou Wales5s57 7 90 Do 5s 58 WMJ 1)45 9 OQ DO 4 63 81 Nor Bk 5s 70 80 Oslo Cl tv 4lta 55 175 15 15 15 15 Wheel 8 pr pf 5 White S3 1A0 XX74ia 11? White MS JOe 3 wncox Wlllys Overld 16 Willys Over pf 6 wiuron ob up Woodward le Wool worth 160 Worth Yell ie Young Youn SfeT 2U Youn nfSiAlrt 84 YoungS 14s 9 9 Zenith Rad le' 1 20 20 Zonlte Pro 15e 5 2 Ex dividend Ex rights Actual sales a Also extra or Cash or stock Pald last year Payable in 7 stock Declared or paid so far this year Payable in Canadian fund Accumulated dividend paid or de clared thia year 14 10 10 10 5 5 tz 21 12 27)4 15 Sli ng Rete 1 pffio 20 Rens Sara 81160 43 Reo Mot ct 10 4)4 Repub Stl le 43 15 Rep 6tl cv pf 610 95 Ren Stl nf A 6 1 75 61 1 9 le 1 19 19' 4z1a 6 19 1914 1914 ix xx XX" xx 2 12 12)4 MIX Ml' Ml lO)) 10 io KJ KJ 2 145 145 145142 18 58 57 Mount Prod 60 Muskogee Nat Bellas Hess Nat uel 1 Nat Rub Meh 1 Nat Mine i Eng lg New Idea Inc 60 NYC Omni war NY 86 pf 6 NY Shipbdfdsh 3 NY Wat Svc pf Niag Hud Pow Doi nf Do war Nlles Bem le 9 Nor Am pf 60 Nor Pipe 383eA 8 IT 2g 92 107 107 32 1014 DO ACC 190 Do AAm l27 Do Acoxn 227 2450 Dvafci TrC X05 DoD 470530 Tlvnd Shr 103 K1C S3 pf 2225 Hdcl I 1452 rintBosC 1243 rixedTS A 791 In I 1S4S 393 32 Complied by the Associated Press STOCK AVERAGES 30 Ind 15 RR IS Ut 60 T'l Thurs 188 281 23 Wednes 60 6 18 6 28 I 439 BOND AVERAGES SO RR 10 Ind 10 Ut 10 Thun 66 6 104 997 Wednes 64 1046 97 551 tNew 1942 43 high Sales 106000 Domestic Last Am 370 107 Do 314s6O l'105 Do 2450 '104 Am 2)450 97)4 Am Writ Pap 6s61 90 556 1071' As Elec 41453 51 As 550 15 Do 51477 15 Do 568 15 Do 41449 I 15 As 514155 :76 Baldw 650 109) 1014181'' 41k Masonite Corp 1 1 32)4 Mathies Alkle 22)4 Maytag Co lpf6 1 loo Maytagrco pfk 23 mtxrury ator McGraw Elec 1:: Mclnt Pr h222a McKess Rob 1 McLellan Rtr Aflcr Mead Corp 90e 3 6 MelvUle Shoe 2 30 Mengel 5 pf2t4 27)4 Meats Mach 2 26 61 19 201' 59)4 3 68 3 1814 87 33 Lake Shore 1125 Curb Lamaquo 375 Dalhousle Leitch 72 Kirk LttUe 90 Pend OrelUe 125 Macasaa 253 Temlsk 5 Sales today: 814WTIOO previous day 1644330 Year ago 7 463866 Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Nor St Pw 3a67 10911 4a48 12)i Ohio Ed 4s 65 WKian usisuM Ora 46 Ore ShLngtdSa46 109 Or Wa 108 Otte Stl 414 62A 99 Paclf Cat Ist5a46 93 Pao 3a 61 110 Do 4s 64 112 i ar iet so Parmelee 6a 44 Pen Co 4a 63 Pen Do 4)4 77: Pen 3s69 Do gen 5 68 MO Do Do Do Do Do 19 18 5 18 18 37 37 4 21 21 21 10 1014 2514 25 1001? 1 I' 104 10133 10313 1M1 109111091 103110331 10 IS IM 31 1068 looie 10030 lor itedsral arm Mnrtngea 3 64 4 1023 103 3s 4 44 103 31 103 Home Owner Loan Ss 53 44 1033 10 114 47 45 101 10111 Subject to federal but not stats Income taxee Cochenour" Comifa Pete Conlaurum 88 Cons Smelt 3950 Davie 12 Dome 2037 Duquesne 8 Crest '6 East Malar 122' Eldorado 100 alconbridge 335 unites Gods Laks Eagle Gunnar Halcrow Halliwell Hallnor Harker Highwood Hollinger Home