Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)

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Journal and Courieri

Lafayette, Indiana

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LAAYETTE JOURNAL AND COURIER 15 "5 riday Evening October 19 1945 CHICAGO GRAIN IOpnHlgh Low ClossPrlcPncePric6Oct lS Ard 6 July STOCKS ARMS OR SALE HOME OR SALE 29 9 iome with many modern Phon SOOS SOS Columbia Kt LINCOLN SOYBEANS Saddles Buck Steiner: Little Wonder Tree POSSESSION AT ONCE Heavy Rawhide GIVE Covered uji Hand Tooled lower Design COURIER Jones $3050 THE WILSONS Chick Phone 4003 List we WARD WEEK SPECIAL! Milk Buckets 42c WARDS to sell ARM STORE ARM MACHINERY OR SALE LINDEN IND 411 erry Street Phone: 2826 Concrete Pipe Co PLOW SHARES PHONE 7852 LAAYETTE INDIANA A OR SALE EASY TO IND PHONE 2903 NINTH AND ERRY STREETS Ready Each Monday and riday $2350 Call Wallace Hatchery ROP Breeding arm 2595 4206 I iresfone conveniences ine location and beautiful lot 240x90 feet be the I surroundings right in the city Then yqu will like our old well built comfortable OR BOX Would you like a home with clean fresh air and pleasant One car live and 26 50 00 50 50 May July Sept 114 11X i 111 114 114 111 he the in i 53 6514 63 62 153 151 139 135 114 113 110 101 18 185 39 11 94 52 58 i2 2 04 82 151 157 148 137 133 by No the at 115 114 111 Modern double on South ourth A condition in and out side Rents for $70 per month 14 1413 13 three room apartment as we lave Price $10000 cash Autolita Tel and Radio Electrio oods Motors 313 12 0 10 7 7 List your property with us We have plenty of cash buyers Good West building "HANOI MAN" ARM TRUCK TRAILER KIT mer i mer over 4 15 48 50 74 63 29 82 45 50" 23 8 29 40 117 116 116 1115 15 004214 WARDS ARM STORE will 4 62 64 62 61 158 143 138 She talked on Mrs red 73 ft 35 54 48 NAME AND ADDRESS APPOINTMENT WRITE 82 JOURNAL AND A wa i arrested state police WestLaf ay crashed into 16 185 39 '86 52 57 127 20 enced available time on rajxces Make your own wagon with the Handi Man Trailer Kit NOW OR1B46 IND BE SURE Hammer arms ROMNEY IND WARD WEEK SPECIAL! 8 room modern house on North street one block from 9th 4 bed rooms and two baths up large liv ing room with fireplace down All oak floors full basem*nt hot air furnace with stoker large corner lot paved streets on side and front Garage and store room on rear facing on 10th street pro perty in excellent condition $9500 6 room modern house on 21st street near Kossuth 3 extra lots House is insulated oak floors down built in kitchen cabinets 2 car garage This is a nice home $8500 Hills and 7 room brick 2 car garage As this aid written have on hand close to a thousand well started White Rockshatched last Monday Priced right 1 SEARS ARM STORE Nine rooms and baths or can lave six A room home and tent of his Injuries were not de termined He complained of a bruised leg and a sore back He was injured when ho walked into an auto driven by Jay Matter 60 of Dayton Wells did not go to the hospital until riday morning Discount on any Saddle in our store SEARS ARM STORE WHEAT Dec May July Sept 15 28 139 46 42 67 1 2997 new shipment of Jamesway stoves just arrived also poultry supplies of all kinds Top Prices for Eggs and Poultry KISSELL a' ess es 62 158 150 138 134 204 other Motorist Hurt as His Car Overturns Donald Brown' 30 of Ladoga rural route 1 war In a fair con dition at Witham general hospital at Lebanon following an automo bile accident' south of Monroe at the intersection of highway 52 and the Colfax road riday morning Brown lost control of a car was driving and it ran off road turning over State police vestigated I 1:30 (CloseOc18IOc18 In spite of the present a condi tion not surprising aS sur plus