The Washington Critic from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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The Washington Critici

Washington, District of Columbia

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THE WASHINGTON EVENING OR INNOCENT 1Y RIEND is that muit ers and jingi Inquisitive linctly heard WAH1INGTON EBRUARY 3 190 ft CHAPMAN 4 TAHWS 016 PENNA AVE Proprietor? and STABLES AND OICE DOWDY WOMEN BOSTON 1126 VERMONT COURT to Opposite TELKPHONB938 2 THAT TERRIBLE LAMP Umbrella Shades 1 14 SS SHEDD BRO 432 9th St bi 3 Cent? HRS MIDDLETON Gives to Ladies and Children In the Correct Style vt PARK RIDING AND HUNTING Either Privately or in Claas 1 A COMPETENT INSTRUCTOR OR GENTLEMEN AN ACCUSED MAN MUST BE ONE OR THE OTHER Mercantile Statienery I I Card Engraving and Printing ILtttSTRATED GIT BDQKS Lager Otth BbownStout Bottles HLDAUT ERICH kST SW Telephone 788 pj ARKAWAY HIDING SCHOOL MR and MRS MIDDLETON The Practice of Taking Personal I dimply the Proin Ue of a to Htfortn" bays Judice 31111a Bap" The Best Class of Saddle and Driving Horses Always on Hand for Salo and Dire DOO CARTS LIGHT PHAETONS AND SURREYS OR HIRE STREET NORTHWEST Washington sweeter the Death that Joined th je twain I LIE ON THE 81AG1? WASH INGTOA CRITIC Hawkins Cowen ifc Bvskett 2 Cents83 ents 500 800 Cent? DRIVING LESSONS SINGLE DOUBLE and TANDEM BARBARA EvuSNK llilD HHthe was the youth that summer day As he smote at the ribs of earth And be piled bls pick with a merry click Aftd he whibtletl anon in mirth Andthe constant thought of his dear one's face Seemed to illumine that ghostly place The gaunt Earth envied the lover's joy And she moved and closed on hi? With no one nigh and with never a cry The beautiful boy Uy dead An4 the treasure he sought for hk sweet heart fair Crumbled aad clung to bls glorious hair ifty years is a mtebtjr space In the human toll for bread But to Love and to Death merely A dream that Is quickly aped ifiy years and tho fair lad lay Just as he fell that summer day At last came others In quest of gold And hewed In that mountain place And deep In the ground one time they found The boy with the smiling face AH uncorrupt by the pitiless air He lay with his crown of golden hair They bore him up to the sun again And laid him beide the brook And the folk came down from the busy town To wonder and prate and look And so to a world that knew him not The boy came back to the old time syxt Old Barbara hobbled among the Wrinkled und bowed was And she gave cry as she fared anlgh: I GAt last he is come to me P1 And she kneeled by the side of the dead boy there And she kissed hlsllps and she stroked his hair eyes are sealed oh dearest one! And better it is Else thou mightst see how harsh with me Dealt Li thou couldst not know Kindlier Death has kept Me The sorrow of Life hath been iny share Barbara bowed her aged face A nd slept on the breast of her dea And the golden hair of her dear oce there caressed her snow white head Oli Life sweet with Its touch of pain But Too Strong Minded and Esthetic Wear Clothes Gracefully It is feared that Boston women can never claim the title of being well dressed says the Boston Herald Do what the few may to aspire to that favorite verdict there is always the or dinary uncorsetcd hygienic majority to counteract it It would be laughable were it not pathetic to note the short comings in this one direction of the average Boston woman She has as much opportunity as many means of dressing well as women elsewhere but she invariably fails in producing the effect which striked tbe observer in New York Regard the throngs of women who daily pass up and down Boylston street for instance and point out' ten if you can who become their clothes or who cany themselves with grace and ele gance Nearly all have been to fash ionable tailors who have done what lay within their power to give chic air style but the Boston woman Is stub born She will not permit her precon ceived notions to be displaced by the newest fashions she will not wear a corset she will wear a hygienic waist if she wants to she wear her hair except so and she will kick up her skirts at the back because her gymna sium teacher tells her to bring all the muscles into play when she walks Besides this she is in haste How can she take life easily and gracefully when sixty different calls are being made on her time and brain all at once? The art of wearing her clothes well is unknown to her She puts them on She does not make her toilet She be guilty of nor of being sure her boots were well blacked nor would this usual BoHob woman consider it worth her while to take a bind mirror to see if the angle of her virtuous bonnet corresponded with the angles of her protile and her back hair It is these little omissions this forgetfulness of detail which ren ders two thirds of women dowdyin the eyes of appreciative though critical observers JpHHTlUCK UALSTEAOSPKAhS f)tT It is late in the day for Mr Thomas of 8'ni)gfkld to become conservative in spere bf and tbe statements that tho multi tude of reporters who have called upon Idm end have heard from lit? eloquent lips the 1 words of wisdom have generally been Inac curate are not under the circ*mstances received by the public with unqualified ad miration The Pittsburg lUtpatefi comes cteae to the mark In the case of Mr Thomas who seems have been a much abused jiisd It gives him full credit for the stern integrity displayed when be remarks that I Eggcrmau showed himself to be a person totally destitute of honor and mao safety Is the Dit I jMtcti asks an ambitious millionaire it a legislator whom he has acquired at a net cma of can turn around and vote again higher and later Tbe Ifaxtieh errs In Its figures Tbe amount of cash I tffnlred from Mr Thomas by Mr Eggerman wts $U50 Mr Brice has not been accused I erf putting in more than $VjO The onor I nitty of the offense of Bggennau is to be I found in tbe fact that after accepting $950 I from one Democratic millionaire lie voted fur another of the wme sort for the paltry I sum of $500! There is a streak of iu eoueietency in this that ought to rnuefiber the public indignation or atnnse ient reprehensible says the Diepatch overselling the Seua Uiml market should lie and Mr Thomas