The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

3, 1952 COUSINS Lawrence in Hamburg, JONES N. June 1, 1952, belovel husband N. of Agnes father of Jo Ann Cousins; brother of Mrs. Fred Greanoff, Joseph, Lucy E. Cousins and the late Jane C.

N. Taylor. Funeral from the Fogelsanger Funeral Home, Long Ave. at Lake Hamburg, N. Wednesday afternoon at 2.

Friends invited. Interment at Armor, N. Y. 213 McNair Crabb of Arcade, of CRABB-Mary N. May 31, 1952, wife of the late J.

William Crabb; mother of Maxine and Harold of Arcade, Max, Mrs. Vern Creeley, and Mrs. John Kaye of Buffalo; sister of Mrs. Elva Howe of Warsaw. Funeral services will be held from the home on Liberty Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Interment in Yorkshire Cemetery. Mrs. Crabb was a member of the Congregational Church and the V. F. W.

Auxiliary No. 374. -Louise M. Pfluger Doerfler, June 1, 1952, of 18 Demond wife of the late Valentine; mother of Leo J. Doerfler of Kay sister of the late Rev.

John F. Pfluger, Sister Lucy, SJ, and Margaret. Friends may call at the funeral home of Mrs. Joseph Lux Sons, 124 Goodell where funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock and from St. Louis Church at 9:30.

Friends invited. Deceased was president of LCBA Branch 169 and Ladies Auxiliary K. of St. John No. 154.

213 DOLAND-Fred, May 30, 1952, husband of the late Leone Doland. Funeral from the Thomas V. Ray Funeral Home, 465 Franklin Tuesday morning at 7:15 and at St. Mary's Church, Holly, N. at 10 o'clock.

Friends are invited to attend. DOLLNER-Herman F. Dollner of 40 Proctor Ave. in this city, May 30, 1952, of the late Magdalena and Joseph; brother of Joseph Margaret, Gertrude and Celia. Funeral from the funeral home of Frank J.

Knab, 1213 Lovejoy Tuesday morning at 8 and from St. Gerard's Church at 9 o'clock. Friends invited. 3112 FOX -Henry Minor Fox of Schultz Rd. and Southwestern Lakeview, N.

suddenly, June 1, 1952, beloved husband of Esther Waiebel Fox: father of Mrs. Elmer Ebert: brother of Susan P. and Elizabeth J. Fox. Funeral from the Dietrich Funeral Home, 995 Genesee Tuesday at 2 P.

M. Friends invited. FULLER-Mrs. Gertrude L. Fuller, June 1, 1952, of 40 Helen wife of William P.

Fuller; mother of Mrs. Gertrude Webber and the late Mrs. Francis Murray and Wilbur Fuller; grandmother of Mrs. James Workman, Richard Murray and Donna Lee Webber; sister of James, Charles, Steven, Hubert and Edward Keating and the late Mrs. Mabel Wixon and Richard L.

Keating. Friends invited to call at the Robert E. Hennessy Company Funeral Home, 2067 Niagara St. near Hertel, where services will be held Thursday morning at 8:45 o'clock and Annunciation Church at 9:30 o'clock. Friends invited to attend.

214 GAUTHIER-Beryl June 1, 1952, of 730 Genesee beloved daughter of Jennie and the late Walter Gauthier; sister of Vivian, Edward and Burton Gauthier. Funeral from Leo Sauer Funeral Home, 823 Genesee Wednesday at 1 P. M. Friends invited. 213 GEORGE -Matthew of 132 Arden suddenly, May 30, 1952, husband of the late Marion (Zink) George; father of David M.

George; son of the late Anna M. George; nephew of John Matthew William J. and Lillian A. George. Funeral from the Dietrich Funeral Home, 995 Genesee Tuesday at 9:30 A.

M. and at St. Mary of Sorrows Church at 10 A. M. Friends invited.

3112 -June 1, 1952. Mary F. Breen, wife of late Joseph F. Gillogly; mother of Mrs. Joseph B.

Cullen, Mrs. Martin P. Murray, Mrs. Raymond J. Gordon, Mrs.

James C. Kennedy, Mrs. Earl Witnauer and Frank J. Gillogly: sister of Thomas H. Breen and Sister M.

Lucilla of Toronto, and the late Mrs. Margaret Meehan, Mrs. Catherine Bilby, Mrs. Anna O'Hern, John, George and Joseph Breen. Funeral from the family residence, 63 Woodward Thursday morning at 9 o'clock, and from St.

Vincent de Paul Church at 9:30. Friends invited. 2t4 -John Gorski, May 29, 1952, 28 Marshall beloved husband of the late Stella Plominski Wyborski: father of Mrs. Robert Schmidt and Frank Gorski; stepfather of Vincent Wyborski, Mrs. Wiliam Markowski, Mrs.

Joseph Strigl; Frater Lucian O.F.M., and the late Joseph Wyborski; brother of Frank Gorski. Funeral Tuesday, June 3, at 9:30 A. M. from Okoniewski Bros. Funeral Parlors, 1189 Genesee and at Transfiguration Church at 10.

Interment in St. Stanislaus Cemetery. Friends invited. 31t2 GREFE-Lydia Ried Grefe of 155 Victoria Kenmore, June 1, 1952, beloved wife of Edwin J. Grefe: mother of Arline Richard W.

and Frederick E. Grefe; sister of John F. Ried. Friends may call at the Bury Funeral Home, 3070 Delaware corner Kinsey, where funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends are invited.

213 HALEY-May 31, 1952. Sarah B. Haley, wife of the late Andrew C. Haley; mother of Carmen Merritt W. Haley and Mrs.

William L. Schultz. Funeral from the Funeral Home of John J. Ray Son, 615 Elmwood Tuesday morning at 8:30 and from the Church of the Nativity at 9 o'clock. Friends are invited.

Mrs. Haley was a member of Altar Society of Nativity Church. Instead of flowers, please send contributions to the American Cancer Society. -Mary C. Herbert (nee Zink), suddenly in Buffalo.

N. June 2, 1952, beloved wife of William Herbert; mother of Charles F. Smith and the late Calistus S. Herbert: sister of Mrs. Margaret Denver and Mrs.

George Rayner. Friends may call at the Ray Meyer Funeral Home, 2278 Main (opposite Dewey where funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock and from St. Vincent de Paul's Church at 9:30. Friends invited. 213 HERNIMAN-Thomas Robert, at Lakeland, May 30, 1952, husband of the late Katherine Tillman; father of Lester Earl T.

and the late Ralph brother of Mrs. Frederick Grupp, Fred and the "late Mrs. Gilbert Ireland, Henry, Frank, George, Walter and Gilbert Herniman. Interment at Lakeland, Fla. Flowers gratefully declined.

3113 HINES-Alice Phelps, in Eden, N. June 1, 1952, mother of Miss Elizabeth Gressman of Eden. N. Mrs. Charlotte Thomas of Buffalo, N.