farm poultry comes to good poultry meat will be in demand again in January an ebruary when these White Rock chicks will be ready to market or eat 50015 1)0015 00013 006911 50 9 00 00 down WANTED! DEAD STOCK! Phone Lafayette 3830 for prompt removal: Reverse charges Lafa yette ertilizer Company Chas Breese Manager OR 4 MILK COWS REASON for selling aickneso Raymond ay Attica Route 3 Spring Plow Hitches Each $725 301 305 Life Bldg West Lafayette: 7 room modern house 3 blocks off campus Oak floors below full basem*nt $8500 Lafayette: A fine six room mo dern brick bungalow close in On paved street and bus line $9500 A 9 room modern house near St Elizabeth hospital 3 rooms used as apartment Newly painted large lot Garage paved street $6500 Terms A five room modern house living room used as store garage A good place to a business $4000 ARMS OR SALEi (Contimied) Two new houses for sale Have started third one Can assist in finance Can give possession in reasonable time BOWEN ROBINSON 419 erry St i2 Phone 6829 25 33 Two apartment house ex cellently located in Highland Park One five room apartment and one six rooms Entirely separate en trances Stoker heat two car gar age Renting for $125 a month Price $10000 The Shook Agency REALTORS 412 Main St Phone 7315 Goris Hockema Realty Cd Realtors CLOSE IN 8 ROOM HOUSE CAN BE used for double Cell 46133 or 801 Wabash Ave Dales a beautiful residence gas heat rear screen porch i Side lots for future We need more houses List with us for quick and satis factory results CHOICE LOTS Lafayette locations East Union St Vyver brg Addn King St air Park Highland Park West Lafay ette Golden Hill and Hills and Dales Price range one to five thousand dollars Edgar Burt Phone 7942 OR CLOSE IN 6 ROOM double 3 rooms each side Good location Good Investment Phone 35481 ARM MACHINERY Mrs Clarence presided opened the presented Mrs chairman who intro OR 8ALE 27 acres with 5 room house 8 miles south Price J420000 Possession" Nov 1 Earl Hollenbeck Real General Insurance Phone 4224 512 erry St COULTERS COMPLETE 17 in $565 REAL" ESTATE OR SALE (Continued) ARM PRODUCTS (Continued) Walks Into Car Earl (Dutch) Wells 1449 Kos suth street was in a favorable condition at St Elizabeth hospital riday after having walked into the side of a moving automobile at South Sixteenth and Alabama streets Thursday evening The ex Hell a Pig Rhi In City Court Thomas McNary 74 Lafayette' an old offender charged with' public intoxication was sentenced incity court riday to remain in the tho county jail until the first day of spring Brennan Ross 28 Lafayette public intoxication sentenced to serve 90 days on the state farm and fined $11 oo so so down TIRE RECAPPING ANTKUCK Drain Concrete Blocks 31 68 23 32 84 active mostly fairly active 188 64 15 48 50 74 63 23 92 138 45 armers' Needs tor all Plowing OR SALE: OTTAWA MODEL power corn sheller on rubber 55 f66t of drags Recently overhauled tip top condition Priced right Motor Imple ment Co Monticello Indiana Phone 497J BENTON COUNTY ARMSv 300 acres level black land west part of county Well improved modern house 520000 per acre 240 acres north of owler Ideally lo cated neaH two grain markets one mile to grade and high: school excep tionally level well drained land Good buildings 820000 per acre 240 acre productive farm near Bos well 7 room house electricity build ings In good repair newly painted Must sell to settle estate 816500 per Acre These farms MUST be sold and are priced accordingly They merit your in spection for either a home or an invest ment REELAND Agent OWLER INDIANA The LUX AGENCY 412 Main St Phone 2566 ADAMS INS AGENCY Inc Life Bldg Phones 2700 4738 DYNAMITE No license required We do blasting Andrew Howard Lafayette Route 3 Dec