should agitate in favor of sys tem of protective regkt ration of the titles iu legislators like that of real estate by i which tbe first purchaser gets a legal title and subsequent purchasers ure warned If this should seem difficult It might do for the millionaire to put a mark upon the legislator say a simple brand such as dis oguishes the cattle of tbe several ranchesu the Western ranges Tbe substance of lte affair seems to be that if there is not a committee of investigation to determine Tjbt exact relations between the millionaires who gave of their substance in furnishing fpn'U for tbe for tbe Legislature before the It Is very inj ortunt tv Kuumbcr the dijthictlou that thia wasi before the there should be JvaiMiitiou looking to the protection of tbeUdders In the £rnalurlal auction? It is QI Io any we believe to intro duce a Hti le bill to this effect The pur hie of Senatorial seats in Ohio is been reduced to such a system that if It is not to be recognized in one way it miut he in am tber If there is not prosecution there Must be protection Comwr i md (iiizette The Onlj Grand Prize jo 1 Awarded to any Brewing Establishment In the United Statqs at tb(j Paris Exposition 1878 1889 ACCOMMODATION OR BOARDERS JUN SURPASSED IJ Repiy the firelight shines through the rooms Chasing away all the shadow and gloom Light hearted children are prattling In glee ather Is as happy as happy can be or tbe wife and mother who suffered so long Is getting her health back and soon will be strong: And who Is so happv as she is to night As she thinks of the shadow taken its the shadow of disease that darkens so many homes and makes the life of wife and mother one of terrible suffering Ilow pleased we are to know that at last a remedy LuS been found for all those delicate de i rangemuDts and weaknesses peculiar to women It comes to cheerless homes with I glad tidings of great Dr avorite Prescription has done for women wmu no ocner reineny ims done or cau do and it is not to be wondered at that women who have been cured by It are so enthu siastic In its praise it Is the on medi cine for women sold by druggists under a pnxitire guarantee from the manufacturers of satisfaction or money returned all up telephone No 2al 2 and order The Cui ric delivered to you iorao cents a mouth An Important Element Of (be success of Rood Sarsaparilla thes fact that every purchaser receives a fair equivalent for his money The familiar headline 100 Doses One stolen bv Imitators is original with and true only of Hood Sarsaparilla This can easily be proven by any one who desires to test the matter or real economy boy only BompftXfila Bold by all druggLts ROCHESTER martyr to duns At nfter ttinee clear is creditors con a fourth time onlv bis Kettin5 trans POWDER Absolutely Pure This powder never wrtes A marvel of purity strength and whotesomeness More economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be Bold in ootnpstitfon with the multi tude of lw tert short weight alum or phos phate powders Sold only in eans Rovai Baxme Pownaa Co 106 Wall Street Kht It Real! is Explained by One' of the Best Informed Men hi Amer ica Tbe president of one of the leading New York medical colleges in conversation with tbe writer the other evening said: Grippe the Russian influenza that has caused so much talk is a more severe affliction than people usually think It arises mysteriously and appears to have its origin in the atmosphere The last time it visited America was iu 1803 and it came then as now from Asia Tho name fUionza comes from the suggestion that the malady was due to the of the heaveoly bodies but more modern science has discovered that it is due to tbe changes in tbe electrical conditions What ever may be the cause It 1s a strong con gestion of the blood vesselsand mucous membrane principally in the heal and throat and nothing but strong stimuleuts will check this congestion and keep the blood actively circulating or this pur pose 1 know of nothing better than pure whiskey and I believe Pure Malt to be the best and purest whiskey known to the world this influenza was said to pie cede an epidemic of the plague and the person who was about to be taken with thp latter had as ajireHminary a fit of sneez ing Now ft precedes a worse epidemic than the plague namely the terrible pneu monia Its beginning Is slight but its end ing is often terrible Ihiius in the limbs back chest and bead a sore throat and a lack of appetite copious discharge at the nose these are some of the symptoms of this dread disease Upon the slightest ap proach of any of these symptoms a nervous feeling or lassitude resort should be had to a pure whiskey which Is tlie only certain means of breaking up this epidemic before it secures a hold upon the system or cheek it when it has become started Care should te taken however to secure only that which Is pure as the article above named ceriainn is" LT HlbDKUU I von will positively marrv her fri ini i ii nnt: vun i a doubt ot ulthei Before thn jiihiy fortnight she shall be Madame Va i will make her your wife with ut ilallit i njJ fivT Wlttl iihT ti rv "IndecJ will My very poshioa re quires it no room for a plft She expects to live on my fortune Thinks to make a 'great catch of the licit Dutchman Instead of that I shall tpeiitl her salary The old story: (p'lag qutfor wool and returning The conversation of which this is fragment occurred in i'a public room of the Hotel de Hew i i the village of Homburg on the 'Hill then an insignificant handful Of hofi? officiating as capital of the import inr laudgravate of Hesse Homburg The taute a note nsa ueen ov some tin the guests had departed to repq: it their apartments until the hour of evening promenade Should summon i them to the excellent band of music provided by the calculating liberality 1 of the gaming house Keepers and to luiitrwuuu uic uruutwib ui muiv vi less nauseous flavor tbe pretext of re sort to this rendezvous of idlers and gamblers The waitershad disappeared to batten on the broken meats from the public table and to doge avay the time till the approach of supper re newed their activity My interlocutor with whom 1 was alone in the deserted apartment was a mnu of alxmt 30 years of age whose dark hair and moustijchqs marked features spare person