Homestead Howey Hudson Bay 284114 6 16 13 1 2 3f 71 '(U 8 Dept of Vast Yluffftin TAn14 CATTLE The comparatively small xpply moved Into slaughter channels ithout material alteration in quo Local demand tended to taper ff but absence of pressure from seUlng de vlrtuaUy offset that factor A few ackages of common steers and heifers xshed at 812 Iwhlle ahortted steers were eld above $11 50 Cutter and common aughter cows largely fleshy dairy 7pe from turned at 150 to 811 Canner kinds made 8775 to 325 generally Light and medium eight sausage bulls at tip to 1250 as indicative of 813 or morei for strong eights 1 Vealers sold dependably at teady prices Good and choice drew 17 mainly $17 JO common and medium mged from 12 to 1650 according to usillty and weight A few light weight alls stopped around $10 and below SHEEP Lamb values continued at an ven keel all factors considered Good nd choice 75 to 95 lb native and fed astern offerings cleared between $16 nd $1625 reshly shorn No 3 elts drew $14 Wooled yearlings feed mates of Wednesday's offerings sold teady at'814 Handyweight ewes pivot at $850 but $525 to $750 took the Ull run mixture of weights and grades few thin Hghtwelght ewes fell to 83 nd less Prices moved up ten to twenty ent from previous quotations and sme within five cents' of equaling last record high Good and choice 70 to 250 lb usually averaging 200 to 10 lb cleared at $16 to $1610 Com arable weights of trucked Ins crossed $1585 to $16' Heavyweight butchers "ere booked between $1525 and $1565 month weight sows reached 14 but bulk of stronger weights cen tred around the $14 mark Good and choice 140 160 i $155016 good and choice 160 200 $1525 1610 good and choice 200 40 lb $15801610: i good and choice 40 300 lb $153516 good and choice 00 140 lb $14601565 medium to good ows $13751450 Prices in Chicago Chicago Hl Jan 14 Salable bogs 21000: total 31500 gen ral trade on barrows and gilts 1025c ower closing at full 25c decline with pot off more on some medium weights nd heavy butchers top $1485 bulk ood and choice 190 300 lo $14601485 ome heavier butchers $14 50(al465 nost well finished 150 180 lb 475: sows 15c lower good 350 550 lb argely 1450: feW best kinds 1425 shippers took 6000 Salable cattle 5500 calves 700: fed tears and yearlings steady supply malll killing quality mostly medium good bulk top $1650 everal loads 16 hellers fully teady 'best $15 cows to 25c lower aedlum to good beef cows off most utters $925 down bulls 40c lower ight and medium weight offerings now down for week to date prac Ical top heavy sausage bulls $1375: upply liberal: vealers steady at 6 very narrow trade on limited aupply tock cattle i Salable sheep 7000: total 8500 fat ambs closing fairly active bulk fuUy teady spots strong good to choice rooled lambs: top $1615 ew merely good bld downward to 515 few good 7 yearlings $14 bulk 1375 with yearling ewes $1275 cllp ed