The Salt Lake Tribune from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)

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WeHnewIay Mornlng- Salt Eak Erlbunt March 26) 1911 News of the Mo George Bernard Shaw Comedy Receives Acclaim of Salt Lake Theatergoers vies Now Playing At Salt Lake I Movie Houses Utah Symphony Closes First Season With Brilliant Performance Gershwin Life Film May flave Garfield in Starring Role star aud authoritative performances were contributed by Dennis Hoeyyan admirable Colonel Pickering by Alice John as the understanding Mrs Higgins well aware of her failings and Margaret Moffatt as Mrs Pearce the frequently outraged housekeeper Others In the well selected cast were Eleanor Wilson Myrtle TannahilL Hayden Rorke iMortimer Weldon and Arthur Gllmour all contributing to making the most of the Shaw comedy Closing the 23-week tour of with the Salt Lk City presentation Mias Chatterton is to open shortly In a play Her Gently" written by a New York busbby George Donald Batson The ply Is to have Its tryout In Amarillo Texas or Saturday and fuguo from Weinberger's opera "Schwanda" Wheh William a member of the board of directors of the tymphony 1 orchestra stated In a curtain tpeech that Mr Henlot had been reengaged to conduct the orchestra during the 1 94142 season the audience registered Its approval with hearty applause Mr urged support of the campaign opening April 1 to assure backing for the orches-tra next season 4 the poignant momenta of the later scenes fully realized The aly i Shavian suggestion that heredity sometimes breaks through the finest veneer environment and training may create was Imparted subtly The part of Eliza la one to employ the fill range of the petite talents Miss Chatterton had surrounded herself with a very competent cast Richard portrayal of the dustman father Alfred Doolittle who decidedly prefers to remain among the but finds himself bound to a state of class at the end being one of the most amusing and winning for him a large quota of audience approval -In the leading role Henry Higgins the brusque professor so absorbed in the success of his experiment i that he Is not concerned with Its object Barry Thomson shared honors with the By Jimmie Fldler 1 HOLLYWOOD Look like John Garfield will be when Warners film the late life John's piano scene in won him the job Alice Faye is at a desert resort for three weeks lri leg of her three-month vacation Tony Moreno and so-social Valerie Whiting will be seeing a padre soon hear Barbara fam-ily is 50-50 for and her marriage to Cary Grant and that after the nuptials the Grants Will go east to smooth ruffled feathers i Cornelius Vanderbilt turns columnist next week for Click a national week- -ly Rita Hayworth has a new contract with a salary boost volunteered by Columbia For pal Hedy Lamarr and Reggie Gardner are seeing each other puh-lenty Remember he was her big throb be- fore Gene Markey beat hla time Marjorie Weaver la taking dancing-singing lessons to ready for a tour of army camps Reporters missed a laugh in Sam reply to David request for permission to make a navy film in and for England ahead cabled Goldwyn help by buying The Admiral Chrichton from Current Exhibits At Art Galleries I Art Barn Oils portraits and landscapes by A Warshawsky from California Palace of Legion of Honor San Francisco Art Salt Lake theater souvenir exhibition American Federation of Arts print collection abstract photography from- Museum of Modern Art Deseret gymnasium James Taylor Harwood memorial exhibition ZCMI Tiffin Works of Minerva Telchert Wyoming artist i Organ jRecital i Alexander Schreiner will be the organist for the regular noon recital af the tabernacle Wednesday He will play a program as follow: 'mend et Reponee Colvrtdxa-Tavlor mend at Raapona Colerldxe-Taylor Nlxhtlnxale Navln-8chrvtnar Favorite Mormo hymn "Aa the Pew From Heeven Piaulllnx" i Arr hr orrenlet An Old Melody Arr by orrenlet Tennheuaer March axner Attractions Opening Today Rialto young westerner Is the who breaks the The Utah State Symphony orchestra conducted by able hard working Hans Henlot concluded its first season a boastfully successful with a brilliant performance Tuesday night at Kingsbury hall of Beethoven's Emperor