and complexion bronzed by a ropie sun entitled him to pass for a milivc of South ern Europe dr even of some more ar dent clime Nevertheless he answere 1 to the very Dutch patronymic of Van Haubitz and was a native of Holland In whose principal city his father was a banker of considerable Wealth and financial influence It was towards he close of a glorious August and for two months I had been wandering in Ilbineland Not after the fashion of deluded co*ckneys who fancy they have seen the Hhine when they have careered from Cologne to Mannheim astride of a steam engine gaping at objects passed as soon as per ceived drinking and paying for in different vinegar as Steinberger Cabi net eating vile dinners on the decks of steamers and excellent ones in the capital hotels which British cash and patronage have raised upon the banks of tho most renowned of German streams Oli the contrary I had early dispensed with the aid of steam to wander on foot with the occasional as sistance of a lazy diligence or rickety einxjMnner through the many beautiful districts that He upon either bink the river pedestrianising in il'icnlsT Bavaria losing myself in the Ol: i wald and pausing when cusif offered to pick a iroutoutof th nu merous streamlets that dash anl met dcr through dell and ravine on iheT way to swell the waters of ohl ather Rhine At last weary of adieu la scarcely bioken by an occasional gossip with a heavy German boor village pries' or strolling I lliirstel after the haunts of civilization and found myself within a day of the appearance of the symptoms installed in a Inxn rioushotel in the free city of rankfort on Ute Maine But rankfort at that season is deserted save by passing tourists who escape as fast as possible from its lifeless streets and suu baked pavements so after glancing over an English newspaper al the Casino tak I ingone stroll in lhe beautiful garden I surrounding the city and another through the Jew always in I terestine and curious although any thing but savory at that warm I gathered together my baggage and was off to Homburg There not complain of solitude of deserted streets and shuttered windows It seemed impossible that the multitude of gaily dressed belles and cavaliers I English rench German and Russ who from 6 in the morning until sun set lounged and flirted on tlie walks watered themselves at the fountains and perilled their complexions in the golden sunbeams could ever bestow themselves In the two or three mfd filing hotels and few score shabby lodg ing houses composing the town of Homburg Manage it they did how ever crept into their narrow cells at night to emerge next morning like butte: flies from tho chrysalis gay bright and brilliant and to recommence the never varying but pleasant round of eating sauntering love makinig and gambling Homburg was not then what it has since become That vrent house of cards the new Cnrsaal had not yet arisen and its table reading room and profane mysteries of roulette ad rouge et noir found temporary domicile tn a narrow disreputable looking den in the main street where ac commodations of all kinds but es pecially for dinner was scanty in the extreme The public tables at tbe hotels were consequently thronged and there acquaintances were soon made The day of my arrival at Homburg I was seated next to Van Hanbitz his manner was off hand and frank we cn tered into conversation took our after dinnercigar and evening stroll together and by bedtime had knocked tip that sort of intimacy easily contracted at a watering place which lasts time of residence and is extinguished and forgotten on departure Van Haubitz like many Continentals and very few Englishmen was one of those free and easy communicative persons frlto are as familiar after twelve acquaint ance as if they had known you for twelve years and who du not "hesitate to conuae to a tnree days acquaintance the history of their lives their pursuits position and prospects I was soon made acquainted to a very consider able extent at least with those of my friend Van Haubitz late lieutenant of artillery in the service of his Majesty the King of Holland lie was the youngest of four sons and having shown at a very early age a wild and intractable disposition and precocious addiction to dissipation bis father pro nounced bun unsuited to business and decided on placing him in the arinv Io tlus the7iuiw(lic claimed nobilllv and displayed above his nrms a species of coronet bearing considerable resem blance to a fragment of chevaux de frise winch be might have been puz zled to prop with parchment) had no particular objection and might have mode a good enough officer but for his reckless spendthrift manner of life whn entailed negligence of duty and frequent reprimands Extravagant be yond measure unable to deny himself any giatlfiention squandering money as though millions were at his com mand he was constantly overwhelmed witn aeots anti a last Ins father mg him with sentefi to do so un condition of ferred to a regiment stationed in the Dutch East Indies and remaining there until hts return had the paternal To avoid a prison and per haps not altogctlier sorry to leave a country where his cash and credit Vere alike exhausted he embarked for Ba lavra But any pleasant day dreams he of uiifl Interests It piles up 1 arfl pile np Uy hy it never stop Ubileyuuvas unj wLik you vas de interest still a up Und ven you done pay it dere vaadelu rest on de interest und de interest on do inttreov of de I walked In abject silence In a little while he said: vas a hart sthr hart If it vasirt one Ung it van another My poy did you effer stop to consider vot ve are Ufln' for? Und hoiv easy mit one pistol to I forgit all dose sorrows und haf beace? no (ing like beace Aber you kt so gloomy thoughts iu your i hca my you must prime take are of youretdf nud Tom Pi att is really a bigger roan in Yoik than Ward MvAlHaler LCURE ITS)! WbnlBX6UMldoiMJSmMiMNlr to atop tba tor a then hare them rvtam Ihmbm a TUB SUNDAY CRITIC Hrleipr One year TUB EVENING Single Copy EV Cirr or per month 1 By mall postage paid one By malt postage pa six monlhV By mail postage paid tier month Mail subscriptions Invariably in a tvanve Address THE CRITIC Washington An Actress Says It Is 1'neventrut ull of Hard Work AH the