Iambs absent sheep steady good strictly choice slaughter ewes $775 7 7 9 9 9 38 38 '38 1 7 1 1 173 17 2 19 5)4 au 17 i'16)4 11 10Ta 67 66 16 16 15 14 Virginian Ry 2)4 2 Vlrg Ry pf 1 1 Vultee Aire 3 Vult Alrc pf Wab RR pr 4e 5 waraorx oy Walgreen 160 Walk h4 pf hl Walworth Ward Baking Ward pf1706 Warner Br Pict Wash Lt 1' Wayne Pump 2 Wess End Sug 71 1 10 42 2 2 18 32 7 3 23 10 Ut 1818 23 17 13 10 68)4 69J4114 10 10 16 33 33 3 3 34 34 30 34)4 25 68i 25 25 1316 16)4 17 44 37)4 6 16 13)4 2 71 Truax Tr 97e 2 614 6' 614 xjy 25 25 6 6)4 4214 42 8 8 Twen pf 1 Twin Coach Underw Ell 2e Un Bag 80e Un Carbide 3 Un OH Cal 1 Un Pacific 6 Un Pacific pf 4 '1 8: uu xan xvue Utd Air Lines Utd Aircraft 3e Utd Corp Utd Corp pf 3e isi urug Utd Dye pf Utd Elec Coal Utd ruit 3 Utd Gas Im 45e Utd la Utd Paperbd )4e 1 a ss ar nea or of 6t50 US Gypsum 2 1'62)4 62 8 Hoff Ma 36 5 8 Leath Ag 6 15 15 2a 6 29 29 Jui 3054 304 3 32 32 10 25 25 25 3 102 101 102 4 1014 5 19 19 10)4 15 15 25 Markets 5 19 19 1 144 144 u7 OS 1 74 74 26' 10 40 401440 oster wneeier 310 iu 1 ran: fiJxnru'im i reeport Sul 2 4 35)4 35 ruenaui isu 1 Galr Robert 1 GameweU 3e f50 Gar Wood I sr 7 Gar Wood I pf) 1 7)4 uayiora uo 54aGaylord pf 2)4 GenAmTr 2e Gen Bak 15g Gen Bronze Gen Cable Gen Cable A Gen Cab pf 7efl5O '78 77 in era ia ritrap nf 7S6 132z 132 Vz 132'44 Gen Elec 140 34 31 31 31)4 Gen oods 40g 11 34 34 34 El A 110 2 2 2 Gen cvpft50108 108 108 1 GenMills 4 1 83 83 83 GeM 5 pf 5f20 130 13016 130)61 uen Motors Gen Mot pf 5 Gen Out Ad A3e GenPr Eq I7 GenP Ink JOe Gen Pub Serv Gen Ry Sig 11e Gen Real Util Gen Refrac 120e Gen Shoe Gen Stl pf 6e Gen Tel 160 Gn Ruh le Gillette 8 45s 5 5 Gillette pi Glmbel Bros Glidden Co 30g GUdd cv pf 214 Goebel Brew 20 Goodrich la Goodrich pf 5 Goody Goody pf 5 Goth Hos 14e Grab Paige Mot Granby 60 Gt I Ore ct 2s Gt Nor Ry pf 2e 18 23 Gt West Bug 2 1 24" 16 16 35 1 716 7 7 4 414 41 vi 28 10 13 Miami Cop Mld Cnt 140e Midi SU Pr 2 Minn Hon 2: Minn Moline Mlnn Mol pf6e Mission Cor 85e Mo Kan Tex pf Mohawk Cn' 2 Monsanto C2e 5 Montgo Ward 2 18 31613930 Motor Prod 2 Motor Wheel JO 1 Mueller Br 165e 2 Mullins Mfg 7 Mui pf 12)4 120 Munsing I 2 lie 3 Murpny pi 4 T50 Murray uorp lie Myers 2 Nash Kelvin Nat Acme 2 Nat Auto ib Nat Au pf 60 Nat Aviation Nat Biscuit 30g Nat Can Nat Cash Reg la 1 Nat Dairy 90 100)4 97 105 102 :77 48 56 Mi' 103 107 io3 53 Cv 53 4 i 108 32 103)6 Ill 103)6 108 108 i 1 102 102 101 Bl 4 4 6)6 6 7 49 49 61 5 15 1543 43 2 2 24 25 84 84)4 2 7 19 1 19 Tide a pr 4t50 Tim Det Ax 3e 4: Tim Bear 2e 5 Transamerlca )6 M'7 Air 3 2 3 Tri Cont Corp 3 Tri Cont pf 6 410 Twen le 15 Twen pf 1)6 2 Twin Coach 2 11 12 79)4 79) 2 15 9 83 83 ax 2 24)6 24)6 13 IB'i 27 2614 16 1916 18 7 401' 39 66 65 R' 17 i 5 5 BO Int Int pf 4 Int Mining Int Nick Can 2 Int Paper Int Paper pf 5 Int Ry Cen Am Int A pf Int Shoe 1 JO Int Tel Tel Int for ct Int Dep Strs 14g 6 Int Dep Stra pf73O