Mrs. Eleanor Wilcox of Middletown, Mrs. Dorothy Preble of Dansville, N. Mrs. Evelyn Carpenter, Mrs.

Joyce Smith and Mrs. Jeanette Carpenter of Eden, N. and C. Phelps Hines of Wyandotte, Mich. Friends may call at the late residence until noon Wednesday, June 4.

Funeral services from the Hunt Memorial Methodist Church, Wednesday, June 4, at 2:30 P. M. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery, Eden, N. Y. 213 HUDSON in Delevan, N.

June 1. 1952, husband of the late Rose Bishop Hudson; father of Mrs. Ernest Welles Jr. Services from the family residence 40 Church Wednesdav, June 4, 1952 at 2:30 P. M.

The Rev. Reuben Strong officiating. Friends are invited. 213 HUGHSON Magdalena Stucke Hughson, June 2, 1952, suddenly of 97 West Ferry beloved wife of Orville Hughson. Friends may call at the funeral home of Mrs.

Joseph Lux Sons. 2528 Main where funeral will be held Thursday morning at 9:45 and in St. Louis Church at 10:30. Friends invited. 2t4 -Leonard Jenkins of 3480 Union June 1, 1952, beloved husband of Dorothy; father of Clarence; foster father of Dale, James and Myrtle Jenkins.

Funeral from Tehan Bros. Funeral Home, 1911 Bailey Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends invited. Deceased was a member of B. of L.

E. Division 421. 213 Flowers Truly Express Your Sympathy ELLICOTT SQUARE Flower Shop 301 MAIN ST. MA. 3230 Buffalo: "I have just bought, on modest terms, a burial plot Forest Lawn.

My wife and I carefully selected this plot in advance of need, so that some day in the future she will additional expense and som hour of greatest grief." Space is available in ail sections Forest Lawn; Single Graves $50 and up, Family Plots $120 and up. Modest terms arranged. Office open daily and Sunday afternoons. Phone LI 1600. FOREST LAWN Buffalo, Erie County, N.

Y. BUFFALO EVENING NEWS Buffalo Produce Dept. Reported of by State Wholesale Prices, June 2 ture Markets Increased supplies of fresh Buffalo wholesale produce markets dry onions, lettuce and cabbage radishes, green, onions, peppers and higher quotations. Homegrown so broccoli Liberal supplies of strawberries lower prices. California lemons were and other fruits firm.

continued Live poultry was nominally steady. EGGS--Firm for white. Prices for case lots. Eggs of higher weight quality, 1 to 2 cents higher. Under grades, lower.

Add 2' cents for cartons. UNCANDLED Lge. white Med. brown Med. white 39-42 Pullets 33-36 Lge.

brown 40-44 Can. Ige. br. 47-49 CANDLED--Add to 6 cents to N. uncandled prices to conform with State Grade A.

DRESSED POULTRY-About steady. Western box.packed fowl. lbs. lbs. lbs.

33 lbs. lbs. Young toms, 20-22 lbs. 48 -50 Westerin Northwestern turkeys: 22.24 lbs. 49 -51 24-26 lbs.

51 26 lb. up NEARBY-Steady. Heavy fowl 39 Medium fowl 34 -36 Sales by Commis sion Merchants and Other Receivers Roasters. lb. 45 Fryers 37 -39 Turkeys (Beltsville), 6-9 lbs.

50 -52 Ducks 45 LIVE POULTRY Nominally steady. Wholesale selling prices: Fryers, Heavy under 6 type, lbs. 29-33 lb. lb. .28.31 Over 6 lbs.

Fowl. Leghorn and rough 24-26 type Roost's, Fruits APPLES--Firm. N.Y.S. Baldwins, No. 1, bu.

Few 3.00 Nor. Spies, No. 1, up, 3.00-3.50 Few fancy 4.25-4.75 Rome Beauty 3.50-4.00 Red Delicious 3.25-3.75 Winesaps, comb. fancy and ex-fancy, bushel 6.00-6.75 CANTALOUPE -Firm. Jumbo, crates 36-45s 27g 9.50-10.00 PINCZEWSK1-Joseph June 2, 1952, of 237 Titus beloved husband of Frances.

(nee Rakowski); father of John, Verna Torba, Joseph and Josephine Holas; father-in-law of Edward Torba and Joseph Holas. Funeral to be held Thursday, June 5, from his late residence at 9:30 A. M. and at St. Luke's Church at 10 A.

M. Interment in St. Adalbert's Cemetery. Friends invited. Deceased was a member of the Woodmen of the World Society.

PLASAIC-Joseph, in Lackawanna, N. May 31, 1952. 11 Magnolia beloved husband of Anna Ribaric Plasaic: father of Peter Skladar. Funeral from Peter Pasieeznik Funeral Home, 303 Ridge Rd. corner of Lingham Tuesday morning at 9 and from Our Lady of Sacred Heart of Jesus Church at 9:30.

Burial in Holy Cross Cemetery. Friends invited. 3112 RIEGLE-Etta June 1. 1952, of 69 Dur. ham daughter of the late David and Mary Riegle: sister of Mrs.

Albert Ingram and Louis Riegle. Friends may call at the Harry W. Vackel Funeral Home. 836 East Delavan where services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 P. M.

Deceased was a member of Priscilla Alden Council No. 59, Daughters of America. 213 RIZZO-Angeline (nee Tassone), June 1, 1952. in Buffalo, N. wife of Anthony; sister of Bruno, Dominic, Frank, Angelo, Joseph and John Tassone, Mrs.

John Larzarzick, Mrs. Rita Edwards, Lettie Tassone, Mrs. Carmela Willette and Mrs. Bernard Morriss, all of North Adams, Mass. Funeral from the family residence, 195 Schiller Wednesday morning at 8:30 and at St.

Francis of Assisi Church at 9:30 o'clock. Friends are invited. 2t3 SELDNER-Ruth E. Seldner, June 1, 1952, aunt of Mrs. David J.

Podolin. Funeral services will be held from her late residence. 434 Huntington Tuesday, June 3, at 11 A. M. Friends invited.

SHAFFER-Robert, in this city, May 29, 1952, formerly of 97 Norwood Ave. Fu1, neral from Anthony J. Martone Funeral Home, 744 Niagara on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends invited. SLATER--Ellen Purcell Slater, June 1, 1952, wife of the late Edward Slater; daughter of the late William and Susan McGarvey Purcell; mother of Claire E.

and Pat Slater, the late Thomas H. Slater and Mrs. Florence Hawkins, Funeral from the family residence, 382 West Tuesday morning at 9 and of at Holy Angels Church at 9:45 o'clock. Friends invited. SMITH-Anna Stock Smith, May 31.