stage struck girls thrnigho it the length and breadth of this hint fancy that an actress' life must be an ideal one full of adulation flattery amusem*nt distraction Au actress was speaking of this tome She is a woman who hy dint of arduous work bus climbed far up the ladder of fame life is very she said "it is full of bard and monoton ous work Excitement Yes at night when I nm before the public but for the rest of the day no Suppose I give you one day's routine ami you can judge for yourself whether my life is one round of exhilaration and pleasure At 9 in the morning I ring for my bouillon After I have finished it I take a cold bath ami then my break fast Unless I nm due nt the theatre for a long' tedious rehc irsal of four or five hours I attend to my correspond ence sorting and answering various let ters After that is finished and my household duties are looked after I go for inv constitutional walk of two or three hours eat ho lunehenn and when I re turn from my exercise it is nearly time for my dinner for I dine at 4:30 After this meal is over I have just a little time to rest before lhe real business of the twenty four hours begins I must be I at the theatre by 7:30 sharp At mid mirlit nm humn entn nwizl nftrao aura a uis iiwixix OllU rtitVA per I go to bed Now that is a fair sample of my life Every hour haq its duties 1 have systematized my work and allotted my time so that there are very few idle moments1 5L Louis Re piRlic Justice of the Peace Clark Washington rejoices in a justice of the peace by tbe nntue of Clark Waablngton may well rejoice for Justice Clark over rules the Supreme Court of the United States with the utmost case It was thus: A landlord and tenant case was before Lis Honor An attorney was reading from on Landlord and a de cision of the Supremo Court of tbe United States which was precisely in point But the derision did not commend itself to tbu legal judgment and acumen of Justice Clatk lie rapped and Interrupted the at torney will be said read any further or proceed with your argument If tbe Supreme Court of the United States chooses to err that is no reason hy this court should I give judg ment for tbe Johnron Misunderstood Her Mistress of tbe House Well i Johnson of course very sorry to lose i you at the same time I must congratulate you on your good fortune In having this money left you (Pleasantly) I suppose I be looking out for a wife now? Well mum your par don and sure I feel greatly honored at wbat you propose er engaged to a on ng woman already Grip A Wise Precautiou Mr dat Mrs mosquito nets up dh time in de year? Mih Johnson Waal see de doctor 1 tole rue de air war full of dese yer grip mi cro bees so 1'se takin' precotions agin get tin tin into de Ratr Qnlnlne as Daily ood Doubtless most jieople have at some time I in their lives leen obliged to take uinfue I Disifuise It ns one will tu capsules or gela tine covers it is a bitter dose Think then of a country where it is an article In dally I use placed upon tbe table as as the bread buch is the case in portions of Africa The natives do not need It of course because they are born to the cli mate hut (Hllillne is Ihp ivbltn nutn'A aldol 1 ou have a tele from malaria A missionary ladv who lived for manj jears on tbe west coast of Africa "Ab my poy said be "dis vas a tor ripie Msease do grip I congratulate you ou account you baf it not Aud myself I hsf it not It is a goot thing" pu haven itr I asked Wbeu did you ever Jet go of enotigh" exchumed Mr Heichen Jiffer )rahaf a delightful spirits A root dat is de result of excellent digestion Ion baf goot health my frent But you look pale and tired Pos rfbly you hare not sleep a great deal nlcht I did not reply and presently he said indstngly: tousend it is a goot lhe day now referred to my friend tho gunner had shown himself exceedingly unreserved and without any cn my part to draw him out he bad eiucioated th frankness that mu it slisnca tn a mnq I hatever gm ill points of his recent his tory and i present position he hid previously Jul in obscuniy inc con versation began ho soon as the cloth was removed and the guests had de parted by a jesliog allusion on my part to his flirtation with ih acirosM and to to Holland life obdurate progenitor re ber gracious reception of his attentions plied bv a letter of reproach and swore "It Is no mere flirtation' said Van that if he left Batavia be might live on gravely Intentions aro serious bis pay and never expect a stiver from You may depend Mademoiselle zSendel the paternal strong box either as gift understands them as such" 1 'TV II IVAKI1 nm kVAawMOi XMU MVU IHvOR UUt Vu want to marry iouably I do It is ray only chance "Your only I repeated cn eiderably puzzled you about to turn actor and do you trust to her for I instruction in Not exactly I will explain Li endel you must know hn just teymi jrated her last enzaiement which nt a salary of UtOilO florins Shu Iris already received and accepted an offer of a new one at ISOQO from lhe i Vienna Theatre Vienna is a very pleasant place ifteen thousand florins are 32000 fi nncs or 1200 of your English pounds sterling Upon that sum two persons can live excellently well in Germany at least" Unable to contradict any of these as sections I held ray tongue The Dutch man resumed: "You know the history of my past life I will tell you my present positioti Uris critical enough but I iiall prove it for and lie touched his forehead "is what never falls me This (he produced an epistle ofmercantile aspect bearing tlie Amster dam post mark) received last week I front my eldest brother The shabby tchclm declares he will reply to no more of mine that his effores toar range matters with my father have been i fruitless and that the Old gentleman has strictly forbidden him and his i brothers to hold any communication i with me a command they seem willing i enough to obey So much forthat LA nd now for the He took out his pocketbook opened I and shook it a flimsy crumpled bit of paper fell out It was a note of the bank of rance for 1000 francs "My said he "That gone I i am a beggar But it won't come to that either thanks to raulein said I arc too reck less of inonev too extravagant and un reflecting Six months ago you told me you had twenty such "Ay twenty two exactly