May July Sept RYE Dec May July Sept BARLEY Dec OR PURE BRED CHESTER White Boars March farrowed big and ready for service Hurless Bon Route 1 rankfort Ind 3 apartment building northeast ine condition Possible income $100 per month Can American Radiator and 8 American TeL and Tel Anaconda Armour and Co Bethlehem Steel Borg Warner and Chrysler Motors Commercial Solvents Commonwealth Edison Consolidated Edison Cont Oil Curtiss Wright Du Pont De Electric arna General General General Goodyear Hudson Motor International Harvester Johns Manville Kennecott Copper Kroger Groc Marshall ield Montgomery Ward Nash Kelv Natonal Dairy Prod National Steel Central North Ano Co Ohlo' OU Packard Penney Penn Phillips Pet Pure Oil Radio Corp Rep Steel Sears Roebuck Standard Brando Standard Oil Ind Standard OH Studebaker Swift and Co Union Carbide United Aircraft Corp Rubber Steel Westinghouse Else Western Union Woolworth Youngstown 8 and OR SALE LINCOLN SOYBEANS also pure bred roan Shorthorn bullwith papers Vincent Vogel Phone 1S A Reynolds Ind Two 2 apartment buildings about two years old in excellent location Each apartment has living room bedroom kitchen and bath Hot air furnace for each apartment laundry tubs automatic hot water heater Total income $18300 permonth Will yield 9 net on in vestment A lovely brick 7 room house in Highland Park Possession in two weeks if needed' OR 240 ACRES i 4 MILES from town 6 room house biff barn aoubie erw ffranary anove with woven wire Electricity Priced $9 SOO Part cash balance William Myers' vUle Ind trv firm TOTl nrlrae: row! fryers 19 024c fryers 5 TEAL AGENCY 33 Lafayette Loan and Trust Bldg Phone 7030 for SALE (0 aerss northeast of Dayton all till able and highly Improved Large barn modern house and plenty of outbuua Inffs Good fences and in a high state of cultivation Price $20000 psr acfO Seo or call RANK HAM 92 erry St Phone 3332 The LUX AGENCY 412 Main St Phone 2566 14 50 5l)14 00 00012 00 oo down 27 19 i 29 40 52 28 138 46 42 68 29 37 97 28 73 81 36 6349 65 GOOD HOUSE AND BUILDINGS email acreage Real poultry place In small town near Lafayetta Baugh Agency Phone 2179 or 357C4 new white oats (34 Iba weight) yellow soybeans 14 per moisture premium and discount ACRES 7 MILES ''LAAY etts Ind Six room strictly modern home electricity bottled gas new Marshall furnace new driven wen and automatic pumps Two modern 'brood er houses with combined capacity of 5000 chicks insulated throughout and equipped with automatic water supply New feed house with grinding equip ment? Cow barn good pasture ana running water year 'round ruit end berries plenty shade and new shrubs Ideal home and business Reason for selling sickness 816000 cash Box 98 Journal and Courier JOURNAL and COURIER WANT ADS BRING BEST RESULTS LOCAL EED PRICES (Crabbs Reynolds Taylor Co) Dried Buttermilk 31100 Poultry Mash 385 Essential Ingred Poultry Mash 410 Egg Mash 360 Hog Ration 410 Pig and Bhoat 365 32 per cent Supplement 420 Otterbein Art Tea Is Marked Success OTTERBEIN Oct 19 Ninety registered at the Art tea given by the Literary club in the Methodist church Oct 17 Mes dtunes Johnson Pierce and Harrington re ceived the guests Switzer meeting and Thomas art duced Mrs Nell Homrighouse a local artist To Look at' Robbins of West Lafayette talked on Appreciation" and Mrs loyd 'T Hornberger West Lafay ette on "Pennsylvania Peasant The ladies each had a display of pictures and pottery Alfred Mills sang with Mrs Hazel ish er as accompanist Mrs Switzer and Mrs Mary Rickleffs poured from a beautifully appointed table Mesdames Rowe Spik Lorene Rowe and Minnie Wad dell were hostesses' Jones Hatchery Each OR "SALE 200 acres located one mile west of Montmorenci on State Road 52 Eight room house