concerto featuring as guest soloist the gifted young California pianist Webster Altken 4 It was a fitting climax to a memorable season in i musical history Compelling and powerful on occasion Mr Aitken played the classic concerto No 5 in flat major with a depth of feeling and artistic expression Tall spare and almost Lincolnesque in appearance Mr Aitken was a mag net for eyes as he played with hit passionate interpretation Reveals Artistry Lovely rippling figures In' the opening movement of the concerto and chords of great vigor later in the work provided ample opportunity for Mr' Aitken to -demonstrate his artistry He created the impression of being a gifted artist rather than a faultless technician although his technique was superb His individuality shone through the entire work The concerto abounds In dramatic contrasts The orchestra was outstanding in support of Mr Aitken The guest artist was pbllged to take numerous curtain i calls before the enthusiastic audience Also outstanding on the final concert of the season was the orchestra's playing of Cesar Franck's majestic symphony In minor his one and only symphony The richly melodious theme was brought forth In all Its beauty by the talented Utah musicians Wagner Offering well knoWti overture to his opera Flying Dutchman" was the opening selection on the program The final selec-' lion was the colorful noisy polka Mmrca 2 KUTA become! Top leur Dial" etetton 070 kilocycle WXDNXSDAY MARCH 2S KUT "Sunrise tint! temperatofe news and muale by i the Sons of tbe Pioneers Us Texas Dona Star Cowboys 7 NBC Breakfast Club Dos Ms helll Josh Hixnns KU 1 international Neva Viennese ICneembla Alta Bulletin The Munroa drama Clark Dennis a Patty Health Club "MldstreamT" t'i ln(ernat(otisl News 0 Pro rrsm Pravlew NBC Andrtnl Continentals String Trio 1 0 BC National Farm and Homs Guest epaakera music by Waiter BltufUM tad Uu jiost rteeder HL Binkliii Washing-ton Ntwi Comment Back to tlio Farm ao4 hom*o Hour Hetweto tbo Book Ends wita TM Malone 11 Common Sene and BeotN AleaM I New tummry Easter Fashions Mrs Edna Woo) man Chase in terviewed by Me) a Underwood NBC fashion editor K' 7 Noonday Hast Wavs 12 Summary Newa KUTA Back to tbs Heat Wav i 1 urpnans of Divorce 1 Amend of Honeymoon HUi NBC Otbsr WUK Just Plain BUI 2 Mother of Mins 2 Club Matins NBC Talk by Lord Rsllfax News BU' latest news Pay's Pay Jill Sears With tbs Salon Serenade 3 Lenten Program 3 NBC Musical Soiree 3 34 KUTA Senator Thomas4 Letter 3 50 NBC Wsyn Van Dyne- 4 Ireens Wicker 4 Tbs Barton KUTA The Pet Comer 4 4 Tom Mis Straignt Shooters Ease Acsa dramatis sketch with Jan end Goodman Acs 1 NBC Mr Keen Tracer of Lost Pertoos Drama behind tbs nswa KUTA of Super Quls Kldn 30 Manhattan at Midnight drs- matl story Doc ton at 'Health th Workman 8 pin Will with Jimmy Flynn T-55 NBC UtMt Newt Butlwtlaa Author PltyhouM Colone) Wlilitm Wnd Dooovta rtvealini Informa-lion gained as emissary OfSscrs (err of th Navy International atwi Woody Herman's Orchestra Jnhnny Lonx's Orchestra 4 Frontlara 1 oo VBC Newa KUTA Monitor Newa 50-15 NBC Phil Harris Orchestra Richard Himbsr's Orchestra Newa it 4'nurk iter's Orchestra 1 "If Ton Please Professor" KUTA reminds you to I tune to 570 kilocycles March 20 1 i Pud AdvtitiMmeat) By XL Ilolli George Bernard Shaw Is Always George Bernard Shaw and the charming Ruth artistry of the theater Is unfailing When these are Joined one Is -guaranteed entertainment of a sort that satisfies possibly the Irish most delightful comedy as presented by Miss Chatterton and her company at tha Paramount theater Tuesday proved as highly enjoyable as this combination of Individual talent promised and crowded houses applauded their efforts wholeheartedly Written more than a quarter century ago is as freshly entertaining its satire as pungent as When It was first pre- -sented and Miss Chatterton gave full import to its subleties and Its high comedy Her forte Is comedy as one knows who remembers her In the delicious fun of the Out of the Kitchen" of her early stage days rather than in her many dramatic characterizations of the screen Her Eliza Doolittle the gsmtn flower the professor phonetics experiment transformed Into a lady through the magic was a finished portrayal her performance