at the end of January when I left Amsterdam But whither was I bound? To Paris and who can economise there? had my worth and could have had no more had I dribbled the dirty 10000 florins over three years instead of three months I take great credit for making it last so long Such sup pets and balls and orgies with the pleasantest fellows and prettiest ac tresses in Paris But tlie louis d'or roll rapidly in that sort of society One must be a Russian prince or a rench uillelonirte to keep it np I never flinched at anything so long as lhe money lasted Then when I found mvself minced to the last note nt into the rankfort mail nml Rump rusticate at this rural roulette table My next change will be to conjugation and "But if you bud only 1000 francs on leaving Paris and have got them still how have you lived suppose these are the same? There are not many ways of getting through money here unless one gamines wmen 1 do not but com has somehow or other a peculiar aptitude to slip through my fingers and the 1000 francs soon evaporated Mean while I had written dozens of letters to my brothers who seldom answered and to my father who never did I promised reform and a respectable life if they would etther get me a snug place with little to do ami good pay or make me a leasonable yearly allow ance something better than the paltry 3000 florins they doled out to me when I was in the artillery and on which as I could not live I was obliged to got in debt They paid no attention to my re quest reasonable as it was The best offer they made me was five francs a day paid weekly to live in a Silesian village This was adding insult to In jury and I left off writing to them A few days afterward taking out my purse to pay for cigars a dollar dropped out It was my last I paid it away walked home lay down upon my bed smoked and reflected My po sition was gloomy enough and the more 1 looked at it the blacker it seemed rom my undutiful relatives there was ne hope the abominable Silesian protect was evidently their ul tirnatum I had no friend to turn to no resource left I might certainly I have obtained the mere necessities of life at this hotel where my credit was excellent and have vegetated a month or two as a man must vegetate without trendy money But I had no fancy for such an expedient a mere protraction of the agony I lay ruminating for two hours two such hours as should be sorry to pass again and then my mindwas made up I had a brace of small traveling pistols amongst my baggage these I loaded and put in my pocket: ami then leaving the hotel an! the town I struck across the country for some distance and plunged into a wood There I' sat down upon a grass bank my back against an old beech Itwas evening andjhesolitary little glade before nipasEstfipeek with tlie last sunbeams' darting between the tree tunks Ihave difficulty in defining my sensations at that moment vvas Cllllte resolved did not waver an instai In my purpose but my head was dizzy and I bad a sickly sensation about the heart Determined that the physical shrinking from death should not have time to weaken my moral determina tion I hastily opened my waistcoat felt for tbe pulsations of my heart placed the muzzle of a pistol where they were strongest steadying it on tliatspotwith my left hand Then I looked straight before me and nulled thetii rcer There was the click ot the lock but no report: the cap was bail and Ima been crushed without exploding bt was a horri ble moment 1 smitebi up another pistol which lav co*cked to my hand and thrust lire muzzle into my mouth As before the sharp noise of the ham iner upon the nipple was the sole result fbc caps had been sometime in my possession and had become worthless through ngc or damp'' I looked at uii Hiuibitz donotful whether lie was not hoaxing me But hitherto I liad observed in him no i diction to the Munchausen vein and now his countenance and voice were serious: there was a slight flush on his cheek and he was evidently excited at the recollection of Ins abortive attempt at suicide perhaps a little ashamed of it I was convinced he told the truth I do not know lie continued whether iiud I hud surer weapons with me I should have had courage to make a llmd attempt upon my life Ifonestlv I think not tlie self preservative in stinct was rapidly gaining strength I walked siowly back to the totvn my brain still confused from the agitating moments I had passed I was unable quite to collect my thoughts and felt uo nau just awaKcnea iron a ion or bequest To live upon his pay would have been no easv matter even for a more prudent person than Yau Hui bitz he grumbled inrtnoderately swore like a pagan but remained where he was A year passed and he could hold out no longer Disregarding the pi tinial displeasure mid reckless of sequences he applied to the chief mili tary authority of the colony for leave of ahsi uce He was asked his pie i' and nlleced ill health The general Il ought he looked pretty well ntiil rp nested tbe sight of a medical certifi cate of his nvaliti state Hau bitz assumed a doleful countenance and betook him to the surgeons They agreed with the genual that his aspect was Tiealthy asked for symptoms could discover none more alarming than reg ularity of pulse sleep appetite and di gestion laughed In his face and re fused the certificate The Sickly gun ner Gfho had the constitution of a rhi noceros and hail never had a ill ness since lie got over tbe measles at the age of 4 ars waited a little and tried the second usually re sorted loin stch cases pri vate were now I he pretext The general expressed his regret that urgent public affairs rendered it impos sible for him to dispense with the valu able services of Lieutenant Van Hau bitz Whereupon Lieutenant Van llan bitz passed iialf an hour in heaping maledictions on the head of his diso bliging commander and then sat down and wrote an application for an ex change to the authorities in Holland The reply was equally unsatisfactory the fact that Hanpitz senior like an implacable old savage as be was had made interest at the war olllcsf or the re fusal of all such requests on the part of his scapegrace offspring Haubitz junior took patience for another year and then in a moment of extreme disgust and ennui threw up his commission