extra good barn and Here is a good Stock and grain farm Possession March 1 1946 Price $12500 per acre Chicken farm 20 acres modern house Possession December 1st Ji if 200 acres close in extra gooc house and barns all well fenced Partner in livestock will stay This is a money maker Owner carry $20000 mortgage at Office information only garage Thia blah claaa homes Must be seen to If Interested contact $11 006 A good stock farm with 105 acres crop land balance good grass land with spring water Good 6 room cottage good barn and double crib Electricity available Lo cated on gravel road about 20 miles from Lafayette Offered by non resident bargain price CROUCH 302 303 Schultz Phone 2595 Price Violations In the weekly OPA price panel meeting held Wednesday eleven price violation conferences were conducted One for the sale of refrigerator for selling an auto mobile 'by individuals over ceil ing price and nine cases of hard ware dealers grocery and meat markets for selling or displaying over cell ing price tags on over ceiling price tags on settled others were carried for further Investigation PRICE PRICE Inc REALTORS A INSURANCE ire Auto Casualty 318 erry St Phone 5994 I XI 09 OPA Celling Price 62 the state collection of names of streams and post offices Leslie county boasts or Sartin a Cut Skin noceros and a Potato Hill Letcher county also Is In there pitching with such town names as Beefhide Elkhorn Hot Spot and Hot Spot is reputedly the warmest town in the county and Ice sits surrounded by tall moun tains and gets a few hours of sunshine even In summer In Leteher county also there is a Defeated Creek a Bill Creek a Kingdom Come a settlement called Democrat (which is a Re publican stronghold) a Stinking Honey Creek and a Lousy Hol low AN APARTMENT HOUSE IVE apartments Three are furntahed Good Income Price 99060 Baugh Agency Phone 2173 or 35764 i AT I YOU HURRY! We have aeveral thousand Gray's Premium Mixed Chicks available daring the next several months Order your brooder house now qniek delivery Ue will deliver and set dp at your place come these West I afayette office Buy Gray's chick Sod feed Gray's feeds tor the moat profit 4 HATCHERIES Rossville (Home Office) West Lafayette Delphi Mulberry and Monticello MAHNS REALTY 217 Sixth St Apartment house modern well lo cated practically new Consisting of three room apartments A good in come showing 10 net MALONEY SCHAER SHARP BULDG PHONE 2707 CROUCH 302 303 Schult? Bldg Ph 440 ACRES By Estate Heirs 10 Mlles of Chalmers White County Indiana Excellent grain and stock farm Two sets of buildings Main set on blacktop road Electricity Two driven wells Two dug wells arm operated with tenant on partner ship basis A Will sell or retain Jive stbclt and farming equipment TLf Local Delegation To TA Session The following attended a PTA regional conference in Michigan City Thursday: Mrs Boyer 1 Mrs Dale Ledman Mrs William Holquist Mrs Delbert Best Mrs Roy Mi ner Mrs Carl arner Mrs Grant Bishop Mrs A Lewis Mrs red Gobat Mrs George DeVault Mrs Butz Mrs rank Whetzel Mrs Arnold Zelder Mrs Robert easter Mrs George De Long Mrs Harvey infrock Mrs Harry Kuntzwiler Mrs George Hiser Mrs Claude Hudson' Linville' Mrs Robin son Mrs Ralph Smith Mrs Ev erett German Mrs Travis Mrs Russel Sorenson Mrs ert Mrs Paul Taylor Mrs McElwaine Mrs Vanderclede Chester Gard Mrs Culp Mrs Walter Braun Mrs Harvey Mills MrsKenneth Cook Mrs Eldon Erwin Mrs Carl Towner Mrs Ed Mc Laughlin HEAVY RECEIPTS Because of the light showers riday morning slightly heavier receipts of livestock were recorded at the Lafa yette stockyards Good weather had slowed down the runs at the yard lately 'There were no pripe change riday and all markets were active More of all livestock can