Island Crk 2 3 Jarvis JOe Jewel Te 1B0 Stl 20 Joy Mfg JOe 3 Kan City Sou 16 Kan City 8 pf 2e 120 20 WS1I 1 11' 1 Rl' Kel Hay Bg Kennec Cop 3a Klmb Clark 1 i Kinney $5pf5et40 Kresge S3 115e 5 nress on xtw Kroger Gros 2 Lambert Co 1 3 Lane Brvant la 5 Lee 27 Lehigh PC 116 2 20 109 109 1246 New York Jan 14 The Associated Press listed wholesale price index of VWUUUWU4WW Thursday 103 Week ago 103 High 1942 104 High 1941" 95 High 1940 78 High 1933 39 98 11926 average equate 100) COTTON Jan Mar May 19 July 19 Oct v19 Dee 10 Middling spot t2133 up 12jNomlnal 9 11 23 3 54 16 Murphy pt 4)4150 112)' 1121' Mnmv SIL R3 ril 2 34)4 34 34 15 6 6 6 16 4 16 1616 36 o' i I 8 8 816 16 0 1 3 6 27 Westg 4e 10 Wheel Stl le 7 I 2 5 Bonds on Stock Exchange 25 251' Acme Stl 3 Adams Exp 45s Addressog 1 Air Reduct 1 Alaska Juneau Alleg Corp Alleg pt xw Alleg pf $30 ww Alleg pr pf Alleg Lud Stl 2e Al Ch Dye 6a Allied Strs 15g Allied Strs pf 5 Allis Ch Mfg 1 Amerada Pet 2 AmAgCD 120 Am Bant 10g Am Bosch I4e7' Am Br Sh 170e 3 Am Cable Rad' 8 zuu van Am Can pf 7 14 8 30V4ll 31 31 6)4 7 29 29 45 46 8 Play Cd 2a USPlywd 120 Rubber 8 Ruh 1 nf 4e 1g 1 49 491 USS 1 '64 64) a oieei i US Steel pf 7 US Tob 132e Utd Stkyds 15e Utd Stores A Unlv Cy 180e 1 Univ Leaf Tob 1230 van arxraue vanaa corp Vick Chem 2 NO 5s35A 45 Do 5s 54 55 Do Ss 54 ct 52 Do 5s 56 55 493 43 NYC rfg 5s 2013' "54 Do 4s 2013 A 49 Do cn 4s 98 '52 Do 3s 46 99 cv 3s 52 6914 316 97 NYC ILaSh 3s98 Do 3s 96 reg NYCMICen 398 650 Do 5 74A Do 4ita 78 NY Dock Co 4s 51 66 mo as ox reg 4s73 Do 4s 73 A CV 6s48 DO Do i Do 150 TV Do cv 3)ta 58 rfg 4s93 714 Do gen 4s 55 2)6 105 87 3 8pt 44 3 Meh 44 3s Meh 54 4 Sept 44 4s Apr 44 4 14 Jan 65 4 a Sept 63 4s Jan z64 5 Mrh ederal Izad Bank Bond 3a July 5545 105 103 3s Jan 48 106 106 3a May 46 10? 10? 314a 53 45 103 105 4s July 46 44 104 105 rinvemmegt JBoads A Traaanry 4i 3a 47 43 1016 11? ea ioiau 101 6 44 1034 103 5 54 44 106 106 2 43 10414 104 6 6 57 15 14 15 Chicago Ill Jan 14 Grain prices rose about a cent a bushel today In a general recovery that halted the re treat which had been under way since Tuesday's announcement of ths celling on corn Buying of mill and Industries taking substantial quantities of wheat and corn as well as oats out of this market was the principal factor In the rally Professional dealers many of whom had sold short on the recent setback were covering their accounts with pur chases 51 Wheat closed five eighths to one cent higher than yesterday corn five eighths to 1 up oats seven eighths to 1)6 higher' rye three quarters to one up and soybeans one half higher io three quarters lower 1 Chicago utures Low Close PrCl 137 138 138 96 67 96 96)6 97 96 VI 98 98 57 S6 57 56 55 56 56 183 182 Do 3s 54 nruaw 1 NY Ry 6s 58 st '343 10 Pow Ss55A 110 Niag Sh or 550 104 cv52014 31 4s 96 125 Nor Pac 6s 2047 ca 3 2047 M16 5 '747 '56 4s 2047 52 4s E7 76 4s 97 reg 73 3s 2047 