1952, of 84 East beloved wife of George (Doc) Smith; mother of Mrs. Frederic N. O'Connor; sister of Mrs. Charles North, Mrs. Max North, Carl Stokes of Florence, S.

and the late Mrs. Lucy Moissinac, Ida Anderson, Elizabeth Frost, Harriet Moissinac and John Stokes: grandmother of Harlan O'Connor and Mrs. Albert McHenry; great-grandmother of three great-grandchildren. Funeral from Stephan Gethoefer at Funeral Home, 266 East at Austin, Tuesday at 2 P.M. Friends invited.

Deceased was a member of Ripley Memorial Church. 3112 SMITH-Clement Andrew, age 55, in DeGraff Memorial Hospital, North Tonof awanda, N. June 2, 1952, husband of Mary Ellen; stepfather of Mrs. Dennis Meeks, California, Mary Ann, Cora Jean and Theodore Cramer, Robert of at Columbus, 0., Hugh of Hollywood, William of USAF. Germany; seven grandchildren; brother of Mrs.

John Keheler, Tonawanda, Mrs. Michael Bachman, Albion, N. Frank of W. North Tonawanda, James of Los Angeles, Calif. Member of the Holy Name Society of Ascension Church, North Tonawanda Knights of Columbus, Tonawanda Post.

Legion 264. Friends received at the Brunner Funeral Home. 156 Robinson where Vet- services will be held Thursday morn1ng, 8:30 A. 9 o'clock in Ascension 86 Church. Interment in Mt.

Olivet Cemetery. 213 be- STAUCH-Jacob A. Stauch, of 472 Hickory in Buffalo, N. May 31, 1952. M.

husband of the late Christina Bestine; of father of Mrs. Mabel K. Shero, Mrs. Mrs. Pearl M.

Roth and the late Cora Gleber; Miss brother of George H. Stauch and the Ar- late Mrs. K. Kunzman and Charles Har- Stauch. Funeral from the Lesswing Fu- Funeral Home, 92 E.

Delavan corner Elli- Jefferson, Tuesday afternoon at and o'clock. Friends invited. Mr. Stauch was member of St. Paul's and St.

Mark's Church, charter member Fidelity Lodge No. 550, Gen221. esee Tribe Redmen, Concordia Lodge No. 143, F. A.

Zuleika Grotto and 316 Jeddah Sanctorum No. 35: 3112 May SZAFRANSKI-Szafranski, Margaret (nee and Kocieniewski), June 1, 1952, of 76 StewMrs. art beloved wife of John; devoted and mother of John Stanley and Mrs. Fred Molik; mother-in-law of Virginia and Fred Molik; grandmother of Carol St. Ann and Donna Marie Szafranski; at ter of Mrs.

Walter Forman and Mrs. Walter Zygaj. Funeral from Kocol neral Home 1972 Genesee Thursday at 9:30 A. M. and in Transfiguration Church at 10 A.

M. Burial in St. Adalbert's Cemetery. Friends Mul- invited. 214 TEHAN-Ellen Moynihan, June 1, 1952, wife of the late Thomas J.

Tehan; York mother of Florence M. Tehan; sister Serv- James J. of Randolph, N. and HumFu- phrey Moynihan of Providence, Mrs. Mary Galvin and Moira Moynihan, and the late Michael and Anna Moynihan of and Mrs.

Catherine Horton. Funeral from the family residence, 30 Gelston Wednesday morning at 9:15 at the Nativity Church at 10 o'clock. Friends are invited to attend. 2t3 Fu- (nee Slominski), in Buffalo, (Margaret) June Turton TURTON-Marcyjana Rose beloved mother of Mrs. Joseph Matt, 1952.

wife of the late Anthony Turton; are of Mrs. Victoria Rzucak, Allen, Joseph, Leo, Peter, Mrs. Albert Ridgeway, No. thony and Mrs. Leo sister ward, Mrs.

Edward Dzierzanowski, of Vincent Slominski, Mrs. Anthony Parlato and John Slominski; also vived by 37 grandchildren and 13 greatgrandchildren. Funeral services from in the family residence, Eden-Evans Cemof ter Rd. and Southwestern of gola, Wednesday morning at 8:30 at Most Precious Blood Church of and gola at 9:30 o'clock. Friends invited.

Mary Interment in Holy Cross Cemetery, G. gola. 213 Mrs. WERNER-August Werner, in this city, Marie May 31, 1952, husband of the late Lena Sister (nee Dick); father of John Mrs. and Irving Woods and Harold J.

Werner; Leo grandfather of Judith C. Werner; Ridge brother of Mrs. William Linkner, Mrs. and D. Pickard, Frank, Benjamin, Edward and Edward Habermehl and and late John, Mrs.

Mary Marx and Mrs. the Hannah Burmeister. Friends received Y. at the John F. Brinkmann Funeral Home, 1034 Kensington Ave.

at Copeswood, where services will be held Tuesday at 2:30 P. M. Interment est Lawn. Mr. Werner was a member of Bethany Lutheran Church.

WILBERT-Alice Wilbert, in Buffalo, N. May 31, 1952, wife of the John J. Wilbert; mother of Mrs. Mary Jane Wagner and Patricia L. Wilbert; daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. William Behlmair; sister of Catherine Behlmair Mrs. John E. Hoffman. Friends call at the Rising Funeral Home, Northampton where services will held Tuesday at 2 P.

M. ZAK-Stanley, resided at 42 Spann; 2, 1952; beloved husband of Stella Liszka): father of Katherine, Alfred and Richard; brother of Mrs. Mary chura, Joseph, Mrs. Viola Markielowski, Mrs. Stella Przapiora and Anna Sittniewska and John.

Funeral Thursday, June 5, at 9:30 from Sittniewski's Funeral Home, 154 Weimar; ices at St. Casimir's Church at o'clock. Burial at St. Stanislaus Cemetery. 213 MAIL EDITION Recondition -Your Ford SPECIAL $5395 Genuine Ford rings, connecting rod bearings, overhaul distributor, carburetor and fuel pump, new gaskets and oil.

Complete, including labor. ONE-DAY SERVICE NO MONEY DOWN 15 Months to Pay Open Mon. and Wed. Evenings BUFFALOS OL OLDEST FORD DEALER 1647 Genesee St. FL.


PARK AVE. FA. 6008 FA. 6009 Open 'til 10 Vital Statistics 29 Tuesday, June In Memoriant In Memoriant -In loving memory of our mother, Irene. While you, dear mother, rest and sleep, Your memory we shall always keep.

DAUGHTER, Sadly SON, missed SO by BLAKENEY-In memory of my dear son, Cifford. who died June, 2, 1944. To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to. die. MOTHER.

DEVESO-In loving memory of dear busband and our dear father and grandfather, Frank, who passed away ten years ago today, June 2, 1942. With tears we watched you suffer, Slowly you faded away, We cried and prayed that your dear life Would not be taken away. If I had all the world to give, I'd give it, yes and more. To hear your voice and see your smile That meant so much to me. Calm and peaceful you are sleeping, Free from worry, care and pain.