and returned to Europe trusting he told me that after five absence the governor's bowels would yearn to wards his youngest born In this he was entirely mistasen he greatly un derrated the toughness of paternal viscera ar from killing the fatted calf on the return the in censed old Hollander refused him the smallest cutlet and shutting the door in his face consigned him with more energy than affection to the custody of the evil one Van Haubitz I iu himself in an awkwaid tlx Credit ai' dead none of his relatives would sli er assist him bis whole for'inc eo sistid of a dozen gold Wilhelms At this critical moment an eccertric maiden aunt to whom a year or I vo previously he had seat a propitiary offiring of a ring tailed monkey and a lem of pea green parrots and who had never condescended to acknowl edge the present departed this life be i queatliing him 10000 florins as a re turn for the audition to her menagerie A man of common prudence and who Lad seen himself so near destitution would have endeavored to employ this sum moderate as it was in some trade or business or aj any rate would have 1 lived sparingly till he found other re sources But Haubitz had not yet sown all Ids wild oats: he had a soul above barter a glorious disregard of the future the present being pro vided for he left Holland shak ing the dust from his boots dashed across Belgium and was soon plunged in the" gaieties of a Paris carnival Breakfasts at the Roclier dinners at the cafe balls at the opera and tlie concomitant petiti loupert and ecarte parties with tlie fair denizens of the Quartier Lorette soon operated a prod igious chasm in the monkey money as Van Haubitz irreverently stvied his venerable bequest Spring hav ing arrived he beat a retreat from Paris and established himself at Hom burg where he was quietly completing the consumption of the 10000 florins at rather a slower pace than he would have done at that headquarters of pleas ant iniouity the capital of rance rom hints he let fall I suspected a short lime would suffice to see the last of the legacy On this head however he bad been less confidential than on most other matters and certainly his manner of living would have led no one to suppose he was low in the locker Nothing was too good for him he drank the best of wines got lip parties and pic nics for the ladfes and had a special addiction to the purchase of costly trinkets which he generally gave away before they had been a day in bis possession He did not gamble he had done so lie told me onoo since he was at Homburg and had won but he had no faith in his hick or taste for that kind of excitement and should play no more He was playing another gan just now which apparently in terested hi greatly A few days before myself a young across who within a very short time had ac quired considerable celebrity had ar riqed at Homburg escorted by her mother raulein Emilie Bendel was a lively lady of four and twenty or thereabouts possessing a smart figure and pretty face the latter wanting somewhat in refinement Iler blue eyes although rather too prominent had a merry sparkle her cheeks had not yet been entirely despoiled by en vious rouge of their natural healthful tinge hair of that peculiar tint of red auburn which the rench call a blonde hawde was more remarkable for abundance and flexibility than for fine ness of texture As regarded her qual ities and accomplishments she was good humored aud tolerably hn offected but wilfull and capricious as a spoiled child she spoke her own lan guage pretty well with au occasional slight vulgarism or bit of green room slung: had a smattering of rench and played the piano sufficiently to accom pany the ballads and vaudeville airs which she sang with spirit and con erable freedom of stvle I had met German actresses who were far more ladv like off tlie stage but there was nothing glaringly or repulsively vulgar about Emile and as a neighbor at a public dinner table she was amusing and quite above par As if to vindicate her nationality she would occasionally look sentimental but the mood sat ill upon her and never lasted long: com edy was cvidemly her natural line Against her reputation rumor always nn inquisitive censor often a mean li 1 bellcr of ladies of the nrofession limi as yet so far as 1 could learn found nothing to allege Her mother a dingy old downger with bad teeth dowdy gowns a profusion ri artificial flowers and a strong addiction to tea and knit I ting perfectly understood the duties of i duennaship anil did propriety bv her da ugbtci side at dinner table and promenade To the heart of the daugh ter 'Van Haubiiz almost from tile first hour he had seen ter had laid persevering aud detefoitned siegeunng our after dinner tete a tett oil i colonel wTnrra you may have seen limp ing In andWt of the Cursaal and who ranks among the antiquities of Hom burg He served under Napoleon was shelved at the peace and has lived 1 since then on a moderate annuity of which one fifth procures him tbe barest mcessities of existence whilst the other four parts are annually ab orbed in tbe vortex of rouge et noir When gam I ling houses were legal at Paris le colonel rape the threadbare colonel as i he was called was one of the most punctual attendants at and the Palais Royal When they were abolished he commbnced a wandering existence amongst the German baths and finally settled down at Homburg giving It the preferedee as the only place where he could follow Iris ilatling pursuit alike in winter aud summer rom the opening to tlie close of tlie play he is seen seated at the table a number of cards ruled in red and black columns on the green cloth before him in which lie pricks with pins tbe progress of the game That evening I lie had been unfortunate and had emptied his pocket but nevertheless continued puncturlnr cards with laud able perseverance of course discover ing like every penniless gambler had he money to stake he should infallibly make a fortune predicting what color would come out and indulging when he proved a true prophet in little subdued blasphemy because he was un able to profit by liis acuteness 'Extraordinary run to be repeated the veteran dicer two blackand only three red! be a series of red now I feel there will and when I don't play myself