44 3s 2047 reg 42 pt pf2 30 Merrltt 5 Mich Sug pf 70 3 Mid St PAvtc45g 3 MldW Corp 35e 5 Midwest OU 90 Minn 1 40 52 Missouri 8 oe Molybdenum Monarch 3e 1716 Moody Inv ptpf3 20)6 Mt City Cop 15g 1 III 93 40 2 6)4 6 16 6 6 16 30 30 16 27 27 26 26)4 5 66 14 18 191614 3 68 68 14 10416 1st 42003 9016 Do 3)42003 86 95 Main Cen 4s45 '87 Do 4)660 48 Met Ed 41688 111)6 cn4)6s39 42 31 cn 534 ct 10 Do 449 3 64 5 Do 5)649 3)4 Do 538 17 Do gtd 5s38 17 Do cn 4s38 117 Tex 5s62 A 42 Ms "DO aj 5807 Do 4)678 Do 1st 4s90 'Do 462 Mo Pac cv 5s49 Do 5tt65 A Do 565 A Ct Do 577 Do 577 ct Do 578 Do 5s80 Do 5a 81 I Do cen 4s 75 Mont Pow 3S66 104)6 555 37 Do 4)6 55 32 Do 3s 2000 38 Mt 3)4s68 109 4s78 69)4 Nat Dairy 3s 60 106)4 Nat Distill 3)6s49 103)6 lux 16 103 Listed Close co*ckshutt 162 Madsen 78 Malartie 176 Man East McDoug 8 McIntyre 4900 McKenzie 90 McVittle 7 McWstters Monets 34 Noranda 4325 Nordon 5 Normetal 82 North Star 100 O'Brien 67 Okalta i $7 Omega 10 Ont Nickel 10'4 Pacalta 6 Pamour 60 Partanen 2 67 Paymaster 20 106 455 10)4 16 Amutet 400 500 jlWllt Cough 59 IWright Hax 280 44 37)4 17 61 61 16 28)6 28)4 "ZU 20' 3 3 66 6 14)6 14 JI 9)4 10 68)' 67 24 24 9 916 16 4T 30 5 30)6 30 3)4 3)6 3 L3 180 1TC 7 Am Car dy 5 25V 25 25U4 Am Can pf 7 180 175V 175 175 axxx vxx vau a Am Colortyp teOs 1 AmCrysS 2e 15 Am DtetUl 7 Am Enaaus Til 3 Am 4b Am or Am 180e Am Am 2 pf: Am Haw SS 3 AmH Leath AmH Pr 240 1 Am Ice 103' 37 Amin Ill pf2fio 40 Au xjucomot Am Loco pf 7e 4 Am Am Metal la 3 21 21 Am Met 6pf6150 117)6 117)6 117)6 luuiTvns owfAuV Am Pow Lt 22 Am $6 pf 24 Am $5 pf 24 5oe 29 AmBoU Mill le 21 AmBM pt4tl5O Am Safe )4o 3 Am Seating le 3 Am Ship 3e t60 Am am ss xt Am Stl drs 2 Am Stores )4g Am Stove 30g AmSu Bef lg AmSuz nt7 Am Sum Tob 2e 1 21 )4 Am Tel Tel 9 25 133 132 132 1 Am Tobacco 3 4 45)4 45 Am Tobacco B3 18 47 46 )4 Am xoo px jau xaoya xjo xu Am Type ars Am Viscose )6g: Am Wat Wks Am Woolen Am Wool pf 8e Am Zinc Anaconda 2 38 Anae let60 Ancn mock 14 xe Andes Copper 1 Arm Del pf 7 Arm HI Arm Ill pr pf Arm Cork 13Sa Assd Dry Goods 27 Associates Inv 2 2 A lg 23 A pf 5 '2 Atl Coast 2e 15 AtIG In 3e 1 Ati Benn 70s Atlas Corp Atlas Corp pf 3 Atlas Powd 3c Aviat Corp )4e Bald Loco ct le 22 11 11 11)4 xxait cs wmo a J4 Jia Balt Ohlo pf 5 6 6 DauDUioanr pft320 naroer Ason Barnsdall OU 60 19 Bath Hr Wks 2e 12 Bayuk Cigar 1 1 Bell Alrc 2e 2 Bendlx Av 7 Benef In lo 1 Best ood 60 20 Best Co 160a 40 Beth Steel 6 38 Beth steel pr 7 Bigelow Sanf 2' Black 160 Blaw Knox 35e Boeing Airpl le Bohn 3e on Ami a Tiu MZ Bon Ami' 40 40 Bond Str 160 1 17)6" 17 17 11)4 23 3 53 53 15)4 15)4' 97 98 98 May 86 July 55 Sept 56)6 May 182 July 185 4 185 nr i Nat Lead Nat Cas 1 Nat Pow Lt Nat Steel 3 Nat Supply NS 516 pf 8)4 Nat Sup £1 pf Nat Tea Natoma co 1 Nehf Corp 2 Newberry JJ 240 1 Newmt Mln 34 28 '37 28' Newpt Indus 76 11 '11 11)4 14 2 1 5216'52 52 9 36)6 5 6 IO! 5 19 3 9 9 Oft4 Dome Min 