Your memories linger forever, Sweet, fond and true, I lost my best friend, dear Frank, When I lost you. I'm sure that I can see Your eyes of blue look straight at me And hear murmurs soft and low, Old words of love, long, long ago. We do not need a special day To bring you to our minds, The days when we don't think of you Are very hard to find. It's said time heals all sorrow And helps one to forget, But How so much far time has only proved we miss you yet. Sadly missed by WIFE, SONS, DAUGHTERS GRANDCHILDREN.

GLASSER- and loving father, memory Conrad, of a dear who passed away 1 year ago today, June 2, 1951. Precious, are kept the of the memories wonderful father We will never forget. WIFE JOSEPHINE AND DAUGHTERS. may be up loving there memory in that of paradise Conrad. garden, But down here on earth you're not forgotten: we know dad, For, That you left us for little while And are waiting for God our number to dial; And when he does, We'll all again be.

One happy family, (You, Mom, Grace, Betty and Me.) HILKEBRAND--In loving who memory passed of away my dear Fred, three years ago today. Always in my heart. Sadly missed by WIFE CLARA. DOGAN-In wife and away five loving of our dear mother, merenry who passed years ago today, June 2, 1947. HUSBAND CHILDREN.

OPPITZ-In loving memory of our dear husband. Joseph, who passed ten years ago today, June 2, 1942. WIFE SONS. SZAFRANSKI-In loving memory of our dear husband, father and grandfather, Stephen, who passed away five years ago today. Sadly missed by WIFE, CHILDREN GRANDCHILDREN Deaths BERNER-May 31, 1952, John Cooney Berner of 47 Hagen husband of Carrie Dieter: father of John Mrs.

Anthony J. Wojnowski, Edmund F. and Robert E. Berner, Sn. (U.S.N.J; brother of Mrs.

Anthony Luksch and the late Charles Berner; grandfather of seven grandchildren. Funeral from the McKendry Funeral Home, 2254 Main Wednesday morning at 8:30 and from St. Gerard's Church at 9 o'clock. Friends are invited. Deceased was member of the Erie Club.

213 BLEMASTER-At Mortons Corners, May $31, 1952, Martin Blemaster, husband of "Lena Block Blemaster; father of Lawrence Blemaster of West Valley, Blemaster of Springville, Mrs. Evelyn Benkelman of Mortons Corners, N. and the late Arthur mantel Bros. Funeral Home, 271 East A Friends may call at WeisMain Springville, N. where prayer will be held Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock.

Funeral services from the Ashford Heights Lutheran Church at 2:30. Friends are invited. CALLAHAN Maria E. Callahan, suddenly, in Buffalo, May 31, 1952, of 469 Abbott daughter, of the late John and Maria Callahan; sister of John and Chester Callahan and Mrs. Wm.

Franks of Cleveland, and the late Arthur Callahan, Mrs. Lillian Tobin and Mrs. John Bodkin. Funeral from the Edward J. Regan Funeral Home, 20 Salem at Abbott Tuesday at 8:45 and from St.

Thomas Aquinas Church at 9:30. Friends invited. 3112 CAREY--John M. Carey, May 31. 1952, son of the late Michael J.

and Bridget Lardner Carey; brother of Mrs. George A. Davis, Thomas J. and William Carey, Mrs. George Ross of Hamburg, N.

and the late Catherine M. Carey. Friends may call at the family residence, 78 Aldrich where funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 8:15, and at St. Ambrose Church at 9 o'clock. Friends are invited.

CHAPIN William May .30, 1952, 1815 Niagara husband of Helen Klein Chapin; father of Mrs. Eleanore Goodrich, Mrs. John Bermel, Joyce, Carol, William Jr. and Robert Chapin; grandfather of six grandchildren; brother of Frank and the late Harry Chapin. Friends invited to call at Robert E.

Hennessy Co. Funeral Home, 2067 Niagara near Hertel, where funeral services will be held Tuesday at 8:30 o'clock, and from St. John Baptist Church at 9 o'clock. Friends invited. 3112 CHIMERA--June 1, 1952, Anna Fricano, beloved wife of the late Anthony; mother of Mrs.

Bartolo Bauda, Mrs. Pauline Chimera, Mrs. Lucy Bonafede, Mrs. Charles Rumfola, Joseph, Dr. thony of Alden, N.

Sam, John. Charles and Dr. Marion J. Chimera Corning, N. sister of Josephine Giambrone of North Collins, N.

the late Marion Fricano. Funeral from her late residence, 374 14th Wednesday morning at 8:15 and from Our Lady of Loretto Church at 9 o'clock. Friends invited. Flowers gratefully clined. 213 COHEN- Rose Rudd Cohen, June 1, 1952, of 8646 Champlain Niagara Falls, N.

wife of the late Nathan Cohen; mother of Mrs. Anna Cohen of Niagara Falls. N. and Mrs. Bertha Garbarsky of Buffalo.

Services will be held from Mesnekoff's New Delaware Park Memorial Chapel, 2141 Delaware Ave. corner Rand, Monday, June 2, at 3 P. Friends invited. After services the family will be at 175 Colvin Ave. CONLEY-Edward J.

Conley, of 95 Pfohl Williamsville, June 2, 1952. loved husband of Clyde Y. Conley; father of Lois M. Conley; brother Mrs. Clinton Ingles, James and Louis Conley.

Funeral from the L. Stanley Beach Funeral Home, 5541 Main corner Cayuga Williamsville, nesday. mornin gat 9 o'clock and at Peter Paul's Church at 9:30. Friends are invited. Interment at Chittenango, N.

Y. 2t3 THE FACILITIES OF THE ERNEST WEDEKINDT FUNERAL HOME ARE AVAILABLE TO ALL CHAPELS ARE OF VARYING SIZES ACCOMMODATIONS ARE ADEQUATE a 5 Walden Ave. HU. 7811 Priyate Parking Lot Biggest Newsprint Maker Raises Price to $126 a Ton NEW YORK, June 2 (INS). -The International Paper Company announced today a price hike of $10 a ton in newsprint, effective June 15.

This brings the to $126 a tonis action by International, largest of the newsprint producers, is the same as taken by other manufacturers. International's two most important subsidiaries are the Canadian International Paper Company and New Brunswick International Paper Company, which own the bulk of the operating properties in Canada. Chautauqua Man Graduated ALBUQUERQUE, N. June 2. -Robert T.