be used All pen were cleared shortly after noon HOGS Market steady 141 to Sno pounds 131 to 140 pounds 121 to 130 pounds 101 to 120 pounds sr 'CATTLE Market steady Steer cattle Helfers Stock cattle Good to choice cow Medium to good cows Cutters and canneraA' CALVES Market steady Kancy top Good to choice Mediums Throwouts BEAUTIUL HOME OR SALE By virtue of the terms of the last will and testament of Olive Heaton deceased the undersigned Executor will sell either furnished or: unfurnished her eight room two story house lo cated at 618 East Penn Street Hoop eston Illinois This house Is two tory brick it Is fully weather stripped has tils roof the Interior Is ma hogany birch and hardwood floors throughout including sleeping porch bath and lavatories are tiled hot water stoker heat built in vacuum cleaning system full dry basem*nt soft water system two car with tile roof cement drive one or tne reany or Hoopeston appreciated undersigned MILES 79 25 75 AO 12 95 down I SHOULD SAY NOT! BUT HERE ARE A EWAVEDID IND Excellent all modern home on North 6th street 26800U0 beautiful all mo dern brick home on Central 51850000 6 room ell modern on North 20th street 1500000 5 room all modern on South 28th street 37000 '1 room semi modern on North 12th street J255ooo 5 room semi modern on South 31st street 8400000: 5 room semi modern on Madi son street 3300000 7 room semi mo dern on Green street 8275000 a room semi modern on Washington street 8200000 3 room Berni modern West Point Indiana 5180000 2 cottages on Wabash river near Americus 8185000 and tl6000o also aeveral lots listed nr 1h KfrnnK nochastar 22nd Elk nearT IVam I nfQVSrtA 1 csssa vv ATTENTION ARMERS! fie HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID OR BERK POULTRY CO 325 Third SL City Parking Lot" rhone 773 HIDES CHOICE LOT ON KING ST CALL2550 We write ire and Casualty Insurance William Kelly Agency 32 Lafayette Loan and Trust Bldg WELL DRILLING CONTRACTS OR that new well now Special price on 8 lnch well Wes have a large stock of electric pumps and pressure systema All aiea of pipe and pump supplies Coy the well driller 2113 15th Phone 4339 16 CU BISHOP LOW TES1PERA ture farm freezers The most prac tical freezer on the market Very economical to operate Dealers wanted Gardner 815 Delaware St Indianapolis Ind OR WATER SYSTEMS UEL oil and bottle ga automatic water heatera Badger Grove Store Brooks ton Phone 1023 the ceilinr 818 cattle approxi or 10 per cent ofscattered loads me good steers today Salable aheen $000 total 7500: mar ket less active than Thursday hut mostly steady: ton and popular price on rood and choice native lambs $1500 bnkM discounted $100 part deck carrying a medium end most common sortouts $11001300 bucks Included short load cood corn field yearling's fall ahom nelts t235 small package native yearlings 31250 most common to choice native slaugh ter even $5000650: late Thursday load good to choice $2 pound fed shorn native lambs No pelts $1335 potato" MARKET CHICAGO Oct Potatoes Arrivals 134 on trck25 totaL shipments 1234 New stocks: Supplies moderate De mand slow market sHxhtlv weaker Wisconsin Chippewas 8 bo I 3215 commercial 8185 0200 CHICAGO POULTRY CHICAGO Oct 19 (AP) Live poul receipts irucK uhb roasters i broilers 19 99 24 Mt leghorn 19e: rleghorn broilers lie: old roosters IRO 4c: ducklings heavy young ducks 33 C9 34c light ducks rot2Oc prices unchanged Driver ined' After Crash at Crossing Henry Stone 40 of Oak Park HI charged with failing to yield the right of way was fined $10 in Justice Herman court riday Stone riday morning by from the post near ette after his car one driven by Joseph Hora 77 of 1008 South street at the Intersec tion of highway 25 and the pass northeast of Lafayette