40g 16 16 16 16 Douglas Alrc 5e 1 58 58 58 Dow Chem 3 1 132 132 132 116 Dresser Mfg 1)6 16 16 16 Am gn war Am 160a 21 Do pf 4 99 Am Gen 15e 3 Do $2 pf 2 29 Am Hard Bub 2e'15 Am LaunMch2e 21 Am 120 13 Do pf 26 Am Maracaibo Am Bepublics 35e 6 Am Seal Kap 3 Am Superpow 732 Do 1 pf 64 Do pf a 3 Am Writ Pap 216 Ang Wupp 20e 1)6 Ap El Pow pf 4 Ark Nat Gas 1 Do A' 1 Do pf JOe 8 Arc Equip Atlas Corp war Atlas Ply 180e 17 1 lie 20 Baldwin Loo war 2 KMUXUm 01 011: Beaunlt Mills 80e Bellanca Alrc pf 2 Berk Gay urri Bliss EW 2 Blue Bldge Braz Tr hie 12 Brewst Aero 3 Brldgpt Mach 214 Brown lOe 2 Brown Dlst 5 oruwu xtuooer Buckeye new Buf pf Do 5 pf Bunk 1 Burry Biscuit Cab El Prod Cal El Pow flAllItlA Thvkv Calllte V4UA41UAJl 7 Carrier 'Corp Catalin Am 10e Cen 8W Ut CenNYPow pf5 Cessna Alrc le Charts 60 Childs pf Cities Service Do pf Clave El Cleve Tract Colon Develop ColDevel cvpf6 Colts Arm5e pf 5 360 Do pf 8 414 Do pf C4 Cons Gas Ut Cons Ret Strs25e 4 Cons Stl Corp 6 44 45 128)4 129 18 18 14 1416 516 33 3 3414 CHev Clrftnh i 9 301 Clev Gr Br pf 101 101 101 Climax 120a 13 40)61 39 40l Cluett Peab 2e 2 34 34 Coca Cola 3a 2 90 90 90 Colgate a 9 16 CoUlna Aik 2 17 17 17 Col South fl0'3 3'3 CO1 Sou 1 pt 1110 14g 1 15 Colum Br A 5 voxum nr xi Colum 115 Col 6 pf6 2 5 ptS 450 vol net ie Coml Credit 3 Coml Inves Tr 3 Coml Solv 60e Comwl So i Comwl Ss So pf 6 Comwl Edis 25g19 Congol Nairn la 4 vons Aircr Cons Copp 5e Cons Edis 160 Con Oil 14 ConsRR Cub pf 1 Consoln Coal I Consu pf 4 160 Container le 21 5 19 59 8 66 66 5 5 171417 14 1616 1' 24)6 29 85 15 6 17 1014 11 3 3 2 21 21 31 17 17 17 2314 10 10 10 18114 4 XU XO 4 SO16 3 3 33 2314 2614 26 3 3 38 1 497 49 eta pranas ivg Std Gas EL Std $4 pf Std $6 prpf Std $7 prpf StdOll Cal le Std Oil Ind la StdOll la StdOil Oh la Sterling Drug 3 Stewart War 4e Stokely Bros 8 Stone Web 8 Studebak Corp 63 oun un Sunshine 55e Su perheaterT Superior OU 05e 3 Swift Ss Co 120a 8: Swlft intl 2a 6 Wl ft Hl te idavma ma Sym Ctould'JOe 3 4 40'40 8 '04 8 214 23 2414 29 5 21 41 6 5 516 2416 24 24 4014 40)6 72 72 72 13 14)4 45 45 45 19 19 19 72 171 '55 8 14 25 zul 31nil' 2414 '25 1071' 10714 1O71U4 14 ruurK xue a Z'A X1: zr raxaix vos xnc 30 Haram net 120 Param Pic 1 pf Park Utah Parke Dav 30g Parmelee Trans Patino Mln 44e Penney 3a Penn RR Pepsi Cola 2)4 28 Pers Marq 1 PereMarq pf 140 Pere Marq pr pfH20 Petrol Corp 25e 4 Pfeiffer Br 3 Phelp Dodge 160 21 Phlla Co 8 pf3150 Phlla Co $6 pf 120 Phlloo Corp 11 Phillipa Pet 2 6 Pillsbury 1 1 Pittsburgh Coal 3 Pittsburgh nf pf5flO 59 A5e 42 4 PlttStl 9 5 Pitt Stl 5 Pf170 25 Pitt prpf 13et20 66 nvwLon vo new Pittston pf B150 Poor CoB 2 Postal Tel pf 3 18)6 Prsd Stl Car 6 7 Prsd Stl Ipf 4 3 614 6 Procter Gm 2 49 '49 4 run ovc use xx xx 7 11 14 Pub 8 NJ 8pf8tl0 110 110 Pub NJ 7pf7t60 96 8 NJ6 pf61140 8614 86)6 Pullman la Pure Oil Pure Oil 6pf6 Pure Oil 54nf5 Purity Bak 155e 3 wuxser sta i Radio