Howell, Lakewood Chautauqua, N. was among 830 University of New Mexico graduates who received bachelor degrees in commencement exercises today. Buffalo Livestock By the N. Y. State Dept.

of Agr. Mkts. CATTLE (June 2, Final quotations) Receipts, 900, estimated, including 400 direct. Demand good for steers and heifers, market steady. Good-to-choice steers, 33.00-33.50; good steers and 32.00- 32.50; medium steers and heifers, 30.25- 31.00; Holstein steers, 29.00-30.00; top, 31.50; Hereford bulls, 28.00; Short-horn beef cows, 26.50.

Late demand active for dairy-type cows and bulls, market stronger. Bulls mostly 50 cents higher, cows and heifers fully steady. Bull supply heavy. Good fat dairy-type cows, 23.00- 24.00; top 25.00; cutters, 21.00-22.50; heavy meaty-type to 23.00; fat yellow cows. 20.00-22.00; canners, 18.00-20.50; shelly and off-grade canners, 17.00 and below.

Good dairy-type heifers for slaughter, 26.00-27.50; common, 22.00- 25.00. Good heavy sausage bulls, 26.50- 27.50; few top bulls, 28.00; mediums, 25.00-26.00; lightweight cutters, 22.00- 25.00. CALVES Receipts, 400, estimated. Trading active, market fully steady. Good choice calves, 39.00-40.00; prime, 41.00; mediums, 37.00-39.00; common, 33.00-36.00; culls, 26.00-32.00 and a few below.

HOGS-Receipts, 2000, estimated, including 1100 direct. Salable receipts include two decks of rail hogs. Demand slow, market weaker and 50 cents or more lower. Rail hogs averaging 22.50. Good-to-choice, 180-225-lb.

N. Y. State hogs, 22.00-22.50; 230-250 20.50- 21.50; 260-280 19.25-20.25; 290-320 18.50-19.00; 330-350 18.00-18.50. Good 250-350-lb. sows, 16.50-17.50; 350-450 15.50-16.50; 450-550 15.00-16.00; boars, 10.00-14.00.

SHEEP LAMBS-Receipts, 350, estimated, including 250 direct. Demand good, market fully steady. Supply light. No choice or prime lambs here. Good lambs cleared at 27.50-28.00.

CHICAGO, June ceipts, generally fairly active, mostly .25 lower on butchers; instances .35 lower early on lightweights; sows mostly steady, most choice 180-220 21.25-21 65; top 21.75 for few loads light weights; most 230-250 20.50-21.25; 260- 280 19.75-20.50; most sows, 400-lb. and under; 18.00-19.00; 400-500 17.25-18.15; odd heavier weights down to 16.25; good clearance. CATTLE Receipts, CALVES, 500; yearlings and light steers around 1000-lb. down rather slow, steady to weak; over 1000-lb. steers draggy, generally weak to .50 lower; heifers mostly steady; cows steady to weak; bulls and vealers steady; high-choice and prime fed steers, 34.50-37.00; two loads, 36.75 and 37.00; very little promising to sell above 35.25; bulk good and choice steers, 30.00-34.00; commercial to low-good grades, 28.00- 29.75; choice to low-prime heifers, 33.00- 35.00; load prime heifers held above, 36.00; commercial to low-choice heifers, 27.50-32.50; utility and commercial cows, 21.75-26.00; most canners and cutters, 18.00-21.50; utility and commercial bulls, 25.50-28.25; commercial-to-prime vealers, 32.00-38.00.

SHEEP-Receipts, 1000; slaughter lambs, higher; top 29.75 on prime 110-lb. No. 1 bulk, good-to-choice, 28.00- 29.25; Spring lambs, 31.50; slaughter ewes steady on cull-to-choice at 8.50-13.00. Births BOYS Were Born to Mr. May Edward Zybala, 41 Hartman Cliff C.

Whitmore. 85 Howard Harold Taylor, Williamsville 12 Willard Short, 616 Niagara 15 Edward Piech, 1460 Hertel Charles A. Neumann, 25 Rother 15 Arthur S. Nadrowski, 88 Spann 14 John McAllister, Niagara Falls 12 Joe Leisner, 185 Fox Henry Kreher, Clarence Leon C. Jachimiak, 27 Sumner Alvin F.

Holzle, 115 Claremont Raymond Harrington, 68 Congressional Andrew Green, Lackawanna Raymond Garretsen. 68 Davidson 14 Silvis P. Fumanti, Cheektowaga Karl E. Franger. 86 Roesch Peter F.

Denz, 40 Gerard Arthur A. Cutman, Amherst Robert M. Coogan, Kenmore George Clarke, Kenmore John Besser, Kenmore Anthony Bernecki, 32 Wilson Roma Anderson, 301 Mineral Spring 11 GIRLS Were Born to Mr. William T. Sweeney, N.

Tonawanda 14 Lawrence W. Rohl, Lancaster 15 William Poole, Lackawanna James Pike, Hamburg Daniel H. Person, Kenmore Frank Pagano, N. Tonawanda Harry Nowicki, 1250 Sycamore Robert Noody, Cheektowaga Edward McMahon, 26 Houston Ronald McCarter, 163 Chester 13 William F. Marzahn, 1 Tacoma Joseph E.

Lavin, 208 Breckenridge John J. Kempa, 798 Walden 13 Robert G. Hucksoll, 1512 Fillmore 14 Clarence E. Hettinger. 542 Wilson 13 James L.

Craig, 587 Clinton Joseph V. Clonan. Cheektowaga Sigmund Carsell, 548 Parkside Angelo Aliotta, 169 Breckenridge 14 Kenneth C. Adriance, 62 Herman 13 TWIN BOYS Were Born to Mr. Frederick A.

Nold, 85 Kensington Marriages (Filed up to 3 P.M, June 2.) Vincent Zoltek, 103 Prospect, and Regina Malke, 49 Rapin. Alfred N. Tolsma, 81 Norman, and Gertrude Donovan, 1321 Delavan. Robert Lobbett, 47 Hager, and Jean Adrian, 21 Lakeview. Jack A.

Moore, 161 Maple, and Dolores M. Rother, 85 Harvard. Walter J. Cich, 83 Bridgeman, and Rita Nowak, 64 Gladstone. Herbert Reynolds, 762.

William, and Jean Lipka, 428 S. Ogden. Cleveland Moore, 430 Broadway, and Gladys Miles, 11 Harlow. Bernard E. Wieczorek, 76 Virgil, and Vincenza Sireci, 490 Fargo.

Ephrum Philip Toplin, 170 Brunswick, and Betty Mae Skopitz, 542 Richmond. Louis J. Costrino, 142 Roman, and Grace Furbo, 183 Hutchinson, Chester Buck, 332 Auburn, and Doris H. Goodes, 339 West Ferry. Richard Chojicki, Sloan, and Alice Dzikowski, Sloan.

Joseph Barilec, Lackawanna, and Maria Grajeda, Blasdell: George E. Teufel, Cheektowaga, and Myrtle D. Clerc, Cheektowaga. Emanuel DiMino, 329 Best, and Lillian Lorigo, 217 Swan. Jerome J.