one was injured Damage to two vehicles was estimated $150 Indiana Lock Joint Sewer Pipe Culvert Pipe ROOING SIDING INSULATION WALLPAPER PAINT CaU us for free estimates Expert workmanship Up to three years to pay Midwest Roofing and Insulating Co 11 NORTH THIRD kT PHONE 7008 BALED ALALA EXTRA GOOD Clover timothy oata and wheat atraw Delivered reasonable distance 2912 Main St OR SALE OR TRADE: PURE BRED ITn valzttl ft mllfta VMHttth TlOftft vllle on 39 Rossville phono Herman Mattlx LOCAL POULTRY MARKET UNTIL NOON SATURDAY Hens 20o Leghorn hens Broiler fries lbs" up 96" Leghorn springers 17o co*cks 1 2n Ducks 1 7a Geese 19o Eggs (current receipts) 36c Pullet eggs 19c CHICAGO PRODUCE CHICAGO Oct Butter firm receipts 224361 market un changed" A Eggs receipts 713 flrm: standards' current receipts 3942c dirties checks 30c market unchanged INDIANAPOLIS LIVESTOCK INDIANAPOLIS Oct 19 (AP) Salable hogs 3500 active steady good and choice 160 pounds up bulk 140 160 pounds and some choice lighter weights 21485 100 140 pounds 1450 good and choice sows 81410 Salable cattle 500 calves 400 all slaughter classes active steady three loads choice 1317 pound steers 81800 twb loads 1146 pounds good to barely cnoice suvv veaiers 50c lower top 31600 Salable sheen 1000: generally steady good and choice fat lambs largely 314251475 several lots 81500 few top choice 81525 good and choice slaughter ewes 8600650 common and medium 550 CH CAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO Oct (AP) (USDA) Salable hogs 2500 total 7500 activend fully steady good and choice barrows and gilts st 140 pounds up at the 81485 celllnggood and choice sows at 31410 complete clearance Salable cattle 1500 total 2800 sal able calves 500 total 500 all grades steers scarce steady supply small re ceipts 'mainly cows not enough fed heifers to make ra market undertone steady: cows weak et 25c decline "with instances 50clower bulls steady to weak but vealers firm at 81500 down 3 loads choice light year ling steers brought 318 the ceiling tne weea supply mately 200 loads' total receipts few dium to strictly 513004? 1700 RIDING HORSES? GENTLE WELL broke yr One spotted horse and one spotted pony horse Can be seen at: fair grounds Phone 65794 ATTENTION LIVE STOCK EEDERS: Good quality cull corn priced very reasonably Edward unk 4k Sons Kentland Ind 118 116Mlld lie 115 small black sold rated Attica arm known as the xar rerm We will share commission on the sale Coleman Agency1 25 Main Bt Mooresville Ind ROOM MODERN BRICK BUNGA low close in Exceptionally good Possession now Priced for quick sale Baugh Agency Phone 2179' or 35764 OR SALE: 3 BEDROObL HOUSE ON West side Phone 36153 175175 173I173 16H7 165J16 117 116 116 LU 5 A BALED STRAW THRESH ed oats or wheat eed Store OR SALE: 65 HEAD GOOD PIGS ready to wean 1 mile south and 1 miles east of Rossville red Laprad OR SALE 85 acres productive land semi modern 6 room bungalow good barn com crib poultry house Lo cated 4 miles south of Lafayette Price' $11900 A 40 acres unimproved very good land located in Jackson Twp Tippecanoe County' Price $5500 red Bible OPPORTUNITY 426 ACRES Excellent stock and grain farm well improved four houses three barns 10000 bushel corn crib 6000 bushel grain Din lour wens luueuiy land: financed Will bo for March 1 poeeession lo gs miles from Indianapolis 25 from Lafayette HL miles from waireii Attention brokers fi Kentucky Boasts Many Odd Names 1 LOUISVILLE (UP) A study of a Rand McNally map of Kentucky would do the heart of William Shakespeare good for the tate possesses an unusual towns Steel 12 in $235 14 in $260 16 In $295 soft center 12 in $365 14 in $395 16 in $440 to fit Inter national Bradley Massey Harris Oliver and other popular