Am 20g 95 XWKllO pi CTH sec Ill 1 Raybest Man 2e Rayonler Inc I7 Rayonler pf 2 Reading Co I Real Silk Has Real Silk pf Rem Rand )4g 9 22 4 105 106)4 107 101 105a 55 55 92 8 89 105 101 1014 RloGrWMtlst 439 64 Do clt 449 31 4s34 25 Rutland lst4 1641 10 33 83 Do 33 ct 548 47 Bt 8 5s55 DO 5s SO Ct 22 Do 4s 78 23 Do 4s 78 ct St 22 Do 4s 50 A 21 Do 4s 50 A ct 21 St SW 5 53 49 Do rfg Ss 90 3016 Do 1st 4s 89 87)6 Schenley Dis 4s52 1041' Seab A cn 645 16 Do 6s 45 Ct 15 Do aj 6 9 X' 5 Do 4s '50 st 31 Do 4s 50 unst 32 DO rfg 4s 59 16 Do rfg 4s 59 Ct Sea Alll 635Act 16 5 Shell un 3s ox Do 2a 54 So Bell 479 So Col POW 6s 47 Sou Pao 4S 68 rDo4 81 Do 4S 69 Do rfg 4s 55 Do clt 4s 49 i Do clt 4s 49 Do 34 46 Do4s Ore 77 55 Do Ter 4s 50 88 south Ry 6s as Do gen 6s 56 Do cn 5 94 RVAA Do Mem 5s 96 85 So Ry 4 StL 51 Book In 4s2013A Std Oil Cal 3s66 StdOll NJ 3s 61 Do2s S3 Studebak cv 6s 45 RR A StL 4s 53 5s 50 Tex Corp 3s 59 Tex Pac 5a77B Do 5s 79 4 Dos in Third Av aj Sa 60 23 xrosa ou Un Oil Cal 3s 59 Un Pac 3s 80 Do 3a 71x Do 3s 70 UnCig WStra 552 Unit Drug 5a 53 8 SU 245s 53 Do 365s 55 Un stkyds 451 Utah 5a 44 va UD Wabaah 4a 91 Do 4a si '8 8 6 6' 1 14 1416 24 25 11 JO' ZU 3 3 i7 121 121 KR4 7916 16 16 3 316 13 3 3 34 34 100 100 14A 35 16 3 3 816 8 216 "2 BostonEd 2s70A 102 Cen St El 8)654 14 Do 14 Chi Ry 5s27 ct 47)6 Cities 8er 5s69 88 Do 5a66 92 Do 558 89 Do 550 89 Clt 31649 90 Clt Pow 5)652 88 Cont 558 A 86 East 456 A 83' 52030 89 554 104 4 uaunerw 3ve8' ru ruo wr GlenAld Coal 463 90 M30G Do 5)6 57 Do 6a 53 Do 3s54B Ind Svc 530 Do Ss 3A IntsraPw I6s32 Do 5s 57 JackaoGas 5M3at MeordR tt4at Midland Vai 543 56 unnrsxi I'H'i Do Ss 35 357 MtesRlvP 551 NatPubS 578 ct Nabr Pw 481 NevadaCalE 556 550 Do 5a48 Do 5s 47 Do 3s 54 Do 5 48 Nor Ind PS31669 108)6 Ogdsn Gas 5 43 108 jj unio xrow J4 ss Park Lexlshld3s64 Pen 77 Potomc Ed 558 Pub Sy Col 4 49 Do 3 64 5 Ind 4 69 A Pug uo os auv Do 414s 50 Queen G514S2 Safe HarW4)6s 79 111 1017 So Cal Ed 3a 65 So Ind Ry 4s 31 54t nowest SXteSZUZZA 97 Std 648cvt Do 6s 51 71 LO Qi V4' Do 6s 66 Std 6 57 71 Starrett Crp 5s50 25 Tex 5a 56 107 xoieao esa JU Tw CRT 5s 52A Unit Do 6s 52 Utah Waldorf Ast 5 54 New Un 644st Pa El 5 2030 oreign Lima Peru 6s 58 Mannhan Rr Parana Bras 738 23 Rusalan 6a 1919 3 Do 5s 1921 3 New York Stock Exchange 90 28 '9 27 20' 8 8 5 5 Nor St Pw A Novadal Ag 2 Ogden Corp Ohio Ed pf 6 Ohio Pow pf 4)6 Ohio PS pf A 7 Pac 6 pf 1)6 Do 5 pf 1 Pantepec Oil Veh Prkrsbrg le' Pennroad Pa $7 pf 7 Pharis 30e Phillipa Pkg Phoenix Sec Do pf 3 Pioneer Gold Pltney Bow 40a 5e 4816 Pitt Pl G1 3e 86 Potrero Sugar 4 BO 4 lS0e 20)6 Premier Gid b06 7 A Prod Corp Prov Gas 55e Pug 5pf5e 1n IMO 10 BI Quaker Oats 4 Raym Cone la Red Bank Oil Reed Roll le 24 Kenance iEarm Repub Avia Rheem Mfg 1 Rio Gr Vai tc Root Pet Royal 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Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York (2024)