Terhaar Snyder, and Sally Ann Schaeffer, Snyder. Gartley Weller, Williamsvile, and Gladys Klein, Williamsville. Donald Reed, 30 Tremont, and Lorraine M. Waldon, 32 Locust. Frank H.

Miller, 394 Monroe, and Audrey J. Kloss, 317 Fougeron. Edmund M. Little, 35 Wade, and Carmela Campagna, 77 Kay. Lyons, 405 Marilla, and Theresa Gardon, 93 Kelburn.


Eileen Nichols and Mrs. Norma Novits of Buffalo, brother of Kate Williams of Sandusky, N. Y. Funeral services from the Freedom Baptist Church, Thursday, June 5, 1952, 2:30 P.M. 2t3 KARCHER-Mae Scanlon Karcher, May 31, 1952, of 123 McKinley mother Mrs.

Edwin G. Ball, William H. Jr. and Jack W. Karcher; sister of Edward Scanlon, Mrs.

Margaret Rugenstein and Earl J. Seanlon of Rochester, and the late Frank and William J. Scanlon; grandmother of Lynda Karcher, Bonnie and Cynthia Ball. Friends may call at the Ray O'Connell Funeral Home, 2286 South Park where funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The family requests friends to make donations toward the Cancer Crusade in place of flowers.

2t3 KNOER-Michael, May 31, 1952, of 309 Cornwall Drive, DeWitt. N. formerly of Kenmore, N. husband of the late Marie B. Knoer; father of Mrs.

Robert Erb; brother of Mrs. Peter Koller, Louis Knoer and Mrs. Charles Seaner; also survived by four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral from the Nagel Funeral Home, 587 East Delavan Tuesday morning at 8:30 and from St. Paul's Church, Kenmore, N.

at 9:15 o'clock. Friends invited. Interment in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. LANG-William A.

Lang of 50 Plymouth suddenly, in Buffalo, N. June 2, 1952, beloved husband of Florence Pilbean Lang. Calls may be made at the Gordon L. Snyder Funeral Home, 483 Grant where funeral service will be held. Time to be announced later.

Friends are invited. LEPPARD Audrey I. Leppard of 202 Minnesota June 2, 1952; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton M.

Leppard of Newmarket. sister of Herbert of Newmarket and Mrs. Fred Ryman of Toronto, Ont. Friends may call at the Bury Funeral Home, 3070 Delaware corner Kinsey, where funeral services will be held Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Friends are invited.

Interment at Newmarket, Wednesday afternoon. 213 LEWIS- Agatha A. Lewis (nee Poehls) of Derby Derby, N. May 31, 1952, wife of the late William G. Lewis; beloved mother of Mrs.

V. grandmother of Kenneth L. Sprague: sister of Mrs. Lillian Keene and the Amanda Lasier; stepmother of the late Floyd and Forest Lewis. Funeral services from Froehley's Funeral Home, 262 North Main Angola, N.

Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends invited. Interment at Sandusky, N. Y. LORTZ-Arthur, of 719 Hopkins May 30, 1952, husband of the late Frances Shriver Lortz; father of Mrs.

Donald Doctor, Mrs. George Kane, John, Kenneth and Arthur Lortz brother of John; grandfather of 21 grandchildren. Funeral from the John E. Courtney Funeral Home, 1869 Seneca Tuesday morning at 8:15, and from St. Agatha's Church at 9 o'clock.

Friends invited. 31t2 MALECKI-Catherine Louise Malecki, suddenly, in this city, June 1, 1952, beloved daughter of Edward A. and Jeanette Malecki; sister of James, Elizabeth and Lawrence. Funeral services from the family residence, 1374 Broadway, Wednesday morning at 8:30 and from St. Joachim's Church at 9 o'clock.

Interment in St. Stanislaus Cemetery. Friends invited to attend. 213 MARTENA-May 31, 1952, George husband P. Martena of 190 Lancaster of Katherine Smith Martena; brother of the late Frank Martena.

Funeral from the Funeral Home of John J. Ray Son, 615 Elmwood Tuesday morning at 8:45 and from St. Joseph's New Cathedral at 9:15. Friends are invited. Mr.

Martena was a member of the Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War. McINERNEY-Joseph, June 1, 1952, beloved husband of Jane (nee Warren) McInerney; father of John of. Hamburg, N. Y. Funeral from the Norman E.

Gannon Funeral Home, 1075 Ridge Lackawanna, Tuesday morning at 8:30 and from Our Lady of Victory Basilica at 9:30 o'clock. Burial will he in SS. Peter Paul Cemetery, Hamburg. Mr. McInerney was a member of Our Lady of Victory Holy Name Society.

Friends invited. MILKOWSKI-Antonina Milkowski of 47 Jones Buffalo, N. May 31, 1951; beloved wife of the late Valerian: mother of Stanley and Leocadia; sister of Michael Victor, Andrew and Adam Dzwoniarek of New York City. Funeral Tuesday morning from the Pietszak Funeral Home, 806 Clinton St. at 9:15 o'clock and at Precious Blood Church at 10 o'clock.

Interment in St. Stanislaus Cemetery. Friends invited. 3112 A. Miller June 1952, in Attica, N.

son of Eileen Devin Miller and the late Charles Miller; grandson of Nadyne and Jervis Devin, Arthur Miller, and the late Helen Schiltz Miller. Funeral Wednesday morning at 9:30 from his late home at 30 Buffalo St. and 10 o'clock at St. Vincent's Church, Attica, N. Y.

Burial in SS. Peter Paul's Cemetery, Arcade. N. Y. 213 MITCHELL-Allie Long Mitchell of East Aurora, N.

May 30, 1952, wife the late Dr. Arthur L. Mitchell; mother of Mrs. Janet M. Slosson.

Memorial service Tuesday, June 3. at 2 P. M. from her home at 140 Pine East Aurora, N. Y.

Flowers gratefully declined. 3112 -Madeline Nolan Mulholland. May 31, 1952, of 47 Edson beloved wife of Robert M. Mulholland; mother of Mrs. Marjorie Franklin and Robert M.

Mulholland: sister of Mrs. Fred Dunkel, Alvin and Vincent Nolan. Funeral from the Kennedy Mortuary, 914 Abbott Tuesday morning 8:30 o'clock and from St. John Evangelist Church at 9 o'clock. Friends are invited.

3112 MURPHY-Bridget (Bessie) Murphy, June 2, 1952, of 133 Courtland sister of the late Mrs. Mary Gray; aunt Mrs. Francis Uhrich of Hamburg, N. and Mrs. William Ellis.

Funeral from The Dietrich Funeral Home, 2518 Bailey Wednesday at 9:30 A. and St. Gerard's Church at 10 A. M. Friends invited.

2t3 MUSTARD-Ellsworth C. Mustard, May 30. 1952, husband of Josephine Madigan Mustard; father of Edwin Ralph and the late Grace M. Mustard; brother of Walter L. Mustard, Mrs.