in the scene at Mrs tea a piece of exquisitely funny comedy and Snow-White Sonia On Black Icc HOLLYWOOD -Sonjm' Kent will skate on black Ice In her next movie The film to go into production thla months will present Its biggest skating number in three sections on a moving pattern-first with Sonja and her chorus In white on black Ice then in black costumes on white Ice and then with both Ice and costumes broken into white and black sections 1 The studio Is now to get the desired degree of blackening In the ice mi' LUNCH AND DINNER SPECIALS EVERY DAY: Top Slrlola SteekS0e Fried Scallop tS Liver sad Baeoa SOo Leri (12-os) T-Bone 9 Steak ROe Rialto with Guy Kibbee Carol Hughes and John Archer also with Kay Francis James Ellison and Nigel Bruce Lady with Barbara Stanwyck Henry Fonda Charles Cobum Eugene Paliette ahd Martha also Ends Our with Fredric Msrch Margaret Sullavan Erich von Stroheim and Anna Sten: alio I South Em! (Sugarhouse) of Destiny" with Anna Neagle and Aubrey Smith also Over New with Charlie Chan "The Lady In Question" with Rita Hayworth and Brian Aherne also Mystery- with Rslph Bellamy and Margaret Lindsay with Ginger Rogers Dennis Morgan and James Craig also with Charles Boyer Margaret Sullavan Richard Carlson Frank McHugh and Tim Holt Victory-" A Night at Earl with Ken Murray Lillian Cornell and Brenda and Coblna a lo of London" with Charles Laughton and Vivien Leigh Stripes" with George Raft Jane Bryan' and Humphrey Bogart also i Find with Kay Kyaer Ginny Simms Peter Larre and Boris Karloff Murray "No No Nanette" with Anna Neagle Roland Young and Richard Carlson also with Lao- Carrillo and Bruce Cabot Tower (Ninth South and Ninth East) wtth Wallace Beery and Leo Carrillo also Finger La ft Hand" with Myrna Lay and Malvyn Douglas Mario My with Claudette Colbert and Ray Milland also Rush with Ann Sothem and Virginia Weidler lake with obert Myrna Loy and Robert Taylor also a Wonderful With Claudette Colbert and James Stewart Closer to Work Joel McCrea Paramount star has bought a small ranch only 12 miles from Hollywood and now can go home each evening after work Heretofore he has lived on his cattle ranch 80 miles away and could only get home week ends Tall Actor Fred MacMurray Joel McCrea Garry Cooper and the other tall actors have to look down 'at Rod Cameron Th newly discovered Paramount actor la 6 feet 3 about the same height as the other three actors i mild Roland Young giving excellent support In a story of a young girl's hectic- romance with two lovers a swashbuckling saga of the high seas is the companion with Victor Mature Louise Platt Leo Carrillo and Bruce Cabot in the leading roles DIAL 5-5776 DAYS ONLY 2 GREAT PICTURES with Myras Loy and Robert Taylor AND a Wonderful Claadette James Stoart LOOK LADIES ioSrT GENUINE "CLASSIC PATRICIAN" TODAY AND TOMORROW A Larf 8lxe Dinner Plate Will Be Given FkEE te Sack Adult Indy Patron Attending Any performance After I i GET TOUR FREE PLATE rnmni LAST DAY to Mldntto rrrni LT-iir3 20 Gladlola Bulbs 10c too pockaxa of Henry Boo Groluwuo by Per-(tly Two oork of 10 fan Ptae Sox or aoerlel jinee rortetir both Ed re nod "Reified" petal type a a Marmot red te fcloem Mae mtera Inrlndra braetifal Ptrard 'sladiola Mail 10a wtth box lap at ape etai tampan (aa this ad to Parity Biaralt Ca Suit Lake Diana Barrymore la delaying coming here to cash in on her wow screen tests because she wants to remain near BramweU Fletcher NY stage star In final scenes of the British version of Deanna Durbin sings Always Be an in our version he sings You "I Wayne Morris and Pat Stewart are practically saying their Just heard that in be Edward Robinson who weds Dietrich and not the big sex type George Raft- Bells and Bells tor Jimmy Stewart for nixing plan to give him a gala farewell before he goes to training camp on grounds that It look like publicity Carole Landis for gifting her newlywed stand-in with a Florida honeymoon Abbott and CoateUo for gratitude shown when they secured a movie Job for Frank Penny a benefactor during their lean stage days Ne Bella to: Perc West-more makeup expert for his Liberty article exposing physical aulta of stars for whom worked Charlie Chaplin for asking a local theater manager to rerun the feature picture on the