How long does it take for Buffalo to deliver? ›

You can search your BUFFALO tracking number in Circuit Package Tracker to find your latest status. BUFFALO usually takes three to four days to deliver an order. Contact BUFFALO's customer service for help if you can't track your package after this time.

What happened to the Buffalo Courier-Express? ›

The Buffalo Courier-Express was a daily newspaper created in 1926 by a merger of the Buffalo Daily Courier and the Buffalo Morning Express. The combined newspapers claimed a heritage dating back to 1828. It ceased publication in 1982.

What happens if you miss a delivery from Buffalo logistics? ›

Only one delivery attempt will be made with a standard delivery. If the carrier does not meet you at home, he will either leave it with a neighbour or bring it to the nearest post office. After 7 working days it will be returned to BUFFALO.

What does it mean when a package is in transit in Buffalo? ›

If the tracking status shows 'in transit,' when can I expect to receive my package? If the order status shows 'in transit,' the package is expected to be delivered within 1-5 days. Delivery times may vary depending on the recipient's address.

Can I pick up my parcel from Buffalo logistics? ›

Local Delivery

BUFFALO has a comprehensive logistics network and large overseas warehouses throughout South Africa, providing delivery services wherever you are. Customers can choose from standard door-to-door delivery service, Hub pickup service, and other appointment pickup services.

What does Express courier do? ›

An express courier service delivers time-sensitive documents, parcels, letters and packages on behalf of businesses and individuals. Companies operate sophisticated networks and twenty-four-hour processes to ensure items reach their destinations before deadlines using various modes of transport.

Who owns courier Express? ›

Our History

In July 1990, William "Bill" Messerly acquired ownership. Bill and his sons, Jack and Jim, quickly established a clear, unified vision for the company: to provide superior service at a fair market price.

How many days does it take for a buffalo to deliver? ›

Gestation is longer in buffalo than cattle, varying from 305 to 320 days for the river buffalo and from 320 to 340 days for the swamp buffalo. Pregnancy is routinely diagnosed by rectal palpation of the uterus from about 40 to 45 days following insemination.

How long does it take for a buffalo to be born? ›

Bison have a gestation period of nine months and one calf is born in April or May. Just minutes after they're born, calves stand on the ground and within a few hours they're running. Calves are born with their eyes open, weigh 25-40 lbs and have a reddish-brown coat that turns brown as they age.

How long does it take Buffalo puzzles to ship? ›

All orders within the continental US are shipped via US Postal Service or FedEx. Expected delivery is within ten business days (There are rare delays where delivery can take longer than ten days).

Does Buffalo deliver door-to-door? ›

Buffalo International offers door-to-door courier services across the world. Thanks to our local warehousing capabilities, we give our customers the peace of mind of local support, with the global footprint to ensure the safe handling of parcels and important documents from A to B.


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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.