always right I bet this deal be gins with seven red Who bets a hundred francs to fifty it docs "Nobody accepted this sporting offer or placed upon the color which the prophetic soul foresaw was to come out The cards were now shuffled and cut for dealing Tbe hell relapsed into silence le jeu was re peated in the harsh business like tones of the presiding demon croaked the colonel Seven times at the irav have chwiahcd of tropical ItlxpSB lies of the imliilgence ot vjarnbuibt I life in a grass hammock' gently bil nneedby Javan Innins beneath baniun shades of spice I'lden breezes and cool I sherbets mill oilier attributes of a i bnnimeilan paradise were spcwl Hv dissipated bv the oiltoit? re allies of end vermin inirsh fijvcr nod mosquitos' He wrote iris father describing tbp horrors of tbe place and begging to be rclea ed from his pledge and allowed to return 1 plied bv a letter of reproach and swore BJIIIWAO3 Pjoaiuont Air Line Schedule In effect Jane 30 IsSS 850 Tennessee daily fo Warrvnten liordohsvnle Cnarlnnesville ynvnhurp and stations between Alexandria and Lynchburg Roanoke Knox ville Cbsttanooga and Meniihis Pullman Bleeper Washington to Memphis 11:24 ft ast mail daily for War rantee Chaflottcavllle Stations Chesa peake and Ohio Bonte Lyuchbure Rocky Mount Danville and Stations bet ween btneh burg and Danville Greennboro JUleiiTh Ahevilie Uliariotto Columbia Augusta At lanta Birmingham Montgomery New Or leans Texas nand California Hillman Sleeper New York to Atlanta parlor care Atlanta to Montgomery Pullman Sleepers Montgomery to Orleans Pullman Sleeper to Columbia and Au gusta Pullxnajrt Heepera Washington to Cincinnati via A Route 4:15 Daily except Sunday for Man assas Strasburg and intermediate stations 755 Dally via Lynchburg Bristol ana Chattanooga Pullman Vestibule Sleeperw Washington to Memphis connecting thenoe for all Arkansas points: also Washington to New Orleans i 9:40 Western express dally for JTan ftssas Culpeper Orange Charlottesville Staunton Louisville Cincinnati Pullman Vestlbnle train Washington to Cincinnati with a Pullman sleeper for Louisville 11X0 Southern Express daily for Lynchburg Danville Italelgh Asheville Charlotte Columbia Augusta AtlantaMont goniery New Orleans Texas and California Pullman Vestibule car Washington to New Orleans via Atlanta and Montgomery Pull man sleeper Washington to Birmingham A1 via Atlanta and Georgia Pacific Bail ualns on Washington and Ohio division leave Washington 9:00 a daily except Sunday and 4:45 daily arrive Round HiH 11:80 am and 7:20 returning leave Round I1IU a dally and 12:20 daily oxccptSunday arriving Washington 8s a and 2:51 Through trains from the South via Char lotte' LanviBe end Lynchburg arrive In uphinglon a in and 7:13 via East Tennessee Bristol and Lynchburg at 8:03 a xu unu ivwp ut rm uuu vuiu But in Jipitc route and Charlottesville at 2:33 and 7:13 auo a iu nvrasuurs ioixu at vac a Tickets sleeping car reservation and infor mation famfshid 'and itaggage cheeked at offivx 1300 Pennsylvania avenue and at Pas senger Station TeuwIvuilA Hallroad Oth and streets JAsTl TAYLOR Augiotf General Passenger Agent There has for many years been a question In tlie minds of those who have to do with administering the law inWashington as to whether a judge has the power to take the personal bonds of a prisoner brought before him for trial Recently there has been a great deal of discussion on account of a decision made a week ngo by Judge Miller in the Police Court mid the legal frater nity of the city is divided on the ques tion The terra is a meaningless onend of the near 120k) people walking about the si rcets of this city who have given theirpersonal bonds not one of them perhaps could define the phrase It is the beta noir of the members of the police tone and they will be glad that in the opinion ot the bel I legal talent of the city it will soon fall into disuse ntE rolU 01CE1S PLEASED I The officer who has a goal 'record I nd wants ta make a better one con I siders that when the bonds of his pris oner are taken it is a censure upon tlie manner in which bis duties are per formed nd they speak in the most dis approving terms of the custom I Samuel Milla is a Justice of the Peace and when Judge Miller is in disposed be occupies the bench of the elice Court "I made a decision re he said in answer to the re question "to the effect that a man was either guilty or innocent That is patent to every one and needs no explanation If he is guilty he should suffer if not be should go free There is no middle ground but this is just what 'personal creates oniGIN TUB PJIACTICB practice originated in the higher courts some years ago and from them descended to us They were taken in criminal cases in which the Court did not think the defendant hud made him self liable to sentence and yet where the facts showed tliat he had been con cerned in the crime The practice is nothing more nor less than an assump tion of a privilege which by right be longs alone to the pardoning power and which alone should be exercised by them The Commissioners have that power and the President has it but the Court does not and was never intended to have The thing in itself amountsto nothing and I doubt exceedingly tliat if the bond were violated whether it could lie collected It Is simply the promise of the prisoner to reform only that and nothing WHAT THE LAWYERS SAY am opposed to tlie said Major IT Johnson a prominent at tirni "and am glad to know that it is to be abolished It is a usurpation of power ana one unit noes a grc it deal ot harm Conviction or acquittal is what tlie courts should find that is what they arc there Cnplgjn Charles Loeffler an swered tlrtf questiou when it was put to him by a story as he usually does The custom he said reminded him of a story he heard Henry Ward Beecher tell one day when asked his opinion as to whether a man whose per sonal bonds had been taken by the court was guilty or not judge ad mitted that tbe defendant was inno lie said made him promise that he would never do so the whole case in a said the Captain A TRANSERRED POLICY My case is a most peculiar aud vexatious cne Seven years ago 1 insured my Ufa for I $hCC0 ina good company I was then In comparatively affluent circ*mstances vo i years