arrival and leaving In a huff when the manager refused individual up team of man-trappers by introducing real romance Nigel Bruce Margaret Hamilton Katharine Alexander George Huntley are of the cast Rollicking fun is chief ingredient of the companion offering in which Guy Kibbee enacts the role of Clarence Budlngton lovable homespun philosopher whose unselfish efforts to promote the welfare of his beloved a picture filled with aly wit and salty dialog and has Carol and John Archer as its romantic leads Trout as and Emma Dunn as the wife of Bainee are others important i Lake Myrna Loy and Robert Taylor are at their gayest and best In which opens at the Xake theater Wednesday a two-day run Based on the romantic story of a destitute fellow and a girl who has said she will make her way In the world without help their meeting and their lucky night which brings fortune to both tha story la a Cinderella tale to suit tha most exacting' But it goes further and they wake up from th dream of their lucky night Adjustment follows Just as funny and as human aa can be Another romantic comedy la the companion picture World" with Claudette Colbert and James Stewart in the top roles A beautiful -dinner plate will be presented to each lady patron after 5 on Thursday and Friday Mario Acclaimed as one of the most amusing and at tha same time ona of tha most moving of tha war pictures My Love comes to the Mario theater on Wednesday With Claudette Colbert in the role of a saucy young American newspaper woman bound the make a scoop by hook or crook and Ray Milland aa the daredevil aviator whom ahe rescues from death In a Spanish prison the story rushes -over Europe at the time of the beginning of the present war Filled with humor the picture nevertheless has moments of deep emotion and the tragedy of the war Is fully limned The second offering on the new Mario bill is Rush with Ann So them again In the role she has made famous and Virginia Weidler performing In her usual capable manner Murray Gay and refreshing as a spring breeze No Nanette" tops the bill opening at the Murray theater Wednesday Anna Neagle has the leading role with Richard Carlson Victor Mature ue iiirnnY! iiuntiY! TIMES TODAY- ACADEMY AWARD WINNER ea the BEST ACTRESS OF 184 Gin? OP ROGERS DENNIS MORGAN JAMES CRAIG SKO RADIO anrcSTLi wows tem uw Wimmm isasd I '-IT 1 HOTS FXlDAYf jUJjJLLlH 0M iL Marta Tedey -3 4:1 8:00 SrttA 10:18 mi I New Today Open pjn I JH He UrOAUWn eeeti ClAUDITTI COLBERT RAT MILLAND RUSH Ann Sothem Virginia Weidler 20a TUI 28a Aftorasm pnnmcE! X- -vS 'jc Musical Octet NewGrouj) Founded by Marlowe Nielson the John Marlowe Singers an octet formed of young artists of the city Is to make its public debut Sunday at 5:30 at South Eighteenth ward chapel Second avenue andvA atreet This group of four young men and four young women has been rehearsing under Mr guidance for several months and will present a new type of singing a style Introduced by the Amsterdam Chorus of New York and similar groups well known In the east The octet Is formed as follows: Myrtle Checketts Mrs Percy Clark Cleo Nya Mrs Clinton Dinwoodey Dean Mitchell David Seeg-miller Hulbert Keddington and Vaughan Bailey Mrs Vera Frey Besson will be the accompanist Mr Nielson who la a ton of Mrs Emma Nielson of Hinckley returned to Salt Lake City last fall after five years of study in New York st the Jullllard School of Music with Paul Relmer and at Columbia college He now has a teaching fellowship at the University of Utah in the music department During his years in the east he concertlzed In Connecticut the Mamaroneck country and elsewhere and also appeared on the air frequently singing with the Milton Berle program II yf AJfitilTI Mil WhiNadiA MARCH 2S Th Carter Family S15 K8L Cowboy slim Pop Stover's masks X8 Patsy Montana sons Early edition KSL World coverage news KSL Varisty program "Mnstcai Clock" Wally Breakfast Nswa Lsntea Madltationa KBL--Lend an Ear American School of the Air Worm Cuvsraxa nswa "Thronsb Um Wssk with Linds Las" Living Electrically" "Betty Crocker" Xa Smith epeaka "When a Girl Marries" -Romance of Helen Treat" -Our 01 Sunday" -Life Can Be Beautiful" -Woman In WUHa" -The Rlxht to World cove race aewa Noon CBS Blx Sister Aunt Jenny Stories 