Edna Gorman and Mrs. Earl R. Chappell. Funeral from the family residence, 86 Armin Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Deceased was a member of Cazenovia Lodge No.

341, 1.0.0.F.. and P.R.R. erans Association. Odd Fellows services Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock at Armin Pl. 3112 NENNO Joseph June 2, 1952, loved husband of Mary Stevens Nenno; father of Mrs.

David Ring, James and Frederick F. Stevens: brother Mary Nenno, Mrs. Henry Horner, Frank Beilman, Mrs. Guy Porter, Jennie Nenno of Miami, Mrs. thur Ellison and the late Amelia, old, William and Edward Nenno.

neral from his late residence, 739 cott Thursday morning at 9 from St. Louis Church at 9:30 o'clock. Friends invited. Deceased was a member of B. R.

T. No. 758 and Switchmen's Union of North America, Lodge 214 NOWADLY -Andrew (Nawosiadly) of Eden suddenly, in this city, 31, 1952, beloved son of Theodore Barbara (nee Szmygyr); brother of Michael Leschuk, William, Stephen Merrill. Funeral from Slotiuk Funeral Home, 102 Amherst Wednesday morning at 9. o'clock and from Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church 10 o'clock.

Friends invited to attend. Burial in Holy Cross Cemetery. ceased was a member of Joseph Hriczko V. F. W.

Post 6245 and Providence Assn. Branch 159. 213 OAKES-Frederick M. Oakes of 292 berry June 1, 1952, beloved husband of Marthia Oakes, nee Kellner; brother of Lottie and Mabel Oakes of New City and the late Mrs. Mill Ready.

ices from Henry Wedekindt Sons neral Rome, 326 High Wednesday at 2 P. M. Friends invited. 213 OATES Leo E. Oates, June 1, 1952, 125 Shoshone beloved husband of Frances Oates (nee Cunningham); father of Leo John and Gary Oates; brother of Mary Mrs.

Florence Lamb, John and Joseph Oates. neral from the George J. Roberts neral Home, 2400 Main Thursday morning at 9 o'clock, and from St. of Lima Church at 9:30. Friends invited.

Deceased was a member Edward M. Daly Post No. 1130 American Legion, 40 8 Voiture Locale 51; 78th Division, Veterans Association of New York State, Employees Retiretirement System, and National Association of Retired, Civil Employees. 2t4 O'MALLEY-Sarah L. (nee Kilcoyne), this city, June 1, 1952, beloved wife the late Frank O'Malley; mother Mrs.

Vincent Masterson, Thomas Mrs. Daniel Hayes, Rev. John Genevieve O'Malley and the late O'Malley; sister of John Michael Kilcoyne, Mrs. Robert Aldrich, James Casey and the late Mrs. Daniels, Mrs.

Angela Kelley, Mary Aurelia (Sisters of Mercy), Anthony Kilcoyne. Funeral from L. Buchheit Funeral Home, 666 Thursday morning at 9:30 from St. Ambrose Church at 10 o'clock. Deceased was a member of Altar Rosary Society of Our Lady of Sacred Heart Church, Colden, N.

2t4 STONE ART MEMORIAL cO. Chester E. Rowley, Proprietor 914 RIDGE ROAD LACKAWANNA 18, N. Y. FA.

9278 Daily Including Sunday Wed. and Fri. Evenings Monuments--Markers--Mausoleums vegetables sold at lower prices on today. Tomatoes, spinach, greens, were weaker. The better grades of celery were in good demand at brought $1.50 for 8-qt.

baskets. and watermelons were offered at i weaker with cantaloupes, oranges firm for white, steady for others. Jumbo crates, 36-45s Standard crates 11.00-11.50 Ponly GRAPEFRUIT -Firm. white seedless, cr. va.

sizes Pink 5.00-6.50 Indian River 5.25-7.00 Ruby red 7.50-8.50 LEMONS-Weaker. crates of various sizes. Choice 7.25-8.00 ORANGES- -Firm. Navels, crts. of var.

sizes Valencia 5.00-8.25 crts. of various sizes 4.00-5.00 Intrinsic 5.50 PINEAPPLE Steady. Cuban, red Span. of 9-12 Puerto Rican, crates 26s 7.50 RHUBARB- Steady. H.

dozen bunches .75 STRAWBERRIES Weaker. crates of 24 quarts Few, best 8.00-9.00 -Weaker. Fla. Cannonball, 26-28-lb. 30-36-lb.

2.00-2.50 Black Diamond, 20-22 lbs. 1.50-2.00 28-32 lb. 2.00-2.50 MAPLE SYRUP-Weak. N. Y.

1-gallon tins Second run 3.50-3.75 Vegetables ARTICHOKES--Steady. crates ASPARAGUSFew H.G., crates Colossal of 12 1-lb. bchs. 3.25 00 Short and fine 1.75-2.00 N. crates of 12 bchs.

4.50-5.00 BEANS (Dry)-Firm. N.Y.S., per Red kidney Jumbo marrow 16.00-18.00 Pea beans 9.50-10.00 Idaho Great Northern 1400 BEANS- firm. wax, bu. hampers Green 5.00-6.00 Lima 4.50-5.50 Fava, bu. 3.00-3.25 BEETS-Weak.

So. crts. of 30-36 bunches. BROCCOLI--Steady. H.

8-qt. bskts. $1.50 crates of 28 bun. 8.50 CABBAGE- Weaker. Southern cabbage, 50-lb.

sacks Crates 3.50-4.00 CARROTS crts. of 6-doz. bunches Tex. and 50-lb. sacks 3.00-3 25 Crates of 40 1-lb.

cello wrapped 5.00-5.50 CAULIFLOWER -Weak. crates of 12 heads CELERY -Firmer. white celery, crates, 4-10 dozen Dwarf, doz. bunches 2.25-2.50 Singles 1.40-1.75 Pascal, 2-3 3 dozen 4.50-5.50 Small 5.50-6.00 pascal, crates CORN-Weak. crates of doz.

CUCUMBERS-Steady. bu. fancy Choice 3.75-4.50 Erie, H. cartons of 24, 2.35-2.50 Carton of 18, No. 1 2.00 -Steady.

bushels 3.50-3.75 HORSERADISH ROOT-Weak. Southern. 100-lb. sacks $23.00 LETTUCE Weaker. H.G., curly, 5-lb.

lugs Bushel crates 1.50 Boston, crates of 2 dozen 1.75-2.00 Romaine, crates of 24-30 1.25-1.50 N. Romaine, bu. 1.75-2.25 Iceberg, crates of 24 3.75-4.00 Western, Iceberg, crates of 4s 6.00-6.50 5s 5.50-6.00 MUSHROOMS Firm. N. Y.

pints .25 3-lb. baskets, special 1.50-1.75 1.25 ONIONS- -Weaker. NYS, green, doz. bunches. .60 Texas, Bermuda, 50-lb.

sacks 4.00-4.50 Few 5.00 Small 2.75-3.25 white, 50-lb. sacks 4.50-5.25 yellow, 50-lb. sacks 3.90-4.501 Boilers 3.00-3.25 red, 50-lb. sacks 5.50-6.50 Babosa 5.75-6.00 PARSLEY-Firm. H.

doz. bun. N. J. curly, doz.