afterward I goffered a sudden financial reverse and was obliged to hypothecate my life Insurance to a friend who loaned me '000 thereon Subsequently he became bankrupt and transferred the security and the Indcbteduess to a third party one of creditors a money loaner by birth and occupation 1 Perhaps yon have noticed on tlie streets a man with a remarkably low brow an evil rye or two a slouching figure hands which seem to be clutching forever at something wuicn eiudes them and a general air of monetary depravity That is Mr Tleichen Mffer who bolds the insurance on my life It you should need another point by which tt Identify him it would be found in the fact that Mr IIcichcnliiTcr walks with his bead down looking always for pennies on tbe sidewalk "You hat uo idea how many pennies dere vere on de said ha to me one day haf fount aefenteen Iu my life Dia is a fery careless vorlil my The fact is that Mr Helehenliffcr Is ex ceedingly anxious for me to die aud so ardent and persevering is be in the exnres sfam of this wish that be annoys me exceed iugly Not thatheevercomesoutdirectly be is too quiet a man tor he Is In deed la hts manner as solt and soothing as a silk worm but every morning whoa I emerge from tbe door ot my bumble home there Is Mr Iteicheriiiffer al the gate with oe eye on tbe sidewalk and the other ou ne Goot morning my lie says: it vas a putiful "I answer 1 ym as brief with him a possible remarks Mr Heietienliffer dire vas nint nalarhi in de atmosphere De tliti vas line but pi lions I baf not been fitting fety well myself last night I hope your health has been excellent my This Is on flue days On rainy days Mr Jlek benllffer reminds mo of the rheuma tism and of the well known fact that rheumatism of the heart is nearly always fatvUOu cola days Mr Iteicheuliffer ui etuously discourses on pneumonia and I on hot days be turns to cholera and sun I stroke And then he sends me pamphlets through tbe loads and loads of almanacs containing pages of bitter advertisem*nts and columns of letters from avail ds who have been sick unutterably tracts of quack doctors who describe In furious terms all the Ills that human flesh has been heir to since the days of Adem and who put into the bead of the athlete the notion that he is trembling on the verge of nervous prostration Mr Ucliheuliffer also sends me all the obituary notices he can find In the daily papers memorial volumes of dead Congressmen I undertakers cards bits of crape notices of coroners Inquests and heaven only knows wbat not Last week 1 came home one evening tired from work aud there was i a hearse at the gate I didn feel particu I larly I had gone beyond that I Drive on for a little while" I said to tbe gentleman in charge of the vehicle Lf 1 rlon want you just now liliAtlP Rll i Hirtura I auc 1 Thia morning 1 met Mr HekhenlifTer as vru MJC Prieciiy wen sue iook i six grains of auihiue every day In order to I keep ell aud that in her family of three I perilous tbev used on an average an ounce In six weeks One can run over tbe table I of weights and easily see what a large I number of grams an ounce li I Coiisumptiou surely Cured a the Lditorr I Please Inform vnur rr inlAtH th if hnrA a positive remedy for almve named disease I By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have lieeu permanently cured shall be glad to send two bottles ot my remedy fiiee to any of your readers who have consumption If they will send ms heir Express and address Respect fully A Btoccx 181 Pearl street New York heaty sleep It wa now dark ligbig i lue gaiubluig rooms' cue Voices of the croupiers tho stir and hum of the play ungllng ot money were uis in tne streets wntiont have already told you am no gam bier not from scruple but choice Nevertheless 1 used often to stroll up I to the Cursaal for an hour of an even ing when the play was at the higher tojook on anil chat with chance ac quaintnnees Mochturieally I now as cended the stairs On the landing place I found myself face to face with a man with whom I was slightly inti mate ami who a few oveniugd before bad borrowed forty francs of nto I had not seen him since and he now re turned ne the piece of gold your luck with it' said he is a run against the bank to night ev ry body wins and Blanc looks blue' And he pointed to one of the prjpri ctors of the tables who however wore tolerably tranquil dir knowing well that what was carried away one n'ght would come back with compound iu terest the next The play was heavy nt rouge et notr table a Russian and two the latter of whom judging from their appearance and from the complicated array of calcala tions on the table before them were professional gamblers extracted ut i arly every coup notes or rouleaus of gold from the grated boxes In front of the bankers Idrank a class of water for my lips were dry and hot and placing myself as nCar tbe table as the crowd of players and spectators per mitted watched the game handwas in my pocket the forty franc piece i still between its fingers But in spite i of the advice of him who had paid it llvi XUlv 1'1 ispowi llUIl I (J lion luv coin not that I feared to lose it for as my only one it was useless? bftt because I as I tell you I never had the slightest I love of gambling or expectation to i win i "A pause occurred in the game The cards had run out' and the bankers were subjecting them to those compii I cittcd and ostentatious shufflings in tended to convince tlie players of the fqirnessof their dealings During this operation the previous silence was ex changed far eager gossip Tlie game i it appeared had come out that night in a peculiar manner very favorable to those who had had the address and nerve to avail themredjres of it There had been alternate long runs upon red and black JZffZe name tie exclaimed a hoarse cracked voice just below me 'What a series of black! Twenty two and only three red! Aud to be unable to take advantage of dgoked down and recognized the gray moWache wrinkled features and i snuffy black coat with a ribbon of the I Legion of Honor of an old rench TRI OrikYX OAN0 RiZft 1890 a HrabS Bfcwsgija K0eSB rr At a A this a nrfiM $800 'A KU Kfl s'hj Km IL If Ki El Kb BBi te fit II Eb tel li lit Ki Im MU i liil 3 I.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.