makes of plows Bring in your number from old shares Rapid Rocks Efficient Prodneera ef SImU and Egg Riley Poultry erm LafaystU Phmt rf 'AA 'X 14 10 0 LAMBS Market1 atrong Spring lambs 3 Medium to good 13 Medium to 10 Throwout 10 SHEEP KfArkftt afrnnr at sheep 8 5 50 down CinCAGO GAIN CHICAGO Oct 19 Cash wheat: No 1 yellow hard 5176 No corn sales Oats: No 1 white heavy 67c No 2 white extra heavy 67c Barley nominal malting 139 feed ield seed per hundredweight homi nal timothy 8 5 25 5 5 0 red top 81100 red clover 83150: Alslka 32850 alfala common 833 3650 LOCAL CASH GRAIN AS NOON RIDAY Wheat No 2 new red corn No 2 test No 2 cent OPA grades ODLE Executor 407 Wllldon Building Hoopeston Illinois OR SALE: 1 7 YEAR OLD RIDING mare 850 lbs Wall broke Joseph Kenney Monticello Ind ilOOO BU GOOD YELLOWrCORN at shucking time will deliver How ard Moore 1102 So 21st phono 8012 PURE 'BRED 1 BERKSHIRE BOARS excellent type from outstanding pro lific sows White Oxford Ind OR SALE: WE HAVE SEVERAL power lift manure loaders Kenney Implement Co Monticello Ind OR SALE: COMBINE MODEL Avery 12 foot rebuilt on rubber King Cunningham Newtown Indiana OR SALE GUINEA PIGS BREED Ing stock also laboratory pigs 1306 21st 1 1 READY THIS WEEK ALALA HAY in the field Phone 36064 CHICKS REAL ESTATE OR SALE i '(Continued) OR DOUBLE HOUSE 4 each aide 82950 3300 cash balance 825 per month We more houses your properties with us Cv Kopka 511 erry NICE CLEAN 7 ROOM HOUSE IN Dayton i' square west "of bank 3300000 One half cash Balance con tract May be Inspected by contact ing Mr' Taylor at Dayton bank OR 7 ROOM SEMI MODERN house near 5 Points1 Immediate pos session 33200 See Haven Wilson 217 Perrin Ave Pbone: 5707 DUROOBOARS READY OR YOUR selection Thick medium type March farrowed Ready service Leo Strasburffer 1 Northeast of Otterbein MINERALIZED YEAST EEDS ORA hogs eattle sheep poultry and horse Mall card or phone 4468 B1U Koenneman 2500 erry street 174174 172 173 165166 14164 117 115 115 i rr A fT OR SALE: 20 TRACTOR ON RUB ber with cultivator' and two 12 in plows Price 3500 A Rateltff Wil liamsport Indiana OR SALE: A LOT NEW TRAC tor and truck tubes at 20 percent off while they last Kenney Implement Co Monticello Ind OR SALE ONE NUMBER 22 in ternational combine Ready to run Half a mile west of South Raub Clarkson 1 OR SALE 42 OOT ARMERS riend Elevator with overhead hoist Phil Getz Wolcott Ind Remington phone 4 OR SALE: RUBBER TIRED A gons with beds Kenney Implement Co Monticello Indiana GOODYEAR New and Used TRACTOR' TIRES Tractor tires filled with solution 100 Peter Anderson Co Inc Temporary' Location 425 Columbia St: Ph 4048 New High Speed arm agons Equipped With Rubber Tires Immediate Delivery IRESTONE 9th and erry Sts Phone 2903 ORD TRACTOR ERGUSON SYSTEM A Carl McQuinn 210 Brown Street Levee PHONE 2264 sssbse 1 ir BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HURRY! ins cafe on Main street doing good business Will show book to In terested parties Ewing phone 65564 Business phone 2927 OR SALE Good Paying Business Selling Because of Health 'owler eed Mill and Store Room AU machinery in excellent condition Only Mill in owler i ANSTETT OWLER IND WANTED TO BUY ROM OWNER 6 OR 8 ROOM HOUSE on contract Give full details in first letter 1 Write Box 34 Journal and Courier WANT TO BUY: A GOOD SERVICE able car with good tire Phone 56252 WILL PAY CASH OR: LATE MODEL sedan Must be tn perfect mechan ical condition Box 648 Lafayette LATE MODEL ONE ROW PULL type corn picker' Martin Duies At tica Ind No 4 WANTED TO BUY: HOUSE OR LOT north end Earl Ave Phone 81354 WANTED TO BUY for 1 Men's and Boy's No Rags Please! USED CLOTHltfS 408 erry Street LOEB'S GOOD AND BAD USED URNITURE STORE 20 NORTH THIRD ST Will pay