1.25 PEAS--About steady. green, bushel PEPPERS--Firmer, Fla, (green), bu. (Wonders). Choice 3.50-4.50 100-lb. sacks, Size Ala.

5.84-6.19 Size 5.39 long white, size A. 100-lb. sacks. 6.08-6.30 RADISHES-Firmer. H.

doz. bunches .60 Fancy .75 SPINACH AND GREENS Weaker. H. Spinach, bushel greens. bu.

1.25-1.50 Turnip greens 1.00-1.25 Spinach, carton of 6-10-oz. pkgs. .90 Salad mix. 6 6-oz. packs .80 Swiss chard, doz.

bun. 1.50 Beet greens, bu. 1.00-1.25 Kohirabi, doz. bun. 1.25-1.50 SQUASH -Weak.

acorn, bu. Butternut 5.25-5.50 vellow. bu. 3.75-4.25 SWEET POTATOES-Firm. N.

J. red soil, kiln dried, bu. hamp. $3.00 Southern yams, 50-lb. crates .10.00 TOMATOES -Weaker.

Ohio, H.H., 8-lb. basket, med. 30-lb. lugs, 6x6 and 4.50-5.00 Repacked, 10-lb. tubes, 45 1.60-1.80 5s 1.40-1.50 8-lb.

baskets 1.60-1.75 10-lb. cartons 1.75-1.80 WATERCRESS H. crates, doz. bun. NEW YORK, June following quotations represent prices in sales ny commission merchants and original receivers in the downtown wholesale dis trict up to 8 A.

M. APPLES Hudson Valley, Eastern, box, U. S. No. 1, Romes, 3-in.

up, 4.25-4.50, 3.75-4.00. MUSHROOMS Hudson Valley, medtum, 4-qt. POTATOES- -Maine, Katahdins. U. S.

No. 1, 212-in. 50-lb. sack, 2.81-2.86. BUTTER--NEW YORK.

June 2 days, steady. 2 days, steady. Creamery higher than 92 score (AA) fresh 92 score (A) 90 score (B) CHICAGO, June 2 days, steady. 93 score (AA) 68 92 score (A) 90 score (B) 89 score (C) EGGS--NEW YORK, June 2 days, irregular. White: Fancy handyweights Medium 39 Browns: Fancy heavyweights Medium 39 Mixed Colors: Fancy, heavyweights Medium Nearby, white ex-fcy, heavywts.

Medium Brown: Extra heavyweight Medium CHEESE- NEW YORK. June 2 days, steady. Cheddars, cured, 1949-50 48 -56 Single daisies. Grass cured, 1949-50 49 Flat (grass) 1949-50 50 Domestic Swiss Grade A 60 -62 Processed, 5 lbs. HAY-BUFFALO, June weak.

Wholesale No. 2 timothy, per ton. No. 2 alfalfa, $28. Straw, 15.00.

New York (new) Small Large No. 1 No. 32.00-39.00 No. WN 27.00-29.00 Patents Issued BUFFALO EVENING NEWS Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON, June issued to the Buffalo-area applicants last week include: George H.

Harry, commodity package. John Macy, dispensing bottle stopper. Fred R. Sheldon, Buffalo, and Robert L. McEwen, Williamsville, assignors to Buffalo Electro-Chemical Co.

bleaching or brightening a web of mixed fibers. Aylmer H. Maude and D. S. Rosenberg, Niagara Falls, assignors to Hooker Electro-Chemical production of polychloroethenes.

Robert L. Wagner, Niagara Falls, signor, by Mesne Assignments, to Union Carbide Carbon thermochemical cutting and scarfing powder. Anton Rappl, Eggertsville, assignor to Trico Products windshield clearing system. Russell W. Taccone, Northeast, assignor to Taccone Pneumatic Foundry Equipment machine for blowing sand into molds.

Ralph A. Johnson, Port Allegany. assignor to Pittsburgh Corning nonsolvent adhesive. Trade-mark aplicant: Morrison Steel Products oil and gas burning space heaters. WOOL MARKET NEW YORK, June on wool top futures follow: Mrs.

Close July 187.0 186.5|196.0B serv- October 184.0 183.0 182.7B 10 December 182.0 180.6 185.6B March. 1953 180.5 179.0 179.0B May, 1953 178.0 178.0,177.0B '50 CHEV. 2-DR. Fleetline De luxe. dark gray, spotless, must be seen to be ciated.

$1395 MONTANA INC. MTRS. 369 NIAGARA MA 3188 Open Evenings MA. 6570 LAMONT WRAY MOTORS The Big CHRYSLER Dealer Offers '46 Luxe PLYMOUTH RAH. Special Real De Act quick transportation.

$695 '48 CHEVROLET Defroster, Styleline Seat Covers. Very sharp $995 CHRYSLER Windsor Drive, Gunmetal drey. $1295 '49 CHRYSLER Windsor Club owner. Really sharp. Coupe, $1595 '49 PLYMOUTH Special Stone De grey.

series Early $995 CHRYSLER New Yorker '49 Club Coupe, Early series $1295 '50 LINCOLN Cosmopolitan Hy dramatic, throughout Immaculate $2095 '50 DE Coupe, SOTO light De green Luxe finish, Club covers custom seat $1795 PONTIAC Chieftain '51 De Luxe Hy. and grey dramatic, 2-tone blue $2095 CHRYSLER Imperial '51 Torque Drive, Ask for demonstration $2795 24 Months to Pay LAMONT WRAY MOTORS 1196 MAIN ST. Open Nites THE LIGHT IS A GREEN LETS GO TO, DON ALLENS 6-'51 CHEVROLETS Club Some Powerglide-from $1395 3-'48 CHEVROLETS Convertibi 4-Doors-Coupes and $745 2-'50 PLYMOUTHS from 4-Doors-2-Doors- $1075 6-'50 CHEVROLETS from 4-Doors-2-Doors- $1095 2-'50 from Coupe and 6-'49 CHEVROLETS 4-Doors-from Coupes-2-Doors- $975 7-'47 CHEVROLETS 2-Doors-from Coupes-Sedans- $695 MORE TO CHOOSE FROM DON ALLEN'S The World's Largest Chevrolet Dealer 2700 MAIN ST. AT AMHERST UN. 3200 OPEN TILL 9 P.M.

"We Are Never Satisfied Until You A Are".

The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.