12:30 CB8 Fletcher Wiley nhUosophfeai views "home of the Brava" 1 Martha Webster Oolden Treasury of Sons with Victor Bay and his orchestra Frank Parker tenor and David Rosa Koto Hopkins an (el mercy Wemaa or Courses Portia Faces Lira Mvrt and Marxa CBS Hilltop Jo Hooss Johnson stepmother 1 3 Line" -Wa the Abbott with Bess Knox Mannlnx Nee Scatterxood Balne 4 Tounx Dr Malone CBS Hedda Hopper Hollywood Joyce Jordan Girl Interna CBS Special Ed Murrow broadcast from London "Btonr Tallinn Time" Jack Arms Irons the SIP American Boy Tbt Bonn of Barry Clarks IntemtHontl New A 3:55 KSL Hllltee in Sports and Base-ball Scores with Jack JDavl Cfaurcfc Cfcrtnt BiM SUlLW Round TtMt Dtoeuaftoo f3Q CBfl "tr CAniuu tUfTtai Jew HrtholL Elmer Dene and the Newa 7 Howard sod Shelton Talk on th 'Why" sf 9 KSL Frequency Chanya Notes and 7 atamnt Ed- ward Robinaoa and Ona Mua- ton 8 Glenn Miner's orchestra World Cover xe Nswa 8:30 Mr Meek" Amos n' Andy iAnnv Roe tenor Sunnyvale Folks Bob Trout and the newa CBS The Star Theater with Fred Allen Kenny Baker Portland Haffa the "workshop players Jimmy Walllnxtoa Lerrv El 1 lot and Al Goodman's orchestra Rod Review pf World News Nixhteap Tarna 11 Carl orchestra Columbia Mastarwerk 1 of Musie A Manny Btrand'a orchestra News 1 Goodnlxht (Paid Advertisem*nt) USTEN IN OlTR own RADIO PROGRAM KDYL WED II A SAT 10:30 A Presenting Kay Francis In the role of a fascinating adventuress a glamorous woman the world who auddenly realizes her youth is slipping away comes to tha Rialto theater Wednesday heading a new bill In its first showing When the reckless woman who has lived lavishly through her unscrupulous charming of wealthy men to pry money out of them finds that -fading beauty is cramping her technique she takes under her wing a young girl to groom her forvthe dangerous art of man-bi The other party in this bizarre partnership in Mildred Coles and James Ellison- as a virile iKDXL la 1280 Tour Dil WEDNESDAY MARCH 2S Miss "For Hoasewlves Only this mornlnx st KDYL KLiYL Dads Ranch Tour Favorite Hymn Rkytamle Revo KDYL World-Wide Newa Reports of Trans radio Uaitsd Prase Must on Parade Last Call to Broakfaet with mie World Coverage Newa Timely Tip Man 1 Married drama Against the Storm drama :30 BG Road to Lifa drama NBC David Hamm drama Spring Clean-op pros: "Hers Wa Go Voice of Experience 10:43 KDYL Edition of World Coverage Newa Little Musical Show For House wtvee Only Club with Emerson Smith 11:30 Refreshment Tima With dingin' Sam Yo our Own Dr Kata Noon NBC Your Favnrltea Llxfat of tb World th Myetery Man Valiant Lady and Arnold Grimm's Daughter 1 On boar with Mary Msrttn Ma Parkins Pepper Yeung's Fans lly Vie and Sad 1-00 Btortee of Beckatago and Stella Dellaa 1:30 NBC 8 mile With Lorenso Young Widder Brown Story of Girl A Iona Lon Journey drams The Guldms Light Life Can Be Beautiful 4 KDYL Musical Siesta Wond Coverage News ef Tran radio United Presa KDYL Musical Varieties Fifteen minutee of Tnd Wartnx's Pleasure Tima NBC New room of the Air KDYL Waits Muele NBC Prank Blngman edits tha latest news of the world 6:00 KDTL Evening Melodist American Collet of Bur If eon i guest speaker KDYL East Hixh direction of LU1 Bradford 6 :4 worta covarar utwt 7 Mr Motorlat -KDTL and tha Pollea DopartmMt praaaot caw Mfttjr faatura Paul Martin's Musie Cavalcsd or A A drams basod on th III of Harman Melville author of "Moby Dirk" Key Kyaer and his Kollex move Into Fort Lewis Washington for tonight's show Songs by Tony Martin "How hid You true stories of romance Plantation Party with Whiter Ford th Dak of Paducah musical variaty program Tims to Bmli with Eddie Cantor Tito Gutiar Hattls He Daniel Dinah Shore Olive Maior Harry Von Zell NBC Mr Diet net Attorney Tbe Cruaade Against Crime World Wide News Report of frensradm United Press JROKav Mayfield singer Richard Himber's Musts Phil Harris' orchestra a Dance orchestra 12:30 NBC Ruse znusle Nrt As-Iesd rrs Nswa 1 KDTL bids yon good night until a as Thursday Paid Advertisem*nt sf tniNMf I MM A Cl mMT STARTS TOMORROW CAROLE LOMBARD ROBERT MONTGOMERY MARKET 232 East 4tS South Oiel 62173 MONDAYS Tkr FRIDAYS IDYL 11:30 A i aiataat KmtIM KOU COFFEt and Mrs 'v An A dS-- wyt1 1 4H iOhaa '1 4.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.