cash for furniture or appliances of any resale value 1 PHONE 6484 WANTED TO BUY Good Used urniture and Stoyes Carl Slesser Call at Once Phone 2228 SCRAP' PAPER PERLMAN BROS 133 South Second St PHONE 3955 REAL ESTATE OR SALE MODERN BRICK BUNGALOW ON South Tenth street Six room and sleeping poreh all on one floor full basem*nt fireplace breakfast nook brick garage perfect condition 810500 Shown by appointment William Kelly Agency 32 Lafayette Loan and Trust Phone 2550 MODERN BRICK BUNGALOW ON South Tenth street Six rooms and sleeping porch all on one floor fuV basem*nt fireplace breakfast nook brick garage perfect 1 condition 810500 Shown by appointment William Kelly Agency 32 Lafayette Loan and Trust Phone 2550 6 ROOM SEMI MODERN WITH lights and water West Lebanon Rale! gh Roberts OR 53 ACRE ARM AIR buildings electricity available Loca tion just south of Edna Mills Inquire of Mrs Emmie LaBounty Talbot Ind ARMS WANTED WANTED TO RENT BY A SERVICE man being discharged: 240 acre farm or more good equipment excellent re ferences Write Journal and Courier Box 82 1 WANTED TO BUY 80 to 120 ACRE farm orr will trade new 4 room house 2 acres electricity good loca tion Write Journal and Courier Box 99 WANTED TO RENT GOOD STOCK and grain farrii Have tractor equip ment Write Journal and Courier Box 96 REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED: UNIMPROVED ACRE TO two acres on By Paaa 53 near city Would consider double lot Preferably with water and gaa available Phone 61432 1 MONEY TO LOAN LOANS ON AUTOS URNITURE livestock Auto refinanced More eash advanced Leavell and Batea 210 Schultz Building Phone 5280 A IN 'A LASH! LOYD BRUNTON MOTOR INANCE CO IRST LOOR RONT OICE Painters and Decorators Bldg EXTRA CASH $10 to $300 On lust rour eismaturaf Welfare wants to make: loan to 'you Call phqn er write The Welfare inance Corp INSURANCE IRE AND CASUALTY INSURANCE SURETY BONDS The Mitchell Agency Inc 221 North ourth St AUTOMOBILES OR SALE OR 1941 CHEVROLET COUPE Clean good condition Good tire Captain Raymond Strantz Chalmers Ind WILL TRADE OLDS CLUB SEDAN41 8 cyllnder with radio and heat er for a cheap car Prln rank Ogles Otterbein OR 1931 "54" STUDEBAKER four door aedan 308 North 6th Ed Layton '40 PLYMOUTH CAR OR SALE THIS car is In good running condition and can be financed Call 83313 TOP CEILING PRICE OR USED CARS ireproof Garage PHONE 3477 I YOti WANT THE HIGHEST CASH 'PRICE OR YOUR CAR SEE Glenn Pitman i ifth and South Streets Our Motor Tune Ups Produce Results Smooth running Easy starting Pick up and Gas Economy Shajpbaugh Garage Phone 3033 20 Sixth St CASH OR GOOD USED CARS City Service Motor Corporation 10 North irst St Phone 8437 We Buy and Sell Used Cars Walter Gray Inc SIXTH AND SOUTH STS PHONE 3093 TRAILERS OR HOUSE TRAILER NEW Schult Luxury Liner1 25 ft three rooms Prompt delivery Cah or terms See day or evening Shell station block west of postoffice Monticello Ind 1941 CC 304 750 TIRES ON front 825 tires on rear Long wheel base with platform bed 2 speed axle Celling price 3800 Sunshine arms 4th and Union i 1940 LONG WHEEL BASE 3 TON stock rack 825 20 tires be low ceiling Kepner Motor Truck Ser vice a A SHULT HOUSE TRAILER '18 ON By pass and 25 1 Trailer Court See Mike Brats AUTO SUPPLIES ront End Alignments Acetylene and Electric Welding Body and ender Repairing rames Straightened and Painting i and Effi cient Service AUTO BODY SHOP 107 South Second St Phones: Night 45771 Day 2998 ARMERS NOTICE! ull line of tractor tires front and rear See us for your tractor tire needs Twentyfour Hour Recapping andVulcanizing 'Home of Dayton Thorobted A QUICK SERVICE GARAGE 115 Second St Phone 6378 ARBY IDLER Prop I 1 1.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.